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Poziv na predavanje Stane Božičnika i Tomislava Letnika, 26. veljače 2015. u 11 sati u dvorani 0-20 Elektrotehničkog fakulteta u Osijeku, Kneza Trpimira 2b.

Datum objave: 24.02.2015. | Objavi(o)/la: Snježana Rimac-Drlje
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Na Elektrotehničkom fakultetu u Osijeku, 26. veljače 2015. u 11 sati u dvorani  0-20 Stane Božičnik i Tomislav Letnik, s Tehnološkog Ekonomskog Centra (TEC) Sveučilišta Maribor, održat će predavanje na temu:

Dugogodišnja iskustva u pripremi i realizaciji brojnih međunarodnih EU i nacionalnih istraživačkih projekata.

The Transport Economics Centre (TEC) is a research centre within the Faculty of Civil Engineering at the University of Maribor, Slovenia. TEC conducts international, national and regional scientific and R&D projects in the field of transport, carries out studies and provides expert opinions for different institutions, companies and other clients. Its main research fields:

−     Transportation economics,

−     Logistics,

−     Transportation technologies,

−     Transport and environment,

−     Transport policy

−     Transportation planning & development.

TEC has experiences in international collaborative research and has carried out several successful EU projects:


−     HYPSTAIR (2013-2016) – Development and validation of the hybrid propulsion system components and sub-systems for electrical aircraft (FP7)

−     CO-EFFICIENT (2013-2015) – Collaborative framework for energy efficient SME systems (Programme Mediterran)

−     FUTUREMED (2012–2015) - Freight and passengers sUpporting infomobiliTy systems for a sUstainable impRovEment of the competitiveness of port-hinterland systems of the MED area (MED Programme)

−     BESTFACT (2012-2015) Best Practice Factory for Freight Transport (FP7)

−     TransNEW (2010-2011) - Support for realising New Member and Associated States' potentials in transport research (FP7)

−     B2B LOCO (2009-2011) - Baltic - To - Balkan Network for Logistics Competence, FP7

−     KASSETTS (2008-2011) - Knowledge-enabled Access of Central Europe SMEs to Efficient Transnational Transport Solutions, Central Europe Programme

−     CASTLE (2008-2011) – Cooperation Among SMEs Toward Logistic Excellence, Interreg IV c Programme

−     KOMODA (2008 – 2010), Co-modality - towards optimised integrated chains in freight transport logistics, FP7

Stane Božičnik, PhD

Dr. STANE BOŽIČNIK, associate professor (1951) is head of the Transport Economics Centre. He has been lecturing at the University of Maribor, Faculty of Civil Engineering, since 2000. He currently holds courses in Logistics, Transport Economics and Transport Systems. Before entering academia, he consecutively served as a member of several management boards of the biggest Slovenian manufacturing companies (machine building, automotive industry). During his academic career, he has been involved in a number of EU and national research projects in the field of Traffic, Logistics, Economics, International marketing, Ecology, and System theory and practice. His bibliography consists of more than 250 titles.


Tomislav Letnik

Tomislav Letnik (1979) has been project manager at the Transport Economics Centre since 2005. His work involves management of several European and national projects in the field of logistics and transport economics. Among others, he has collaborated on EU projects such as: HYPSTAIR, CO-EFFICIENT, BESTFACT, FUTUREMED, TransNEW, KASSETTS, CASTLE, KOMODA, RECODRIVE, BESTUFS, DIFFERENT, B2B LOCO, TREMOVE, etc. Since 2010 he is also assistant and lecturer at the University of Maribor, supporting and holding courses of logistics, transport economics, investments decisions and system theory. He has Bachelor of Science degree in transport engineering and is currently enrolled in a PhD programme of transport engineering at the University of Maribor.

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