Fakultet elektrotehnike, računarstva i informacijskih tehnologija Osijek ima dugogodišnju suradnju s brojnim fakultetima, visokim školama i institutima u zemlji i inozemstvu. Suradnja se odvija razmjenom i gostovanjem nastavnika, znanstvenim usavršavanjem istraživača, provođenjem istraživanja u svrhu izrade završnoga i diplomskoga rada te doktorske disertacije. Nadalje, odvija se obavljanjem studentske prakse, pohađanjem jezičnih tečajeva, sudjelovanjem u istraživačkim projektima te brojnim drugim aktivnostima.
Važnu okosnicu rasta i razvoja Fakulteta predstavljaju znanstvene i istraživačke aktivnosti koje se provode u okviru međunarodnih konzorcija i projekata, a kroz koje etablirane istraživačke grupe uspješno provode znanstvena istraživanja. Svrha navedenih projekata je prvenstveno znanstveno-istraživački rad, mobilnost znanstveno-nastavnog osoblja te umrežavanje u europski i općenito međunarodni istraživački prostor. Radi se o projektima koji su se provodili ili se provode u okviru programa Horizon 2020, IPA i Interreg Prekograničnog programa Mađarska-Hrvatska, Interreg IPA Programa prekogranične suradnje Hrvatska-Srbija, Programa Erasmus + Ključna aktivnost 2 - Suradnja za inovacije i razmjenu dobre prakse, u okviru Sedmog okvirnog programa (FP-7) Europske unije i sl.
Od početka devedesetih godina prošlog stoljeća do danas, Fakultet elektrotehnike, računarstva i informacijskih tehnologija Osijek ostvario je intenzivniju suradnju s nizom znanstveno-nastavnih institucija iz Austrije, Njemačke, Mađarske, Slovačke, Švedske i drugih zemalja. Neke su od tih institucija sljedeće:
Rbr. | Država i grad | Visokoškolska ustanova | Područje (subject area) | Istek valjanosti ugovora | Erasmus kod |
1 | Austrija, Beč | Technische Universitat Wien | Electronics and Automation | 2024. | A WIEN02 |
2 | Austrija, Graz | CAMPUS02 Graz, University of Applied Sciences | Electronics and automation, Mechanical engineering | 2024. | A GRAZ10 |
3 | Austrija, Klagenfurt | Alpen Adria Universität Klagenfurt | ICT/Engineering | 2024. | A KLAGENF01 |
4 | Bugarska, Gabrovo | Technical University of Gabrovo | ICTs, Electricity and energy, Electronics and automation | 2028. | BG GABROVO01 |
5 | Bugarska, Ruse | Angel Kanchev University of Ruse | ICTs, Electricity and energy, Electronics and automation | 2028. | BG ROUSSE01 |
6 | Bugarska, Sofija | Technical University Sofia | ICTs, Electricity and energy, Electronics and automation | 2024. | BG SOFIA16 |
7 | Bugarska, Varna | Technical University of Varna | ICTs | 2028. | BG VARNA02 |
8 | Bugarska, Varna | Technical University of Varna | Engineering and engineering trades | 2028. | BG VARNA02 |
9 | Francuska, Saint-Barthelemy-d'Anjou | ESAIP Graduate School of Engineering | Engineering and engineering trades | 2028. | F ANJOU02 |
10 | Francuska, Belfort Cedex | Université de technologie de Belfort-Montbeliard | ICTs | 2024. | F BELFORT06 |
11 | Francuska, Belfort | Université de technologie de Belfort-Montbeliard | Engineering and engineering trades | 2024. | F BELFORT06 |
12 | Francuska, Nancy | University of Lorraine | ICTs | 2027. | F NANCY43 |
13 | Francuska, Pariz | Telecom Paris Tech | ICTs, Electronics and automation | 2027. | F PARIS083 |
14 | Grčka, Lamia | Technologiko Ekpaideftiko Idryma (TEI) of Sterea Ellada | Engineering and engineering trades | 2024. | G LAMIA04 |
15 | Italija, L'Aquila | University of L'Aquila | ICTs | 2028. | I L-AQUIL01 |
16 | Italija, Napulj | Università Telematica Pegaso | Database and network design and administration, Engineering and engineering trades | 2028. | I NAPOLI11 |
17 | Latvija, Riga | Latvian Business College | ICTs | 2024. | LV RIGA54 |
18 | Latvija, Jelgava | Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies | ICTs, Electronics and automation | 2028. | LV JELGAVA01 |
19 | Litva, Kaunas | Vytautas Magnus University / Vytauto Didziojo Universitetas | Engineering and engineering trades | 2028. | LT KAUNAS01 |
20 | Litva, Kaunas | Kaunas University of Technology | ICT | 2024. | LT KAUNAS02 |
21 | Litva, Kaunas | Kaunas University of Technology | Electricity and energy, Electronics and automation | 2024. | LT KAUNAS02 |
22 | Litva, Klaipeda | Lithuania Business University of Applied Sciences | ICT | 2024. | LT KLAIPED07 |
23 | Mađarska, Budimpešta | Óbuda University | ICTs, Engineering and engineering trades | 2028. | HU BUDAPES16 |
24 | Mađarska, Budimpešta | Budapest Metropolitan University | ICT, Engineering | 2024. | HU BUDAPES45 |
25 | Mađarska, Kečkemet | John von Neumann University | ICTs | 2028. | HU KECSKEM03 |
26 | Mađarska, Pečuh | University of Pecs | Mechanics and metal work | 2024. | HU PECS01 |
27 | Mađarska, Pečuh | University of Pecs | Electricity and energy | 2024. | HU PECS01 |
28 | Njemačka, Albstadt i Sigmaringen | Hochschule Albstadt-Sigmaringen | Engineering | 2024. | D SIGMARI01 |
29 | Njemačka, Bremen | Hochschule Bremen | ICTs, Engineering | 2024. | D BREMEN04 |
30 | Njemačka, Deggendorf | Deggendorf Institute of Technology - Technische Hochschule Deggendorf | ICTs | 2024. | D DEGGEND01 |
31 | Njemačka, Deggendorf | Deggendorf Institute of Technology - Technische Hochschule Deggendorf | Engineering | 2024. | D DEGGEND01 |
Njemačka, Hamm | HOCHSCHULE HAMM-LIPPSTADT | ICT | 2029. | D HAMM01 | |
32 | Njemačka, Rosenheim | Rosenheim Technical University of Applied Sciences / Technische Hochschule Rosenheim | Engineering and engineering trades | 2028. | D ROSENHE01 |
33 | Njemačka, Saarbrucken | Universitat des Saarlandes | ICTs | 2027. | D SAARBRU01 |
34 | Njemačka, Wurzburg | Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften | Electronics and automation | 2024. | D WURZBUR03 |
35 | Poljska, Bydgoszcz | University of Technology and Life Sciences | Engineering, manufacturing and construction | 2024. | PL BYDGOSZ02 |
36 | Poljska, Bydgoszcz | Kujawy and Pomorze University in Bydgoszcz | Computer sciences | 2024. | PL BYDGOSZ08 |
37 | Poljska, Kielce | Kielce University of Technology | ICTs | 2024. | PL KIELCE01 |
38 | Poljska, Krakov | Jagiellonian University | ICTs | 2028. | PL KRAKOW01 |
39 | Poljska, Krakov | Cracow University of Technology | ICTs | 2027. | PL KRAKOW03 |
40 | Poljska, Krakov | AGH University of Science and Technology | Engineering and engineering trades | 2028. | PL KRAKOW02 |
41 | Poljska, Legnica | Witelon State University of Applied Sciences | ICTs | 2028. | PL LEGNICA01 |
42 | Poljska, Łódź | Lodz University of Technology | ICTs, Electricity and energy | 2028. | PL LODZ02 |
43 | Poljska, Lomza | Lomza State University of Applied Sciences | Computer science and automation | 2024. | PL LOMZA03 |
44 | Poljska, Lublin | Lublin University of Technology | Electronics and automation/Mechatronics, ICTs, Electricity and energy | 2024. | PL LUBLIN03 |
45 | Poljska, Lublin | Lublin University of Technology (Politechnika Lubelska) | ICTs, Engineering, manufacturing and construction | 2027. | PL LUBLIN03 |
46 | Poljska, Nysa | University of Applied Sciences in Nysa / Państwowa Akademia Nauk Stosowanych w Nysie | ICTs | 2028. | PL NYSA01 |
47 | Poljska, Nysa | University of Applied Sciences in Nysa / Państwowa Akademia Nauk Stosowanych w Nysie | Engineering and engineering trades | 2028. | PL NYSA01 |
48 | Poljska, Poznan | Poznan University of Technology | Engineering and engineering trades | 2024. | PL POZNAN02 |
49 | Poljska, Poznan | Wyzsza Szkola Logistyki z Siedziba w Poznaniu | Engineering and engineering trades | 2028. | PL POZNAN22 |
50 | Poljska, Rzeszów | Rzeszow University of Technology | Computer use, Electronics and automation | 2028. | PL RZESZOW01 |
51 | Poljska, Rzeszów | Rzeszow University of Technology | ICTs | 2028. | PL RZESZOW01 |
52 | Poljska, Varšava | Wyzsza Szkola Informatyki Stosowanej i Zarzadzania | ICTs | 2027. | PL WARSZAW46 |
53 | Portugal, Beja | Polytechnic Institute of Beja | ICTs | 2028. | P BEJA01 |
54 | Portugal, Braganca | Polytechnic Institute of Bragança | ICTs (Computing) | 2028. | P BRAGANC01 |
55 | Portugal, Braganca | Polytechnic Institute of Bragança | Engineering and engineering trades (Power engineering) | 2028. | P BRAGANC01 |
56 | Portugal, Braganca | Polytechnic Institute of Bragança | Electricity and energy | 2028. | P BRAGANC01 |
57 | Portugal, Castelo Branco | Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco | Engineering and technology | 2024. | P CASTELO01 |
58 | Portugal, Portalegre | Polytechnic Institute of Portalegre | Computer engineering | 2027. | P PORTALE01 |
59 | Portugal, Porto | Instituto Politécnico de Porto | Electrical engineering | 2027. | P PORTO05 |
60 | Portugal, Porto | Universidade Lusofona do Porto | ICTs | 2029. | P LISBOA52 |
61 | Portugal, Santarém | Polytechnic Institute of Santarém | ICT | 2029. | P SANTARE01 |
62 | Rumunjska, Alba Iulia | "1 Decembrie 1918" University of Alba Iulia | Electronics and automation | 2028. | RO ALBAIU01 |
63 | Rumunjska, Bukurešt | University Politehnica of Bucharest (UPB) | Electronics and automation, Electricity and energy, ICTs | 2024. | RO BUCURES11 |
64 | Rumunjska, Suceava | University Stefan cel Mare Suceava | Electronics and automation | 2024. | RO SUCEAVA01 |
65 | Rumunjska, Galati | Universitatea Dunarea de Jos din Galati | Electricity and Energy, ICT | 2028. | RO GALATI01 |
66 | Sj. Makedonija, Ohrid | University of Information Science and Technology "Saint Paul the Apostle" Ohrid | ICT | 2027. | MK OHRID01 |
67 | Sj. Makedonija, Skoplje | International Balkan University | Computer engineering | 2027. | MK SKOPJE04 |
68 | Sj. Makedonija, Skoplje | International Slavic University “Gavrilo Romanovich Derzhavin” | Computer use | 2028. | MK SKOPJE19 |
69 | Sj. Makedonija, Skoplje | International Slavic University “Gavrilo Romanovich Derzhavin” | Software and applications development and analysis | 2028. | MK SKOPJE19 |
70 | Sj. Makedonija, Skoplje | Military academy 'General Mihailo Apostolski' - Skopje | Engineering and engineering trades, Administration | 2024. | MK SKOPJE20 |
71 | Sj. Makedonija, Štip | Goce Delcev University | ICTs | 2028. | MK STIP01 |
72 | Sj. Makedonija, Štip | Goce Delcev University | Computer science | 2028. | MK STIP01 |
73 | Sj. Makedonija, Štip | Goce Delcev University | Electricity and energy | 2024. | MK STIP01 |
74 | Sj. Makedonija, Štip | Goce Delcev University | Electronics and automation | 2024. | MK STIP01 |
75 | Sj. Makedonija, Struga | International University of Struga | ICTs | 2027. | MK STRUGA01 |
76 | Sj. Makedonija, Tetovo | South East European University | ICTs | 2027. | MK TETOVO02 |
77 | Slovačka, Bratislava | Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava | Engineering and engineering trades, Manufacturing and processing | 2028. | SK BRATISL01 |
78 | Slovačka, Košice | Technical University of Kosice | ICTs | 2024. | SK KOSICE03 |
79 | Slovačka, Košice | Technical University of Kosice | Engineering and engineering trades | 2024. | SK KOSICE03 |
80 | Slovačka, Nitra | Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra | ICTs | 2024. | SK NITRA02 |
81 | Slovačka, Žilina | University of Zilina | ICTs | 2024. | SK ZILINA01 |
82 | Slovenija, Koper | University of Primorska | Computer science | 2024. | SI KOPER03 |
83 | Slovenija, Ljubljana | Jožef Stefan International Postgraduate School | ICTs | 2024. | SI LJUBLJA08 |
84 | Slovenija, Maribor | University of Maribor | Electricity and energy | 2028. | SI MARIBOR01 |
85 | Slovenija, Maribor | University of Maribor | Engineering, manufacturing and construction | 2024. | SI MARIBOR01 |
86 | Slovenija, Maribor | University of Maribor | Engineering and engineering trades | 2028. | SI MARIBOR01 |
87 | Srbija, Beograd | Akademija tehničkoumetničkih strukovnih studija Beograd / Academy of Technical and Art Applied Studies Belgrade |
Engineering and engineering trades | 2028. | RS BELGRAD25 |
88 | Srbija, Kragujevac | University of Kragujevac | Engineering and engineering trades | 2028. | RS KRAGUJE01 |
89 | Srbija, Niš | University of Niš | Engineering and engineering trades | 2024. | RS NIS01 |
90 | Srbija, Niš | University of Niš | ICT | 2024. | RS NIS01 |
91 | Srbija, Niš | University of Niš | Computer science | 2024. | RS NIS01 |
92 | Srbija, Niš | University of Niš | Electrical engineering | 2024. | RS NIS01 |
93 | Srbija, Novi Pazar | University of Novi Pazar | Computer engineering | 2024. | RS NOVIPAZ01 |
94 | Srbija, Novi Sad | University of Novi Sad | Engineering and engineering trades | 2024. | RS NOVISAD02 |
95 | Srbija, Novi Sad | University of Novi Sad | ICT | 2024. | RS NOVISAD02 |
96 | Srbija, Srijemska Kamenica | Educons University | ICTs | 2028. | RS NOVISAD04 |
97 | Španjolska, Barcelona | Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) | Engineering | 2027. | E BARCELO03 |
98 | Španjolska, Granada | University of Granada, Faculty of Education, Economy and Technology in Ceuta | Mathematics, Informatics | 2027. | E GRANADA01 |
99 | Španjolska, Madrid | Universidad a Distancia de Madrid | Computer science | 2024. | E MADRID160 |
100 | Švedska, Trollhattan | Hogskolan Vast | Electronics and automation, Electricity and energy, Database and network design and administration, Software and applications development and analysis | 2028. | S TROLLHA01 |
101 | Švedska, Vasteras | Mälardalen University | Computer science | 2028. | S VASTERA01 |
102 | Švedska, Vasteras | Mälardalen University | Electronics and automation | 2028. | S VASTERA01 |
103 | Švedska, Uppsala | Uppsala Universitet | Electricity and energy | 2028. | S UPPSALA01 |
104 | Turska, Aksaray | Aksaray University | ICTs, Electronics and automation, Electricity and energy | 2028. | TR AKSARAY01 |
105 | Turska, Burdur | Mehmet Akif Ersoy University | Electricity and energy | 2028. | TR BURDUR01 |
106 | Turska, Çorum | Hitit University | Electrical engineering | 2024. | TR CORUM01 |
107 | Turska, Düzce | Duzce University | Informatics, Computer science | 2024. | TR DUZCE01 |
108 | Turska, Isparta | Isparta University of Applied Sciences | Electrical engineering | 2024. | TR ISPARTA02 |
109 | Turska, Istanbul | Istanbul Medeniyet University | Computer use | 2024. | TR ISTANBU48 |
110 | Turska, Izmir | Ýzmir Institute of Technology | ICTs, Engineering and engineering trades | 2027. | TR IZMIR03 |
111 | Turska, Kahramanmaras | Kahramanmaras Istiklal University | Computer use | 2027. | TR KAHRAMA02 |
112 | Turska, Konya | Konya University of Technology | ICT, Engineering | 2029. | TR KONYA05 |
Popis inozemnih partnerskih sveučilišta i Erasmus + međuinstitucionalnih ugovora dostupan je na
Posebno mjesto u suradnji zauzima Fakultet strojarstva i računarstva u Mostaru s kojim je razvijena vrlo intenzivna suradnja na razini preddiplomskih, diplomskih te posebno poslijediplomskih doktorskih studija.
2008. godine potpisan je okvirni sporazum o suradnji između Mälardalen University Västeras u Švedskoj i Elektrotehničkog fakulteta u Osijeku koji je rezultirao intenzivnom mobilnošću studenata i nastavnika te zajedničkim izvođenjem nastave i suradnjom na znanstvenim projektima.
Jedan od oblika međunarodne suradnje nastao je sudjelovanjem naše zemlje kao članice grupe Alpe-Adria. Suradnjom je omogućeno gostovanje suradnika i studenata na fakultetima u zemljama te grupe. Studenti su uključeni u međunarodnu suradnju fakulteta pohađanjem nastave nekih kolegija, obavljanjem praktičnoga dijela nastave, izradom diplomskih radova, pohađanjem tečajeva i ostalim oblicima suradnje.
Mobilnost omogućuje i studentska udruga IAESTE.
Prodekan za međunarodnu suradnju: Izv. prof. dr. sc. Emmanuel-Karlo Nyarko
Mirela Glavaš
Telefon: 031 - 224-700
Tihana Vajnand
e-mail: tihana.vajnand@ferit.hr
Telefon: 031 - 224-660
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