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 Objave - Znanost i suradnja  

Smart Grid Congress

Datum objave: 23.12.2019. | Objavi(o)/la: Damir Šljivac
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Smart Grid Congress is a three-day student and young professionals congress, which was held from December 6 to December 9, 2019, in Osijek. The aim of the congress is to connect students of technical faculties, thus establishing a network across Croatia, but also from a wider area, which will facilitate the exchange of experience and knowledge between future and present engineers. As part of the congress, prof. Dr. Damir Šljivac gave a presentation about the  Renewable Energy Sources for smart s

Smart Grid Congress is a three-day student and young professionals congress, which was held from December 6 to December 9, 2019, in Osijek. The aim of the congress is to connect students of technical faculties, thus establishing a network across Croatia, but also from a wider area, which will facilitate the exchange of experience and knowledge between future and present engineers.

As part of the congress, prof. Dr. Damir Šljivac gave a presentation about the Renewable Energy Sources for smart sustainable health Centers, University Education and other public buildings – RESCUE project. After presenting the RESCUE project partners and project goal, prof. Dr. Damir Sljivac briefly introduced FERIT, as well as his role in the project. In addition, he presented the renewable energy systems, which will be installed on the public buildings, as well as about building energy management systems, which together will contribute to improving the energy efficiency of buildings.

The presentation can be found in the DOWNLOAD section.

More info:

Kneza Trpimira 2B, HR-31000 Osijek | Cara Hadrijana 10b, HR-31000 Osijek Tel: +385 (0) 31 224-600 | Fax: +385 (0) 31 224-605

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