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 Objave - Studenti  

Winter School for Female Leadership in the Digital Age

Datum objave: 03.01.2022. | Objavi(o)/la: Centar za razvoj karijera FERIT
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Dear professors and Seeds Alumni,


Following the extraordinary success of the Seeds for the Future’s Summer School for Female Leadership in the Digital Age, we are proud to share with you that the next edition of this initiative, a Winter one, will take place in Nice (France) between 21 and 25 February 2022:


The best candidates, one per each EU Member State, will be selected by the independent Jury to participate with all expenses covered. Applications opened on a soft launch on 1 December, but the key phase of the recruitment campaign has started this week and will last until the closing of applications on 3 January 2022. The system has already registered applications coming from all EU Member States and we see an upward trend. To engage more female future leaders from Croatia, hereby we kindly ask for your help. Please feel free to share this news to your female colleagues and friends, of course, all of our Seeds female alumni are more than welcome to apply!


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