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Postdoc position vacancy in the field of energy planning at University of Zagreb, Croatia

Datum objave: 28.05.2020. | Objavi(o)/la: Centar za razvoj karijera FERIT
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We are looking for excellent candidates for a Postdoc position vacancy in our group at UNIZAG FSB, Department of Energy, Power and Environmental Engineering, Power Engineering and Energy Management Chair.

It is a 2 years long contract on a research project "Investigating energy transition pathways - interrelation between power-to-X, demand response and market coupling" (INTERENERGY) - coordinated by me.

To learn more about the job and how to apply, follow this link.

INTERENERGY is a research project funded by Croatian Science Foundation. The key question which is addressed is the balanced integration of different power-to-X and demand response technologies, determining their optimal mix and avoiding unnecessary technological lock-ins. In order to achieve this, new modules will be created to model the behaviour of power-to-X and demand response technologies. Also, emerging markets for such technologies will be elaborated as well as business models for their integration. This is an important step in the digitalization of the energy system and employing the synergies in order to decarbonize multiple sectors in the transition from fossil-based and centralized production, with high GHG emissions, to low-carbon systems based on variable and distributed renewable energy, pass through different phases of transformation.



Kneza Trpimira 2B, HR-31000 Osijek | Cara Hadrijana 10b, HR-31000 Osijek Tel: +385 (0) 31 224-600 | Fax: +385 (0) 31 224-605

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