Poštovani studenti, ukoliko postoji interes studenata svih razina studija i poslijedoktoranata (do 35 godina starosti) za ukljucivanjem u ovo medjunarodno natjecanje, prosljeđujem Vam dopis u cijelosti:
Dear colleagues,
We are pleased to inform you that despite the current conditions prevailing
in the world relating to the spread of COVID-19, the decision has been made
to hold the XVI International Forum-contest of students and young scientists
"Topical Issues of Rational Use of Natural Resources".
The Forum will be held on June 17-19, 2020 in a fundamentally new video
conference format using the Cisco WebEx.
The platform allows up to 3000 participants from anywhere in the world to
make a live presentation, listeners _ to ask both live questions and in text
message format.
The participants will need a minimum set of equipment: a computer (laptop)
with a camera and a microphone and Internet access. All participants will be
provided with the necessary technical support and links to the
The Forum-contest covers 10 research areas (Appendix). Annually, the
Forum-contest is attended by more than 400 participants from the
universities and companies of 30 countries. The jury members are leading
scientists and specialists from Russian and foreign universities and
Graduate students, post-graduate students and young scientists up to 35
years of age without a PhD degree with a level of English proficiency not
lower than B1-B2, whose study area or subjects of research correspond to the
list of breakout sessions are invited to participate in the Forum-contest.
To participate in the Forum please register on http://myouth.spmi.ru/en and
attach 1.5-2 pages abstracts in English by June 01, 2020.
More information on the Cisco WebEx Platform and Forum-contest is on
The winners of the Forum-contest will receive a grant from the International
Competence Centre for Mining-Engineering Education under the auspices of
UNESCO for a short-term internship at one of the leading universities and
companies of the mineral resources complex, as well as the possibility of
publishing a full-text article after internal and external review, in a
separate collection of CRS Press (Taylor & Francis Group, Netherlands).