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 Objave - Studenti  

[Spyrosoft - Internship 2024]

Datum objave: 02.04.2024. | Objavi(o)/la: SPYROSOFT SOLUTIONS d.o.o.
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About the Internship

Are you eager to dive into the dynamic world of software development and ready to accelerate your learning curve while gaining hands-on experience with support from experienced mentors? Spyrosoft is thrilled to announce internship opportunities for 2024.

With the success of our previous internship program, where we hosted four talented students, we’re expanding our initiative this year to accommodate new interns. At Spyrosoft, we believe in nurturing young talent, providing a platform for growth, and fostering innovation.

If you’re eager to gain an insider’s perspective on our program from last year, delve into this interview featuring insights from our former trainees from summer of 2022 and summer of 2023. Explore their firsthand experiences, the obstacles they overcame, and the milestones they achieved during their journey at Spyrosoft.

Internship positions

1. Trainee Software Engineer – 2 positions available (5 weeks)

  • Proposed start period: in June or July
  • Proposed topic: Some of the possible internship topics include: embedded development, Python development, C++ development, and build tooling, but the internship topic will be further discussed in collaboration with the mentor.
  • Requirements: Basic understanding of the chosen topic

Recruitment process

The proposed start period is in June or July. Please be advised that the proposed topics and dates outlined may be subject to adjustments to accommodate personal preferences, and the schedules of personal and academic commitments, such as exam periods.

Rest assured that candidates selected following the initial CV screening will be invited for an interview.

Više informacija na:

Kneza Trpimira 2B, HR-31000 Osijek | Cara Hadrijana 10b, HR-31000 Osijek Tel: +385 (0) 31 224-600 | Fax: +385 (0) 31 224-605

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