The Electromagnetic Compatibility Laboratory (EMC lab) operates within the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, and Information Technology Osijek. The core activities of the laboratory are measurements of low-frequency magnetic and electric fields and measurements and analysis of the quality of electricity.
The laboratory for electromagnetic compatibility has accreditation according to the HRN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2017 standard for low-frequency magnetic and electric field measurements. Power quality measurements are performed according to EN 50160 and IEC 61000-4-30 standards and grid codes for the transmission and distribution power system.
Cooperation with industry includes:
- measurements of low-frequency magnetic and electric fields,
- measurements and analysis of power quality and the creation of studies and
- designing public lighting systems, and lighting systems for indoor and outdoor work spaces.
Technical solution: Measurement of low-frequency magnetic and electric fields
The laboratory performs measurements of low-frequency (50 Hz) electric and magnetic fields by the standard
- Measurement of DC magnetic, AC magnetic and AC electric fields from 1 Hz to 100 kHz with regard to exposure of human beings -- Part 1: Requirements for measuring instruments (IEC 61786-1:2013; EN 61786-1:2014)
- Measurement of DC magnetic, AC magnetic and AC electric fields from 1 Hz to 100 kHz with regard to exposure of human beings -- Part 2: Basic standard for measurements (IEC 61786-2:2014).
The measurement results are analyzed by the restrictions of the Regulation on protection from electromagnetic fields of the Ministry of Health (NN 146/14) and the Regulation on health conditions that must be met by employees performing work with sources of non-ionizing radiation (NN 59/2016). For the testing of low-frequency electric and magnetic fields, the Laboratory is accredited by the Croatian Accreditation Agency according to the HRN EN ISO/IEC 17025 standard and also has authorization from the Ministry of Health to perform professional work on protection against electromagnetic radiation.
Type of test/Property
Test method
Sub-stations, transmission lines and other electric and magnetic field sources of frequency 50 Hz
Testing (measurement) of low-frequency electric and magnetic fields of frequency
50 Hz
HRN EN 61786-1:2014
(IEC 61786-1:2013;
EN 61786-1:2014)
HRN IEC 61786-2:2022
(IEC 61786-2:2014)
The laboratory employees have 15 years of experience in measuring electric and magnetic fields near electric power facilities (transformer stations, transmission lines, and lines) and near renewable energy sources - wind farms and biogas power plants.

Figure 1. Measurement of low-frequency magnetic and electric fields on wind power plant.

Figure 2. Measurement of low-frequency magnetic and electric fields in an external power facility.
Technical solution: Measurement and monitoring of power quality
The laboratory performs measurements and monitoring of power quality according to the standard HRN EN 61000-4-30, Test and measurement techniques - Methods of measuring the power quality, and by the limitations of the standard HRN EN 50160, Voltage characteristics of electricity supplied by public electricity networks.
The laboratory employees have 30 years of experience in measuring the power quality in electric power facilities, and industrial plants and preparing studies on the impact of renewable energy sources on the electric power network.

Figure 3. Measurement and monitoring of power quality on EV station.

Figure 4. Measurement of power quality on LV distribution network.