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IG07 - Research Group for Advanced Power Technologies and Systems


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Journal articles

Scientific and review papers

Compact UHF amateur radio quad antenna for indoor use, Scientific and review papers

Year: 2023, Annals of the Faculty engineering Hunedoara 21 1, Barić, Tomislav ; Glavaš, Hrvoje, DOI:
Keywords: amateur radio, compact antenna, quad antenna, pmr radio, stacked antenna

Obtaining Infrared Thermal Camera Sensor Calibration Data for Implementation in FireBot Autonomous Fire Protection Robot System, Scientific and review papers

Year: 2022, Applied sciences (Basel) 12 22, Balen, Josip ; Glavaš, Hrvoje ; Vdovjak, Krešimir ; Jakab, Josip, DOI:
Keywords: fire prevention, fire detection, infrared thermal camera, radiometric data, camera calibration

Advantages of biogas power plants in energy transition pannonian countries (2) - benefits for the national economy, Scientific and review papers

Year: 2022, ACTA TECHNICA CORVINIENSIS – Bulletin of Engineering 15 1, Ivanović, Milan ; Glavaš, Hrvoje, DOI:
Keywords: Biogas power plants, Energy transition, National economy, Pannonian countries, Renewable energy sources

Advantages of biogas power plants in energy transition pannonian countries (1) - benefits for the local community, Scientific and review papers

Year: 2022, ACTA TECHNICA CORVINIENSIS – Bulletin of Engineering 15 1, Ivanović, Milan ; Glavaš, Hrvoje, DOI:
Keywords: Biogas power plants, Energy transition, Local community, Renewable energy sources, Smart village

Overview of the Efficient Tehnologies for Power Generation Based on Coal, Scientific and review papers

Year: 2021, Tehnički vjesnik : znanstveno-stručni časopis tehničkih fakulteta Sveučilišta u Osijeku 28 3, Agić, Enver ; Šljivac, Damir ; Nakomčić-Smaragdakis, Branka, DOI:
Keywords: characteristic comparison, coal, efficient technologies, environmental pollution, optimization, power plant lifecycle

Optimal Microgrid−Interactive Reactive Power Management for Day−Ahead Operation, Scientific and review papers

Year: 2021, Energies 14 5, Acosta, Martha N. ; Gonzalez-Longatt, Francisco ; Topić, Danijel ; Andrade, Manuel A., DOI:
Keywords: day-ahead reactive power costs, microgrid, optimal-centralised reactive power management, reactive power pricing, smart converters

Optimization Model for Biogas Power Plant Feedstock Mixture Considering Feedstock and Transportation Costs Using a Differential Evolution Algorithm, Scientific and review papers

Year: 2020, Energies 13 7, Topić, Danijel ; Barukčić, Marinko ; Mandžukić, Dražen ; Mezei, Cecilia, DOI:
Keywords: biogas power plant, feedstock mix optimization, feedstock cost, transportation cost, differential evolutionary optimization

Importance of reliability criterion in power system expansion planning, Scientific and review papers

Year: 2019, Energies 12 9, Slipac, Goran ; Zeljko, Mladen ; Šljivac, Damir, DOI:
Keywords: security of supply ; LOLP optimization ; VOLL, generation expansion planning ; reliability

Measurement Uncertainty Propagation through Basic Photovoltaic Cell Models, Scientific and review papers

Year: 2019, Energies 12 6, Tolić, Ivan ; Primorac, Mario ; Miličević, Kruno, DOI:
Keywords: measurement uncertainty, Monte Carlo simulations, fill factor, photovoltaic cell model

The effects of parity and stage of lactation on hoof temperature of dairy cows using a thermovision camera, Scientific and review papers

Year: 2018, Journal of central European agriculture 19 4, Bobić, Tina ; Mijić, Pero ; Gantner, Vesna ; Glavaš, Hrvoje ; Gregić, Maja, DOI:
Keywords: dairy cows, detection, hoof diseases, parity, stage of the lactation, thermovision camera

Infrared Thermography in Maintenance of Building Applied Photovoltaics, Scientific and review papers

Year: 2018, Journal of Energy 67 4, Glavaš, Hrvoje ; Vidaković, Držislav ; Jeršek, Željko ; Kraus, Zorislav, DOI:
Keywords: Infrared thermography, Photovoltaic systems, Maintenance

Measures of the Winter Package EC and Biogas Power Plants in Croatia, Scientific and review papers

Year: 2018, International journal of electrical and computer engineering systems 9 1, Ivanović, Milan ; Glavaš, Hrvoje, DOI:
Keywords: biogas, biogas power plants, electricity prices, electricity generation, winter package EC

Grid connected converter control during unbalanced grid conditions based on delay signal cancellation, Scientific and review papers

Year: 2018, International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems 1 1, Popadić, Bane ; Dumnić, Boris ; Miličević, Dragan ; Katić, Vladimir ; Šljivac, Damir, DOI:
Keywords: grid connected converter, control techniques, symmetrical current injection, unbalanced grid faults, renewable energy sources

Analysis of outdoor led lighting’s dimming influence on the performance of LED drivers, Scientific and review papers

Year: 2017, Journal Of Energy Technology - JET 10 3, Perko, Jurica ; Pelin, Denis ; Topić, Danijel, DOI:
Keywords: Outdoor LED lighting, LED driver, constant current driver, efficiency, THDI, dimmer control, pulsation, output voltage ripple

TELOS Feasibility Analysis of Photovoltaic Power Plant, Scientific and review papers

Year: 2017, Applied Engineering Letters 2 3, Šerman, Bojan ; Glavaš, Hrvoje ; Vukobratović, Marko ; Kraus, Zorislav, DOI:
Keywords: TELOS, PV, Energy Efficiency

Providing Power Supply to Other Use Cases Integrated in the System of Public Lighting, Scientific and review papers

Year: 2017, International journal of electrical and computer engineering systems 8 1, Perko, Jurica ; Topić, Danijel ; Šljivac, Damir, DOI:
Keywords: energy efficiency, energy performance indicator, LED technology, public lighting, smart city

Influence of Shading on I-V Characteristics of Thin Film PV Modules, Scientific and review papers

Year: 2017, Journal Of energy technology 10 1, Žnidarec, Matej ; Topić, Danijel ; Bušić, Josip, DOI:
Keywords: Shading, thin-film PV module, amorphous silicon, copper-indium-selenide, I-V characteristic, P-V characteristic, power losses, efficiency

The mathematical model for finding an optimal PV system configuration for the given installation area providing a maximal lifetime profit, Scientific and review papers

Year: 2017, Solar energy 144 , Topić, Danijel ; Knežević, Goran ; Fekete, Krešimir, DOI:
Keywords: PV power plant, Optimal configuration, Inter-row partial shading, Shading factor

Biofuels in Croatia, Scientific and review papers

Year: 2016, Journal of Microbiology & Microbial Technology 1 , Ivanović, Milan ; Glavaš, Hrvoje ; Gantner, Ranko, DOI:
Keywords: Biofuel, EU, Croatia, Energy

Advantages of Dual Hyperbolic Tangent Function Over Single Hyperbolic Tangent Function in Description of Hysteresis Loops, Scientific and review papers

Year: 2016, International review of electrical engineering 11 5, Barić, Tomislav ; Boras, Vedran ; Glavaš, Hrvoje, DOI:
Keywords: Magnetic Hysteresis, Hyperbolic Tangent Function, Dual Hyperbolic Tangent Function

Transient Phenomena During Energization of Three-phase 300MVA Transformer to the Transmission Network, Scientific and review papers

Year: 2016, International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE) 6 6, Alibašić, Emir ; Marić, Predrag ; Nikolovski, Srete, DOI:
Keywords: Inrush current, transformer modeling, MATLAB Simulink, residual flux, transmission network, simulation

Voltage and power losses control using distributed generation and computational intelligence, Scientific and review papers

Year: 2016, Tehnički vjesnik : znanstveno-stručni časopis tehničkih fakulteta Sveučilišta u Osijeku 23 4, Vukobratović, Marko ; Marić, Predrag ; Hederić, Željko, DOI:
Keywords: Artificial Neural Networks, Distributed Generation, Genetic Algorithm

The applicability technique for making time plans for maintenance of techical systems, Scientific and review papers

Year: 2016, Mašinstvo 13 1, Vidaković, Držislav ; Kraus, Zorislav ; Glavaš, Hrvoje, DOI:
Keywords: Maintenance, Optimization, Tehnical system, Time plans

Assessment of Step and Touch Voltages for Different Multilayer Soil Models of Complex Grounding Grid, Scientific and review papers

Year: 2016, International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE) Vol 6 Nr. 4, Nikolovski, Srete ; Knežević, Goran ; Baus, Zoran, DOI:
Keywords: Grounding grid, soil resistivity models, ground potential rise. step voltage. touch voltage, safety limits, computer simulation

An Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System in Assessment of Technical Losses in Distribution Networks, Scientific and review papers

Year: 2016, International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE) 6 3, Mlakić, Dragan ; Nikolovski, Srete ; Knežević, Goran, DOI:
Keywords: Artificial intelligence, Adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system, Technical losses, Remote meter reading, LV distribution network

Short-term planning of hybrid power system, Scientific and review papers

Year: 2016, Journal of electrical engineering Vol.67 4, Knežević, Goran ; Baus, Zoran ; Nikolovski, Srete, DOI: 10.1515/jee-2016-0035
Keywords: Wind farm, hydropower plant, thermal power plant, market bid, short-term planning.

Infrared Thermography in Energy Audit of Electrical Installations, Scientific and review papers

Year: 2016, Tehnički vjesnik : znanstveno-stručni časopis tehničkih fakulteta Sveučilišta u Osijeku 23 5, Glavaš, Hrvoje ; Jozsa, Lajos ; Barić, Tomislav, DOI:
Keywords: Thermography, Electrical Power Installations, Fault Rating

The Techno-economical and Environmental Results of Gasification in The Slavonia Region (Croatia), Scientific and review papers

Year: 2016, Acta tehnica Corviniensis 9 1, Ivanović, Milan ; Glavaš, Hrvoje, DOI:
Keywords: gas distribution, gas pipelines, gas consumption, natural gas, Slavonia

Frequency and Time Response of Power Plant Grounding System Exposed to Lightning Strike, Scientific and review papers

Year: 2016, International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering - IJECE 6 2, Nikolovski, Srete ; Baus, Zoran ; Knežević, Goran, DOI:
Keywords: Electromagnetic field, Scalar potential, Field theory, Lightning current, Grounding system, Frequency spectrum, Transients

Reliability model of different wind power plant configuration using sequential Monte Carlo simulation, Scientific and review papers

Year: 2016, Eksploatacja i Niezawodnosc-Maintenance and Reliability 18 2, Topić, Danijel ; Šljivac, Damir ; Stojkov, Marinko, DOI:
Keywords: wind turbine, components, reliability, failure rate, Monte Carlo, ARMA

Improving energy efficiency in buildings using microgrids, Scientific and review papers

Year: 2015, E-GFOS : elektronički časopis građevinskog fakulteta Osijek 6 11, Primorac, Mario ; Šipoš, Mario ; Klaić, Zvonimir, DOI:
Keywords: distributed generation, renewable energy sources, energy efficiency, microgrid, PV power plant

Demand Side Management inside a Smart House, Scientific and review papers

Year: 2015, International journal of electrical and computer engineering systems 6 2, Šipoš, Mario ; Primorac, Mario ; Klaić, Zvonimir, DOI:
Keywords: demand side management, energy storage, load management, photovoltaic, smart grid

Computer Modeling and Simulation of Overcurrent Relay Settings for Solar Power Plant, Scientific and review papers

Year: 2015, Journal of basic and spplied research international, international knowledge press 11 1, Nikolovski, Srete ; Marić, Predrag ; Knežević, Goran, DOI:
Keywords: PV power plant, distribution network, relays, computer simulation, short circuit, overcurrent protection, protection coordination, time-current curves.

Availability of Different Wind Power Plant Configurations Based on Components Performance Statistics, Scientific and review papers

Year: 2015, International Review of Electrical Engineering (IREE) 10 3, Topić, Danijel ; Šljivac, Damir ; Stojkov, Marinko, DOI:
Keywords: Wind Turbine, Components, Reliability, Failure Rate, Configuration, Concept

Integration of Solar Power Plant in Distribution Network, Scientific and review papers

Year: 2015, International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering - IJECE 5 4, Nikolovski, Srete ; Marić, Predrag ; Majdandžić, Ljubomir, DOI:
Keywords: Solar power plant Power quality Short circuit calculation Protection coordination Computer simulation

Improving the Conditions in a Radial Distribution Feeder by Implementing Distributed Generation, Scientific and review papers

Year: 2015, International journal of electrical and computer engineering systems 6 1, Vukobratović, Marko ; Nikolovski, Srete ; Marić, Predrag, DOI:
Keywords: artificial neural network, distribution feeder, distributed generation, genetic algorithm.

The Role of GIS in Energy Audit of Public Lighting, Scientific and review papers

Year: 2015, Acta tehnica Corviniensis 8 2, Glavaš, Hrvoje ; Mesarić, Dalibor ; Ivanović, Milan, DOI:
Keywords: energy audit, GIS, public lighting system

Demand Side Load Management in the Distribution System with Photovoltaic Generation, Scientific and review papers

Year: 2015, Tehnički vjesnik : znanstveno-stručni časopis tehničkih fakulteta Sveučilišta u Osijeku 22 4, Klaić, Zvonimir ; Fekete, Krešimir ; Šljivac, Damir, DOI:
Keywords: Demand Side Load Management, Distribution System, Photovoltaic Generation, Real-time Demand-supply Balancing, Smart Grid

Positive and Negative Impacts of Renewable Energy Sources, Scientific and review papers

Year: 2014, International journal of electrical and computer engineering systems 5 2, Vezmar, Stanislav ; Spajić, Anton ; Topić, Danijel ; Šljivac, Damir ; Jozsa, Lajos, DOI:
Keywords: ecology, impact, power grid, renewable energy sources

Cost-benefit comparison of on-grid photovoltaic systems in Pannonian parts of Croatia and Serbia, Scientific and review papers

Year: 2014, Tehnicki Vjesnik-Technical Gazette 21 5, Šljivac, Damir ; Nakomčić-Smaragdakis, Branka ; Vukobratović, Marko ; Topić, Danijel ; Čepić, Zoran, DOI:
Keywords: solar energy potentials, on-grid photovoltaic power systems, cost-benefit analysis, incentive price, feed-in tariff system, renewable energy

Analiza strujno-temperaturne opteretivosti vodiča dalekovoda u ovisnosti o primjenjenim standardima, Scientific and review papers

Year: 2014, Journal of energy technology 7 2, Petrović, Ivica ; Glavaš, Hrvoje ; Hederić, Željko, DOI:
Keywords: Transmission capacity, Ampacity, Conductor Temperature, Overhead Power Line

Load Management Scheme Using Air Conditioning Electric Power Consumption and Photovoltaic Power System Generation, Scientific and review papers

Year: 2014, Journal of energy and power engineering 8 11, Klaić, Zvonimir ; Šljivac, Damir ; Fekete, Krešimir ; Kraus, Zorislav, DOI:
Keywords: Photovoltaic Power Plant, Smart Grid, Load Management, Air Conditioning System, Power Measurements

Impact of Wind Power on the ATC Values in Hydro- Dominated Power System, Scientific and review papers

Year: 2014, Journal of energy and power engineering 8 7, Fekete, Krešimir ; Knežević, Goran ; Majdandžić, Ljubomir, DOI:
Keywords: Available transmission capacity, wind power, hydro power, computer model, transmission system

Determination of Energy Interchanged on the Tie Lines—Some Practical Issues, Scientific and review papers

Year: 2014, Journal of energy and power engineering 8 5, Modrič, Željko ; Kovač, Zoran ; Fekete, Krešimir, DOI:
Keywords: billing point, metering set, metering point, metering error, energy transit

Analysis of the Voltage Sag Propagation Through the Distribution Network, Scientific and review papers

Year: 2014, Journal of Energy Technology 7 1, Klaić, Zvonimir ; Fekete, Krešimir ; Knežević, Goran, DOI:
Keywords: power quality, voltage sag, transformer winding, computer simulation

Minimum correct thermo-electric model for transient behaviour of incandescent lamp, Scientific and review papers

Year: 2014, Tehnički vjesnik (Technical Gazette): znanstveno-stručni časopis tehničkih fakulteta Sveučilišta u Osijeku 21 2, Engelman, Marija ; Barić, Tomislav ; Glavaš, Hrvoje, DOI:
Keywords: incandescent lamp, inrush current, nonlinear differencial equation, thermo-electric model, transient

Power Quality Analysis of Biogas Power Plant Mala Branjevina, Scientific and review papers

Year: 2014, IBU Journal of Science and Technology (IBUJST) 2 1, Nikolovski, Srete ; Knežević, Goran ; Klaić, Zvonimir ; Fekete, Krešimir ; Mandžukić, Dražen, DOI:
Keywords: biogas power plant, distribution network, power quality, power quality indices, measurements, HRN EN 50160 norm

Energy Efficiency of Tram Transport in the City of Osijek, Scientific and review papers

Year: 2013, International journal of electrical and computer engineering systems 4 2, Glavaš, Hrvoje ; Ivanović, Milan, DOI:
Keywords: electricity consumption, energy efficiency, public transport, tram

Optimization Method for Control of Voltage Level and Active Power Losses Based on Optimal Distributed Generation Placement using Artificial Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithms, Scientific and review papers

Year: 2013, Journal of energy technology 6 4, Vukobratović, Marko ; Marić, Predrag ; Hederić, Željko, DOI:
Keywords: Distributed Generation, Artificial Neural Network, Genetic Algorithm, Voltage Control

Impact of the Characteristics of Overhead Ground Wires on the Current Reduction Factor, and their Effect on the Change of Grounding System Potential, Scientific and review papers

Year: 2013, Journal of energy technology 6 1, Havranek, Mario ; Strinić, Tomislav ; Knežević, Goran, DOI:
Keywords: surface potential, current reduction factor, grounding, touch voltage, step voltage


Year: 2013, Tehnicki Vjesnik-Technical Gazette 20 1, Kovač, Zoran ; Knežević, Goran ; Topić Danijel, DOI:
Keywords: Markovs model, reliability, power system, interface, power supply interruption

Exploitation of the hydrokinetic potential of rivers by combining the traditional water wheel and the Darrieus turbine, Scientific and review papers

Year: 2012, Tehnički vjesnik : znanstveno-stručni časopis tehničkih fakulteta Sveučilišta u Osijeku Vol.19 3, Halusek, Vlado ; Šljivac, Damir ; Jozsa, Lajos, DOI: 556.536.519.863
Keywords: ADCP metoda, Darrieus turbina, hidrokinetička energija, rijeka Drava, vodno kolo

Quality and energy efficiency of public lighting in the area of Osijek-Baranja County, Scientific and review papers

Year: 2012, Tehnicki Vjesnik-Technical Gazette Vol.19 No. , Glavaš, Hrvoje ; Blažević, Damir ; Ivanović, MIlan, DOI:
Keywords: emisije CO2, energetska učinkovitost, izvori svjetla, javna rasvjeta

Exploitation of the hydrokinetic potential of rivers by combining the traditional water wheel and the Darrieus turbine, Scientific and review papers

Year: 2012, Tehnicki Vjesnik-Technical Gazette 19 3, Halusek, Vlado ; Šljivac, Damir ; Jozsa, Lajos, DOI:
Keywords: ADCP method, Darrieus turbine, hydrokinetic energy, the River Drava, water wheel

Solar Energy Potential in Pannonian Part of Serbia and Croatia, Scientific and review papers

Year: 2012, International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering Systems 3 1, Nakomčić-Smaragdakis, Branka ; Šljivac, Damir ; Katić, Vladimir ; Stajić, Tijana ; Čepić, Zoran ; Topić, Danijel ; Vukobratović, Marko, DOI:
Keywords: renewable energy sources, power, heat, solar energy

The Optimal Placement of Distributed Generation, Scientific and review papers

Year: 2012, Tehnicki Vjesnik-Technical Gazette 3 19, Kaluđer, Slaven ; Šljivac, Damir ; Miletić, Saša, DOI:
Keywords: distributed generation, electrical energy losses, genetic algorithms, optimum location / distributed production capacity

A simplified procedure for approximate determination of electro-geometrical parameters of two-layer soil, Scientific and review papers

Year: 2012, Tehnicki Vjesnik-Technical Gazette 19 2, Barić, Tomislav ; Boras, Vedran ; Glavaš, Hrvoje, DOI:
Keywords: electro-geometrical soil parameters, numerical procedure, two-layer soil, Wenner electrode arrangement

The Possibilities of Increasing The Energy Efficiency in The City of Tuzla, Scientific and review papers

Year: 2012, Tehnicki Vjesnik-Technical Gazette 19 , Agić, Enver ; Šljivac, Damir ; Topić, Danijel, DOI:
Keywords: energy efficiency, energy consumption per capita, heating system, electric energy, public transport

Expansion of the residential photovoltaic systems and its harmonic impact on the distribution grid, Scientific and review papers

Year: 2012, Renewable energy 43 , Fekete, Krešimir ; Klaić, Zvonimir ; Majdandžić, Ljubomir, DOI:
Keywords: photovoltaic systems, power converters, harmonics, distribution grid, computer model


Year: 2011, Journal of Scientific Society of Power Machines, Tractors and Maintenance 16 , Stojkov, Marinko ; Hnatko, Emil ; Šljivac, Damir ; Topić, Danijel, DOI:
Keywords: Vjetar, vjetroturbina, poljoprivreda, navodnjavanje, FN sustavi, Sunce.

Stability Testing of a Small Biogas Plant in Electric Power System, Scientific and review papers

Year: 2011, International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering Systems Vol.2 No.2, Jerković, Vedrana ; Špoljarić, Željko ; Šljivac, Damir, DOI:
Keywords: Biogas Plant, Disturbances, Generator Modeling, Island mode, Stability

Voltage variation performance indices in distribution network, Scientific and review papers

Year: 2011, Tehnički vjesnik : znanstveno-stručni časopis tehničkih fakulteta Sveučilišta u Osijeku Vol.18 No.4, Klaić, Zvonimir ; Nikolovski, Srete ; Kraus, Zorislav, DOI:
Keywords: kvaliteta električne energije, naponski propad, distribucijski izvod, pokazatelji promjena efektivne vrijednosti napona, razdioba mjerenih naponskih propada

Probability Density Functions of Voltage Sags Measured Indices, Scientific and review papers

Year: 2011, Journal of electrical engineering VOLUME 62 6, Klaić, Zvonimir ; Šljivac, Damir ; Baus, Zoran, DOI:
Keywords: power quality, voltage sag, probability functions, chi squared criterion, hill climbing algorithm

Computer Modeling, Measurement and Simulation of Stationary and Faulty Conditions on Dual 400 kV Transmission Line Ernestinovo-Pecs, Scientific and review papers

Year: 2011, International journal Advanced Engineering Vol. 5 No.1, Knežević, Goran ; Nikolovski, Srete ; Fekete, Krešimir ; Kovač, Zoran, DOI:
Keywords: high voltage transmission line, computer modeling, ATP-EMTP software, single line to ground fault

The Structure of Electricity Consumption and its Utilisation Efficiency in the European Transition Countries, Scientific and review papers

Year: 2010, International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering Systems Vol.1 No.2, Ivanović, Milan ; Blazević, Damir ; Glavaš, Hrvoje, DOI:
Keywords: distribution losses, electricity efficiency, electricity consumption, transition countries

Determining the Hydrokinetic Potentials of the Transversal Section of the Watercourse Via the ADCP Method and Dimensioning of Hydrokinetic Power Plant, Scientific and review papers

Year: 2010, Strojarstvo 52 6, Halusek, Vlado ; Šljivac, Damir ; Jozsa, Lajos, DOI:
Keywords: ADCP method, Hydrokinetic energy, Partial speed, Floating hydro power plants, The river Drava

Electric and Magnetic Field Computation of 35 kV Voltage Level of Transformer Substation 35/10 kV Using CDEGS Software, Scientific and review papers

Year: 2010, Acta Electrotechnica et Informatica Journal 10 4, Stojkov, Marinko ; Šljivac, Damir ; Jozsa, Lajos, DOI:
Keywords: electric and magnetic field, 35 kV voltage level, realistic model, spatial distribution


Year: 2010, Tehnički vjesnik : znanstveno-stručni časopis tehničkih fakulteta Sveučilišta u Osijeku 17 3, Jozsa, Lajos ; Šljivac, Damir ; Topić, Danijel, DOI:
Keywords: reliability, stochastic inflow, density function, distribution function, probability function, method of constant and variable energy production, convolution


Year: 2010, Tehnički vjesnik : znanstveno-stručni časopis tehničkih fakulteta Sveučilišta u Osijeku 17 2, Jozsa, Lajos ; Šljivac, Damir ; Topić, Danijel, DOI:
Keywords: density function, distribution function, method of constant and variable energy production, probability function, reliability, stochastic inflow

Influence of Wind Power Plants on Power System Operation – Part One: Wind Power Plant Operation and Network Connection Criteria, Scientific and review papers

Year: 2010, Tehnički vjesnik : znanstveno-stručni časopis tehničkih fakulteta Sveučilišta u Osijeku 17 1, Crnković, Damir ; Šljivac, Damir ; Stojkov, Marinko, DOI:
Keywords: wind power plant, power system, connection criteria, power quality, distribution network losses

Survey on Customer Power Supply Interruption Costs and Calculation of Expected Customer Damages, Scientific and review papers

Year: 2009, Tehnički vjesnik : znanstveno-stručni časopis tehničkih fakulteta Sveučilišta u Osijeku 16 4, Šljivac, Damir ; Šimić, Zdenko ; Stojkov, Marinko, DOI:
Keywords: supply, customer, interruption costs, survey, households, expected damages

Improved Procedures of Distribution Power Network Failure Data Collection for Supply Availability Index Evaluation, Scientific and review papers

Year: 2009, Strojarstvo 51 2, Stojkov, Marinko ; Komen, Vitomir ; Šljivac, Damir, DOI:
Keywords: Distribution Network, Fault's Data Base, Power Supply Indices, Time Series

Numerical Simulation of Distance Protection on Three Terminal High Voltage Transmission Lines, Scientific and review papers

Year: 2009, International Journal Advanced Engineering 3 No.2, Nikolovski, Srete ; Marić, Predrag ; Prhal, Dalibor, DOI:
Keywords: Distance numerical protection, three terminal line, apparent impedance, computer simulation, DIgSILENT PowerFactory software

Power Supply Quality and Reliability Indices, Scientific and review papers

Year: 2008, Elektroenergetika - časopis za proizvodnju, prijenos, distribuciju i korištenje električne energije 5 4, Šljivac, Damir ; Klaić, Zvonimir ; Šimić, Zdenko, DOI:
Keywords: pouzdanost, kvaliteta električne energije, napajanje potrošača, pokazatelji

Prediction of the time-dependent failure rate for normally operating components taking into account the operational history, Scientific and review papers

Year: 2008, Kerntechnik 73 4, Vrbanić, Ivan ; Šimić, Zdenko ; Šljivac, Damir, DOI:
Keywords: risk, operating component, time-dependent failure rate, prediction

Process Control for Thermal Confort Maintenence Using Fuzzy Logic, Scientific and review papers

Year: 2008, Journal of electrical engineering 59 1, Baus, Zoran ; Nikolovski, Srete ; Marić, Predrag, DOI:
Keywords: thermal comfort, thermo dynamical variables ergonomics, process control, fuzzy logic

Validity Limits Of The Expression For Measuring Soil Resistivity By The Wenner Method According To IEEE Standard 81-1983, Scientific and review papers

Year: 2007, Energija 56 06, Barić, Tomislav ; Šljivac, Damir ; Stojkov, Marinko, DOI:
Keywords: IEEE std. 81-1983, prividni otpor tla, specifični otpor tla, Wennerov raspored elektroda

Capacitive influence of high voltage overhead transmission lines on measurement of soil Resistivity, Scientific and review papers

Year: 2007, Energija 56 02, Barić, Tomislav ; Lajos, Jozsa ; Glavaš, Hrvoje, DOI:
Keywords: Elektromagnetski šum, specifični otpor tla, Wennerova metoda

Electromagnetic Field Calculation of Transformer Station 400/110 kV Ernestinovo Using CDEGS Software, Scientific and review papers

Year: 2007, Journal of electrical engineering 58 4, Nikolovski, Srete ; Marić, Predrag ; Baus, Zoran, DOI:
Keywords: electric field, magnetic field, transformer station, electromagnetic compatibility, moment method, computer program

Computer Aided Design of Transformer Station and Electromagnetic Filed Calculation, Scientific and review papers

Year: 2007, Advanced engineering 1 1, Nikolovski, Srete ; Marić, Predrag ; Baus, Zoran, DOI:
Keywords: Transformer station, electromagnetic fields, computer modeling, CDEGS software

Possibility of biogas energy using in Slavonija and Baranja, Scientific and review papers

Year: 2007, Elektroenergetika - časopis za proizvodnu, prijenos, distribuciju i koristenje elektricne energije IV 2, Šljivac, Damir ; Kraus, Zorislav ; Miškulin, Sanja, DOI:
Keywords: Obnovljivi izvori, bioplin, energetsko korištenje, elektrane

Electromagnetic Field Produced by Overhead Power Lines, Scientific and review papers

Year: 2001, Mathematical communications- Supplement 1 , Nikolovski, Srete ; Šljivac, Damir ; Ma, Jinxi, DOI:
Keywords: electromagnetic fields, overhead power lines, EMF emmision, pole structures

Professional papers

Essential Preventive Automobile Maintenance during a Pandemic, Professional papers

Year: 2021, Tehnički vjesnik : znanstveno-stručni časopis tehničkih fakulteta Sveučilišta u Osijeku 28 6, Glavaš, Hrvoje ; Karakašić, Mirko ; Kljajin, Milan ; Desnica, Eleonora, DOI:
Keywords: car, filters, maintenance, oil, pandemic, service

Relay Protection Coordination for Photovoltaic Power Plant Connected on Distribution Network, Professional papers

Year: 2014, International journal of electrical and computer engineering systems 5 1, Nikolovski, Srete ; Papuga, Vanja ; Knežević, Goran ; Fekete, Krešimir, DOI:
Keywords: distribution, inverter, PV power plant, relay protection, short circuit

Assesment of reliability indicators for classical and high integrated 110 kVsubstation in HE Varaždin, Professional papers

Year: 2007, Elektroenergetika - časopis za proizvodnju, prijenos, distribuciju i korištenje električne energije 4 , Nikolovski, Srete ; Marić, Predrag ; Baus, Zoran, DOI:
Keywords: pokazatelji pouzdanosti, rasklopno postrojenje, Markovljev model, tokovi snaga, DigSILENT

Analysis of serial unbalance caused by circuit breaker fault in TS 110/35 kV during parallel drive, Professional papers

Year: 2007, Elektroenergetika - časopis za proizvodnju, prijenos, distribuciju i korištenje električne energije 4 , Nikolovski, Srete ; Marić, Predrag ; Fekete, Krešimir ; Kovač, Zoran, DOI:
Keywords: serijska nesimetrija, blokada kontakata prekidača, simetrične komponente, nadstrujna zaštita, ATP-EMTP

Modelling and analysis of transient phenomena in Osijek transission area using ATP-EMTP software, Professional papers

Year: 2006, Elektroenergetika 10 2, Marić, Predrag ; Nikolovski, Srete, DOI:
Keywords: prijelazne pojave, prijenosni sustav, ATP-EMTP

Customer supply interruption costs, Professional papers

Year: 2005, Elektroenergetika 3 , Šljivac, Damir ; Nikolovski, Srete ; Mikuličić, Vladimir, DOI:
Keywords: prekid opskrbe, troškovi, pouzdanost, anketiranje potrošača

Simulation of a Lighting Strikes in to VIPnet GSM Base Transmission Station Tower, Professional papers

Year: 2002, ER/EM 3 2, Nikolovski, Srete ; Glavaš, Hrvoje, DOI:
Keywords: munja, GSM bazna stanica

Other journal papers

Influence of Distributed Power Generation from Renewable Energy Sources on Reliability of Distribution Networks, Other journal papers

Year: 2015, International journal of electrical and computer engineering systems 6 2, Topić, Danijel ; Šljivac, Damir ; Gagro, Mirko, DOI:
Keywords: distributed power generation, islanded operation, reliability, renewable energy sources, supply availability

Online power quality monitoring at TS 110/35 kV Osijek 2 in HEP TSO Osijek, Other journal papers

Year: 2007, Elektroenergetika 4 2, Nikolovski, Srete ; Klaić, Zvonimir ; Kraus, Zorislav ; Slipac, Goran, DOI:
Keywords: Kvaliteta el. energije, transformatorska stanica, Europska norma EN 50160, parametri napona

Conference proceedings papers

Professional conference proceedings papers

Dry ice technology in maintenance of technical systems, literature review, Professional conference proceedings papers

Year: 2023, Proceedings of 28th International and Mediterranean Conference, MeditMaint2023 , Karakašić, Mirko ; Glavaš, Hrvoje ; Barić, Tomislav ; Brechelmacher, Mirela, DOI:
Keywords: Održavanje, Čišćenje, Suhi led, Elektroenergetski sustavi, Izolazori

Meteorological station realized with the help of Arduino, Professional conference proceedings papers

Year: 2021, Proceedings, 19th Natural Gas, Heat and Water Conference, 12th International Natural Gas, Heat and Water Conference , Tačković, Matej ; Mesić, Mirko ; Kraus, Zorislav, DOI:
Keywords: temperatura, Arduino, mjerenje, DIY, IoT

Maintaining the Descriptive Geometry’s Design Knowledge, Professional conference proceedings papers

Year: 2021, Proceedings of 30th International Conference on Organization and Technology of Maintenance (OTO 2021) , Grgić, Ivan ; Karakašić, Mirko ; Ivandić, Željko ; Glavaš, Hrvoje, DOI:
Keywords: Computer-Aided Design (CAD), Design knowledge, Descriptive geometry, Maintenance


Year: 2018, 13. simpozij o sustavu vođenja EES-a , Kovač, Robert ; Marić, Predrag ; Masle, Dino, DOI:
Keywords: prijenosna mreža, parametriranje distantne zaštite, DIgSILENT PowerFactory, Pytho

Infrared Thermography in Maintenance of Building Applied Photovoltaics, Professional conference proceedings papers

Year: 2018, Zbornik radova MeditMaint 2018 24. međunarodno savjetovanje , Glavaš, Hrvoje ; Vidaković, Držislav ; Jeršek, Željko ; Maričić, Siniša, DOI:
Keywords: Infracrvena termografija, Fotonaponski sustavi, Održavanje

Accelerated emulation of photovoltaic systems with polycrystalline and monocrystalline module technology, Professional conference proceedings papers

Year: 2017, 13.savjetovanje HRO CIGRÉ : zbornik radova , Opačak, Milan ; Pelin, Denis ; Primorac, Mario, DOI:
Keywords: emulacija, fotonaponski sustav, polikristalna tehnologija modula, monokristalna tehnologija modula.

Energy Audit of Transport Sector in Accordance to HRN EN 16247, Professional conference proceedings papers

Year: 2017, Zbornik radova Tridesetsedmi skup o prometnim sustavima s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem AUTOMATIZACIJA U PROMETU 2017 , Grgić, Nikola ; Glavaš, Hrvoje ; Keser, Tomislav, DOI:
Keywords: energetski pregled, prometni sektor, HRN EN 16247

Fault indicators in the distribution network, Professional conference proceedings papers

Keywords: indikatori kvara, lokacije indikatora kvara, distributivna mreža

Management of the distribution network with SCADA, Professional conference proceedings papers

Year: 2017, 15. SKUP O PRIRODNOM PLINU, TOPLINI I VODI 8. MEĐUNARODNI SKUP O PRIRODNOM PLINU, TOPLINI I VODI , Galović, Filip ; Kaluđer, Slaven ; Fekete, Krešimir, DOI:
Keywords: SCADA, metoda hipoteza, diajnoza kvara, distribucijski sustav, DMS

Power system equipment cleaning in the technology of live-line working, Professional conference proceedings papers

Year: 2017, 26. Međunarodni znanstveno-stručni skup „Organizacija i tehnologija održavanja“ - OTO 2017. - Zbornik radova , Mijić, Ivan ; Knežević, Goran ; Caha, Vladimir, DOI:
Keywords: rad pod naponom, čišćenje elektroenergetskih postrojenja

Maintenance of a low voltage distribution system in the tehnology of live-line working, Professional conference proceedings papers

Year: 2017, 26. Međunarodni znanstveno-stručni skup „Organizacija i tehnologija održavanja“ - OTO 2017. - Zbornik radova , Korov, Ivan ; Knežević, Goran ; Caha, Vladimir, DOI:
Keywords: samonosivi kabelski snop, rad pod naponom, zamjena izolatora, popravak vodiča

Maintenance management of a biomass power plant, Professional conference proceedings papers

Year: 2017, 26. Međunarodni znanstveno-stručni skup „Organizacija i tehnologija održavanja“ , Žnidarec, Matej, DOI:
Keywords: održavanje, elektrana na biomasu, kotlovsko postrojenje, turbogenerator

Maintenance of Gas and Oil Devices, Professional conference proceedings papers

Year: 2017, 26. Međunarodni znanstveno-stručni skup „Organizacija i tehnologija održavanja“ - OTO 2017. - Zbornik radova , Perković, Branimir ; Barić, Tomislav ; Janković, Nenad ; Kos, Dalibor ; Glavaš, Hrvoje, DOI:
Keywords: plinski uređaj, peć, plamenik, servis, održavanje

Field Measurement of Building Sound Insulation, Professional conference proceedings papers

Year: 2017, 26. Međunarodni znanstveno-stručni skup „Organizacija i tehnologija održavanja“ - OTO 2017. - Zbornik radova , Kordić, Tomislav ; Marinac, Hrvoje ; Glavaš, Hrvoje, DOI:
Keywords: zračna zvučna izolacija, udarna zvučna izolacija, norme, međukatna konstrukcija

Maintenance Organization and Repair Technology for Facades, Professional conference proceedings papers

Year: 2017, Održavanje 2017 Zbornik radova , Vidaković, Držislav ; Glavaš, Hrvoje ; Pavelić, Krešimir, DOI:
Keywords: fasade, oštećenja, trajnost, pregledi, čišćenje, popravci

Analysis of Software Used for Control of Lamps Replacement in Public Lighting, Professional conference proceedings papers

Year: 2017, Održavanje 2017 Zbornik radova , Šibila, Mia ; Glavaš, Hrvoje ; Kraus, Zorislav, DOI:
Keywords: Javna rasvjeta, Cestovna rasvjeta, HRN EN 13201, Dialux, Relux


Year: 2016, 12. simpozij o sustavu vođenja EES-a , Masle, Dino ; Benović, Josip ; Rošić, Mato ; Marić, Predrag, DOI:
Keywords: zaštita, nultočka, zemljospoj, premoštenje otpornika

Coordination of relay protection system of a biomass power plant Spin Valis, Professional conference proceedings papers

Year: 2016, 34th International scientific conference - Science in Practice , Žnidarec, Matej ; Nikolovski Srete ; Šljivac, Damir ; Topić, Danijel, DOI:
Keywords: Relay protection system, short-circuit, overcurrent relay protection

Impact of electric vehicles on load and power quality in distribution network, Professional conference proceedings papers

Year: 2016, Zbornik radova s 5. (11.) savjetovanja HO CIRED, Osijek Hrvatska, 2016. , Rekić, Marko ; Klaić, Zvonimir ; Fekete, Krešimir, DOI:
Keywords: električni automobil, kvaliteta električne energije, opterećenje, distribucijska mreža, kontrolirano punjenje električnog automobila

Critical analysis of experiment for checking biomass power plant island operation protection in parallel operation with distribution network, Professional conference proceedings papers

Keywords: Oto č ni pogon elektrane, zaštita od oto č nog pogona, pokus oto č nog pogona, APU, distribucijska mreža

Discovering Partial Discharge on Cable Terminations in Transformer Station 10(20)/0.4 kV Using Infrared Thermography, Professional conference proceedings papers

Year: 2016, Hrvatski ogranak Međunarodne elektrodistribucijske konferencije HO CIRED, 5. (11.) savjetovanje Osijek, 15. - 18. svibnja 2016. , Muštran, Daniel ; Glavaš, Hrvoje, DOI:
Keywords: infracrvena termografija, kabelski završeci, parcijalni izboji, korona

Analysis of lighting of work area and compliance with EN 12464-1, Professional conference proceedings papers

Year: 2016, CIRED 5. (11.) savjetovanje Osijek, 15. - 18. svibnja 2016. , Čabraja, Ivica ; Glavaš, Hrvoje ; Tačković, Krešimir ; Petrović, Ivica ;, DOI:
Keywords: energetska učinkovitost, rasvjeta, HRN EN 12464, RELUX

Anti islanding protection of biomas power plants in operation with distribution network, Professional conference proceedings papers

Year: 2016, Mogućnosti primjene obnovljivih izvora energije , Nikolovski, Srete ; Knežević, Goran, DOI:
Keywords: Otočni pogon, zaštita elektrane na biomasu, automatski ponovni uklop

POWER QUALITY ANALYSIS OF PHOTOVOLTAIC POWER PLANT ETFOS 1, Professional conference proceedings papers

Year: 2015, 24. ZNANSTVENO-STRUČNI SKUP OTO '2015. ORGANIZACIJA I TEHNOLOGIJA ODRŽAVANJA , Sušilović, Silvija ; Klaić, Zvonimir ; Primorac, Mario ; Šljivac, Damir, DOI:
Keywords: Fotonaponska elektrana, elektrodistribucijska mreža, kvaliteta električne energije, norma EN 50160, Mrežna pravila


Year: 2015, 24. ZNANSTVENO-STRUČNI SKUP OTO '2015. ORGANIZACIJA I TEHNOLOGIJA ODRŽAVANJA , Vukelić, Stjepan ; Klaić, Zvonimir ; Primorac, Mario, DOI:
Keywords: napredne mreže, mikromreža, napredna mjerenja

Protection coordination of solar power plant on HEP DSO network, Professional conference proceedings papers

Keywords: Kordinacija relejne zaštite, sunčana elektrana, kratki spojevi, simulacije, softveri

Anti-islanding detection and protection of distributed generation, Professional conference proceedings papers

Year: 2014, Zbornik sa 11. Simpozij o sustavu vođenja EES-a, CIGRE , Nikolovski, Srete ; Marić, Predrag ; Vukobratović, Marko, DOI:
Keywords: disbalans proizvodnje i potrošnje, distribuirana proizvodnja, zaštita od otočnog pogona, ROCOF

Collecting data for economic assessment of power quality disturbances, Professional conference proceedings papers

Year: 2014, 4. (10.) savjetovanje, Hrvatski ogranak Međunarodne elektrodistribucijske konferencije (HO CIRED), Trogir/Seget Donji 2014 , Klaić, Zvonimir ; Sipl, Dalibor ; Šafar Đerki, Dinka ; Periša, Ivan, DOI:
Keywords: kvaliteta električne energije, ekonomska procjena poremećaja, prikupljanje podataka, troškovi kupaca, tvornica papira

Power Quality Analysis of PV Power Plant 120 kW in Virovitica, Professional conference proceedings papers

Year: 2014, Zbornik četvrtog savjetovanja Hrvatskog ogranka međunarodne elektrodistribucijske konferencije , Nikolovski, Srete ; Knežević, Goran ; Kresonja, Mario ; Gorup, Jurica, DOI:
Keywords: Kvaliteta el. energije, pokazatelji kvalitete opskrbnog napona, fotonaponska elektrana, HRN 50160/2012 norma

Experience of photovoltaic power plants integration with greater power on public distribution network, Professional conference proceedings papers

Year: 2014, Zbornik radova "Mogućnosti primjene obnovljivih izvora energije" , Nikolovski, Srete ; Marić, Predrag ; Knežević, Goran ; Oreški, Goran, DOI:
Keywords: Sunčana elektrana, tokovi snaga, kvaliteta el. energije, kratak spoj, koordinacija zaštite

Overcurrent protection system coordination of biogas power plant Mala Bradnjevina 1 on the distibution network HEP ODS DP Elektroslavonija Osijek, Professional conference proceedings papers

Year: 2013, 11.savjetovanje HRO CIGRÉ : zbornik radova , Marić, Predrag ; Nikolovski, Srete ; Knežević, Goran ; Mandžukić, Dražen, DOI:
Keywords: koordinacija nadstrujne zaštite, mala elektrana, bioplin, kratki spoj, distribucijska mreža

Power Quality Analysis of Biogas Power Plant Mala Branjevina 2, Professional conference proceedings papers

Year: 2013, 11. savjetovanje HRO CIGRÉ : referati = papers , Nikolovski, Srete ; Klaić, Zvonimir ; Kraus, Zorislav ; Mandžukić, Dražen, DOI:
Keywords: kvaliteta el. energije, pokazatelji kvalitete, bioplinsko postrojenje, HRN 50160/2010 norma

Power Quality Parameters of Photocoltaic Power Plant SEG 8, Professional conference proceedings papers

Year: 2013, 11.savjetovanje HRO CIGRÉ : zbornik radova , Nikolovski, Srete ; Gorup, Jurica ; Kresonja, Mario ; Knežević, Goran, DOI:
Keywords: Kvaliteta el. energije, pokazatelji kvalitete opskrbnog napona, fotonaponska elektrana, HRN 50160/2012 norma

Techno-Economic Comparative Analysis of Interior Lighting Design Solutions, Professional conference proceedings papers

Year: 2013, Održavanje 2013 , Kaksa, Mario ; Stojkov, Marinko ; Glavaš, Hrvoje, DOI:
Keywords: Rasvjeta, Energetska učinkovitost, Tehno-ekonomska analiza, Svjetlo-tehnički proračun, Investicijski troškovi, Uporabni troškovi

Intergration on electrical network HEP-a the first power plant on biomas Strizivojna Hrast, Professional conference proceedings papers

Year: 2012, Zbornik radova , Nikolovski, Srete ; Marić, Predrag ; Knežević, Goran, DOI:
Keywords: Elektrana na biomasu, priključak na mrežu, kvaliteta napona, tokovi snaga, gubitci, padovi napona

Geographic information systems in the transmission and distribution of electricity, Professional conference proceedings papers

Year: 2012, 10. SKUP O PRIRODNOM PLINU, TOPLINI I VODI, 3. MEĐUNARODNI SKUP O PRIRODNOM PLINU, TOPLINI I VODI , Šmit, Tomislav ; Glavaš, Hrvoje ; Nikolovski, Srete, DOI:
Keywords: GIS, OpenSource, Java OpenStreetMap, Kosmos

Power Quality Analysis on the 400 kV Interconnected Transmission Line, Professional conference proceedings papers

Year: 2012, Proceedings of International Colloquium : Power Quality and Lightning , Tolić, Ivan ; Nikolovski, Srete ; Knežević, Goran, DOI:
Keywords: Power quality, voltage variations, total harmonic distortion, flickers, frequency, measurement, grid code

Distribution service in the conditions of liberalized electricity market, Professional conference proceedings papers

Year: 2012, Treće savjetovanje Hrvatskog ogranka međunarodne elektrodistribucijske konferencije , Kuprešak, Leon ; Kecman, Dimitrije ; Fekete, Krešimir ; Nikolovski, Srete, DOI:
Keywords: distribucija, opskrba, maloprodaja, tržište električne energije, konkurencija

Analysis of the Electric Energy Supply Interruptions in Transmission Network, Professional conference proceedings papers

Year: 2011, Zbornik radova s 10-tog Savjetovanje HRO CIGRÉ , Kovač, Zoran ; Knežević, Goran ; Šljivac, Damir, DOI:
Keywords: prisilni zastoj, planirani zastoj, prekid napajanja, trajanje prekida, neisporučena električna energija


Year: 2011, Zbornik radova s 10-tog Savjetovanje HRO CIGRÉ , Nikolovski, Srete ; Marić, Predrag ; Klaić, Zvonimir, DOI:
Keywords: bioplinsko postrojenje, kvaliteta električne energije, proračun kratkog spoja

Energy Performance of Buildings, Professional conference proceedings papers

Year: 2011, , Glavaš, Hrvoje ; Stojkov, Marinko ; Barić, Tomislav, DOI:
Keywords: energetska učinkovitost, energetski pregled, energetski certifikat

Role of testing laboratory during live work training, Professional conference proceedings papers

Year: 2011, , Caha, Vladimir ; Šljivac, Damir ; Nikolovski, Srete, DOI:
Keywords: live work training, HV demonstrational test, recommendations

Accreditation of HV testing laboratory according HRN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2007 – testing of hot-sticks, Professional conference proceedings papers

Year: 2011, , Caha, Vladimir ; Šljivac, Damir ; Nikolovski, Srete, DOI:
Keywords: live work, standards, accreditation, hot-stick, safety

Testing of insulation of live work tools and equipment – experience based recommendations, Professional conference proceedings papers

Year: 2011, , Caha, Vladimir ; Šljivac, Damir ; Nikolovski, Srete, DOI:
Keywords: live work, insulation, periodical test, experience, recommendations

Maintenance function within realiability calculation of transformer stations TS 35/10 kV, Professional conference proceedings papers

Year: 2011, , Marić, Predrag ; Nikolovski Srete ; Marković, Marijan ; Dejanović, Alen, DOI:
Keywords: transformatorske stanice, održavanje, pouzdanost, Markovljavi modeli

Measurement and analysis of power quality in biogas power plant, Professional conference proceedings papers

Year: 2010, DRUGO SAVJETOVANJE HRVATSKOG OGRANKA MEĐUNARODNE ELEKTRODISTRIBUCIJSKE KONFERENCIJE , Nikolovski, Srete ; Klaić, Zvonimir ; Kraus, Zorislav ; Vukobratović, Marko, DOI:
Keywords: kvaliteta električne energije, Europska norma EN 50160, parametri kvalitete

Energy potential and so far course of action of using biomass and biogas in Croatia, Professional conference proceedings papers

Year: 2009, Electricity Distribution - Part 1, 2009. CIRED 2009. 20th International Conference and Exhibition on , Vukobratović, Marko ; Šljivac, Damir ; Nikolovski, Srete ; Stanić, Zoran ; Knezević, Siniša, DOI:
Keywords: Biogas, biomass, renewable energy, cogeneration, energy potential

Maintenance of the distributive transformer station 10(20)/0.4kV, Professional conference proceedings papers

Year: 2009, Organizacija i tehnologija održavanja OTO 2009., zbornik radova , Knežević, Goran, DOI:
Keywords: održavanje, transformatorska stanica, transformator


Year: 2009, 9. Savjetovanje HRO CIGRE , Marić, Predrag ; Petrović, Ivica ; Brleković, Zvonimir ; Bunčec, Zoran, DOI:
Keywords: naponska stabilnost, slom napona

Distributed generation hybrid system modelling, Professional conference proceedings papers

Year: 2009, 9. savjetovanje HRP CIGRE , Tačković, Krešimir ; Petrović, Ivica ; Glavaš, Hrvoje ; Šljivac, Damir, DOI:
Keywords: modeliranje obnovljivih izvora energije, fotonaponska mreža, vjetrena turbina, dizel agregat

Reliability Indoces of the Part of HEP TSO PRP Split Network after Construction of GIS Substation 220/110 kV PLAT, Professional conference proceedings papers

Year: 2009, 9. savjetovanje HRO CIGRÉ : zbornik radova = 9th HRO CIGRÉ Session : proceedings , Fekete, Krešimir ; Nikolovski, Srete ; Slipac, Goran ; Baus, Zoran, DOI:
Keywords: pokazatelji pouzdanosti, GIS rasklopno postrojenje, Markovljev model, metoda

The Corona Effect on the High Voltage Systems, Professional conference proceedings papers

Year: 2008, Zbornik radova sa 16. medunarodnog elektroinženjerskog simpozija (EIS-2008) , Novinc, Željko ; Nikolovski, Srete ; Klaić, Zvonimir, DOI:
Keywords: korona, visokonaponski vodovi, gubici, snimci korone

Measurment and calculation of electrical losses on cable feeder in distribution grid of DSO “ Elektra” Vinkovci, Professional conference proceedings papers

Year: 2007, 8. savjetovanje Hrvatskog ogranka Međunarodnog vijeća za velike elektroenergetske sustave (HRO CIGRÉ) : zbornik sažetaka = Book of summaries , Nikolovski, Srete ; Marić, Predrag ; Klaić, Zvonimir ; Brkić, Mario ; Mujan, Zoran, DOI:
Keywords: radijalni kabelski izvod, gubici električne energije, simulacija proračuna gubitaka električne energije, metode za smanjenje gubitaka, DIgSILENT Power Factory

Electric Road Vehicles, Professional conference proceedings papers

Year: 2006, Dvadesetšesti skup o prometnim sustavima s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem Automatizacija u prometu 2006 : zbornik radova , Glavaš, Hrvoje ; Antunović, Mladen ; Keser, Tomislav, DOI:
Keywords: električna vozila, gorive ćelije, solarno napajanje, zamašnjaci

Power Quality Measurement and Analyses - Experiences in Slavonija, Professional conference proceedings papers

Year: 2006, EI 2006: zbornik radova / 12. međunarodni simpozij "Električne instalacije" , Klaić, Zvonimir ; Nikolovski, Srete ; Marić, Predrag, DOI:
Keywords: distribucijska mreža, kvaliteta električne energije, EN 50160, parametri kvalitete, mrežni analizator

Network Analyzer in Function of Monitoring Power Supply Voltage Quality of Industrial Plants, Professional conference proceedings papers

Year: 2006, 12. Međunarodno savjetovanje "ODRŽAVANJE 2006" , Nikolovski, Srete ; Marić, Predrag ; Novinc, Željko, DOI:
Keywords: kvaliteta opskrbnog napona, europska norma EN 50160, prekidi, pokazatelji kvalitete, mrežni analizator

Reliabilty Analysis of Eastern Part of Croatian Power System after Entering TS 400/110 kV Ernestinovo into Work, Professional conference proceedings papers

Year: 2005, 7. savjetovanje HO CIGRE. Zbornik sažetaka , Nikolovski, Srete ; Marić, Predrag ; Šljivac, Damir ; Mravak, Ivan ; Slipac, Goran ; Štefić, Branko, DOI:
Keywords: pouzdanost, pokazatelji pouzdanosti, Monte Carlo simulacija, neisporučena el. energija, rekonekcija

Analysis of increase electricity network transmission capacities in open market, Professional conference proceedings papers

Year: 2005, 7. savjetovanje HO CIGRÉ : zbornik radova , Petrović, Ivica ; Tačković, Krešimir ; Glavaš, Hrvoje, DOI:
Keywords: prijenosna moć, sigurnost mreže, proširenje granica pogona, upravljanje prijenosom

Power Quality and Reliability of Electrical Supply of Industrijal Consumers, Professional conference proceedings papers

Year: 2005, 11. međunarodno savjetovanje "Održavanje 2005" - zbornik radova , Nikolovski, Srete ; Marić, Predrag ; Klaić, Zvonimir, DOI:
Keywords: kvaliteta električne energije, Europska norma EN 50160, pouzdanost opskrbe, prekidi, pokazatelji kvalitete

Electrical energy versus gas for household heating purposes, Professional conference proceedings papers

Year: 2004, 21th International Scientific Conference « ; ; ; Information Technology in Education of Informatics, Electrical and Mechanical Engineers» ; ; ; , Glavaš, Hrvoje ; Antunović, Mladen ; Jozsa, Lajos, DOI:
Keywords: electrical energy, gas, household heating

Wind energy and influence on vehicle, Professional conference proceedings papers

Year: 2004, 24. skup o prometnim sustavima s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem : zbornik radova , Glavaš, Hrvoje ; Antunović, Mladen, DOI:
Keywords: energija vjetra, cestovna vozila

Power quality : Measurments according European norm EN 50160, Professional conference proceedings papers

Year: 2003, 6.savjetovanje HK cigre , Klaić, Zvonimir ; Nikolovski, Srete, DOI:
Keywords: distributivna mreža, kvaliteta električne energije, norma EN 50160, mrežni

Reliability of supply in deregulated electricilty market : basic principles, Professional conference proceedings papers

Year: 2003, 6.savjetovanje HK cigre , Šljivac, Damir ; Nikolovski, Srete, DOI:
Keywords: pouzdanost opskrbe, deregulirano tržište, odgovornost subjekata, energetski


Year: 2003, Šesto savjetovanje, Cavtat, 9. - 13. studenoga 2003. : [zbornik radova] / Hrvatski komitet Međunarodnog vijeća za velike električne sisteme - CIGRE , Nikolovski, Srete ; Šljivac, Damir ; Provči, Igor, DOI:
Keywords: numerički releji, koordinacija rada zaštite, kratki spoj, programski alat, strujno

Use of the Simulation Program PowerWorld® Simulator for Education of Power Engineering Students, Professional conference proceedings papers

Year: 2002, XVIII. Wissenschaftliches Kolloquium , Jozsa, Lajos ; Glavaš, Hrvoje ; Milić, Ante, DOI:
Keywords: Ausbildung, PowerWorld Simulator, Elektrische Energieversor-gungssysteme, Lastfluss, unerwartete Ereignisse, verfügbare Energielieferun-gen, Spannungsstabilität, Kurzschlußanalyse, Visualisierung

Reliability of Power Supply in Distribution Networks in Deregulated Electricity Market, Professional conference proceedings papers

Year: 2002, Četvrti simpozij o elektrodistribucijskoj djelatnosti : Zbornik radova , Nikolovski, Srete ; Šljivac, Damir, DOI:
Keywords: pouzdanost, pokazatelji pouzdanosti, raspoloživost, energetski zakoni

Computer Aided Design of Transformer Station Grouding System Using CDEGS Software, Professional conference proceedings papers

Year: 2002, Proceedings of DAAAM International Conference on Advanced Technologies for Developing Countries , Nikolovski, Srete ; Klaić, Zvonimir, DOI:
Keywords: distribution networks, harmonic analysis, spectrum software, quality indices, filter compensation

The harmonic analysis of 35 kv network of Elektroslavonija using the EasyPower Spectrum software package, Professional conference proceedings papers

Year: 1999, HK CIGRE, Grupa 31 Distributivne mreže , Nikolovski, Srete ; Šljivac, Damir ; Karavidović, Damir ; Vicković, Igor, DOI:
Keywords: harmonička analiza, filteri, pokazatelji kvalitete, računalni program

Reliability assessment of Slavonija and Baranja transmission network after restoration and construction of 110 kv transmission lines, Professional conference proceedings papers

Year: 1999, CIGRE, Grupa 38 Analiza i Tehnika EES-a , Nikolovski, Srete ; Šljivac, Damir ; Mikuličić, Vladimir ; Štefić, Branko, DOI:
Keywords: pouzdanost opskrbe, pokazatelji pouzdanosti, elektroenergetski sustav, obnova, Markovljev model, metoda pobrojavanja stanja

The effects of 110 kV and 35 kV compensation on power losses in power system of eastern Croatia, Professional conference proceedings papers

Year: 1998, Proceedings from confrence on Energy Management , Nikolovski, Srete ; Šljivac, Damir, DOI:
Keywords: Gubice el.energije, kompenzacija, tokovi snaga

Power System Reliability Evaluation by using "COMREL" Program Package, Professional conference proceedings papers

Year: 1997, Grupa 38: Analiza i tehnika EES , Nikolovski, Srete ; Šljivac, Damir ; Mravak, Ivan ; Maković, Stjepan ; Sabo, Josip , DOI:
Keywords: Elektroenergetski sustav, pouzdanost, pokazatelji pouzdanosti, računalni program

Scientific conference proceedings papers

Ramifications of the greenhouse effect: a closed vehicle example, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2022, Proceedings of International Conference on Smart Systems and Technologies (SST 2022) , Jukić, Dina ; Glavaš, Hrvoje ; Dukić, Jana ; Vulić, Lukrecia, DOI:
Keywords: cover, energy transfer, energy transformation, greenhouse effect, vehicle

Paid incentives for electricity production from renewable sources in the Republic of Croatia , Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2022, Proceedings, 20th Natural Gas, Heat and Water Conference, 13th International Natural Gas, Heat and Water Conference , Ivanović, Milan ; Tonković, Zlatko ; Glavaš, Hrvoje, DOI:
Keywords: Bioplin, Električna energija, Isplaćeni poticaji, Obnovljivi izvori energije, Solarne elektrane, Vjetroelektrane

Research on the problems that complicate the energy certification of buildings in Croatia, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2022, Proceedings, 20th Natural Gas, Heat and Water Conference, 13th International Natural Gas, Heat and Water Conference , Završki, Petar ; Hećimović, Dražen ; Vidaković, Držislav ; Glavaš, Hrvoje, DOI:
Keywords: energetsko certificiranje zgrada, otežavajući čimbenici, mjere poboljšanja

Simulation of the Grid Connected Battery Storage with Ability of Active and Reactive Power Control, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2021, Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems , Šimić, Zvonimir ; Bilandžić, Josip ; Topić, Danijel ; Damjanović, Antun, DOI:
Keywords: Active power, Battery storage, Battery storage modeling, Battery storage simulation, Reactive power

Modelling of the low voltage distribution network for the integration of distributed generation and charging stations for electric vehicles, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2021, 2021 6th International Conference on Smart and Sustainable Technologies (SpliTech) , Raff, Rebeka ; Vuković, Mato ; Šimić, Zvonimir ; Topić, Danijel, DOI:
Keywords: modelling, distribution network, PV power plant, EV, charging stations

RoCoF Calculation Using Low-Cost Hardware in the Loop: Multi-area Nordic Power System, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2020, , Barrios-Gomez, Jose Angel ; Sanchez, Francisco ; Claudio, Gianfranco ; Gonzalez-Longatt, Francisco ; Acosta, Martha N. ; Topić, Danijel, DOI:
Keywords: derivative, hardware in the loop, low pass filter, nordic power system, RoCoF

Short-term Kinetic Energy Forecast using a Structural Time Series Model: Study Case of Nordic Power System, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2020, Proceedings of 2020 International Conference on Smart Systems and Technologies (SST) , Gonzalez-Longatt, Francisco ; Acosta, Martha N. ; Chamorro, Harold R. ; Topić, Danijel, DOI:
Keywords: Time series analysis, Predictive models, Forecasting, Data models, Mathematical model, Market research, Kinetic energy

Renewable Energy Sources for smart sustainable health Centers, University Education and other public buildings, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2020, Proceedings of 2020 International Conference on Smart Systems and Technologies (SST) , Dumnić, Boris ; Popadić, Bane ; Miličević, Dragan ; Šljivac, Damir ; Žnidarec, Matej ; Stojkov, Marinko ; Barac, Antun ; Stokić, Edita ; Petrović, Budislav ; Guttler, Zorislav ; Ferić, Dejan, DOI:
Keywords: renewable energy sources, CO2 emissions, building footprint

Performance evaluation of simple PV microgrid energy management system, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2020, Proceedings of 2020 International Conference on Smart Systems and Technologies (SST) , Žnidarec, Matej ; Šljivac, Damir ; Došen, Dario ; Nakomčić Smaragdakis, Branka, DOI:
Keywords: microgrid, renewable energy sources, photovoltaics, energy management system, battery storage system, sensitivity analysis

Smart-scaled RES Equipment as a Practical Tool for Teaching Students, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2020, PROCEEDINGS OF 2020 International Conference on Smart Systems and Technologies (SST) , Brandis, Andrej ; Pelin, Denis ; Topić, Danijel ; Matej, Žnidarec, DOI:
Keywords: photovoltaic, fuel cell, didactic equipment, education tool, alternative energy sources

Estimation of savings in gas and electricity consumption in the MEFS building due to the contribution of renewable energy from heat pumps and photovoltaic power plants , Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2020, Zbornik radova 18. skupa o prirodnom plinu, toplini i vodi , Zmaić, Željko ; Barac, Antun ; Holik, Mario ; Stojkov, Marinko ; Živić, Marija ; Šljivac, Damir ; Čikić, Ante, DOI:
Keywords: obnovljivi izvor energije (OIE), nZEB standard, dizalica topline (DT), fotonaponska elektrana (FNE), energetska učinkovitost

Analysis of the impact of photovoltaic conversion system and heat pump system performance on the energy efficiency of the MEFSB building in the light of nZEB, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2020, Zbornik radova 18. skupa o prirodnom plinu, toplini i vodi , Zmaić, Željko ; Barac, Antun ; Holik, Mario ; Stojkov, Marinko ; Živić, Marija ; Šljivac, Damir ; Čikić, Ante, DOI:
Keywords: COP, EER, monoblok izvedba, split izvedba, dizalica topline, fotonapon


Year: 2019, IX International Conference Industrial Engineering and Environmental Protection 2019 (IIZS 2019) , Salamunović, David ; Karakašić, Mirko ; Kljajin, Milan ; Glavaš, Hrvoje, DOI:
Keywords: Car chassis, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), Design process, Function, Requirement list

APPLICATION OF MFF METHOD IN CONCEPTUAL DESIGN, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2018, VIII International Conference Industrial Engineering and Environmental Protection 2018 (IIZS 2018) ProceedingsZrenjanin : University of Novi Sad Technical faculty “Mihajlo Pupin” Zrenjanin, Republic of Serbia , Karakašić, Mirko ; Kljajin, Milan ; Duhovnik, Jože ; Glavaš, Hrvoje, DOI:
Keywords: Conceptual design, Function, Functionality, MFF (Matrix of function and functionality)

PEDELEC Li-Ion Battery Pack Lifetime, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2018, VIII International Conference Industrial Engineering and Environmental Protection 2018 (IIZS 2018) Proceedings , Glavaš, Hrvoje ; Karakašić, Mirko ; Petrović, Ivica ; Vidaković, Držislav, DOI:
Keywords: Li-Ion, 18650, battery pack, PEDELEC, thermography

Practical Application of PEDELEC in the City of Osijek, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2018, 38th Conference on Transportation Systems with International Participation AUTOMATION IN TRANSPORTATION 2018 Proceedings , Glavaš, Hrvoje ; Dorić, Dražen ; Aračić, Stjepan, DOI:
Keywords: PEDELEC, GIS, Osijek

Detecting Bad Internal Resistance of LV HRC Fuse Links Using Infrared Thermography, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2018, PROCEEDINGS IEEE International Conference AND Workshop in Óbuda on Electrical and Power Engineering , Glavaš, Hrvoje ; Muštran, Daniel ; Barić, Tomislav, DOI:
Keywords: Infrared Thermography, LV HRC NH fuse links

Comparison of Electrical Architectures for Support of the Software Defined Data Centers, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2018, Proceedings of International Conference on Smart Systems and Technologies 2018 (SST 2018) , Talapko, Domagoj ; Tešnjak, Sejid ; Glavaš, Hrvoje, DOI:
Keywords: SDDC, availability, UPS, electrical architecture, DFTA

Development of energy management standards, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2018, Proceedings of International Conference on Smart Systems and Technologies 2018 (SST 2018) , Glavaš, Hrvoje ; Zovko-Ribić, Frano ; Dorić, Dražen ; Talapko, Domagoj, DOI:
Keywords: Energy Menagement Standards, EnPI, ISO 50001

Changes in form of energy performance certificate for buildings, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2018, 16th Natural Gas, Heat and Water Conference, 9th International Natural Gas, Heat and Water Conference, Proceedings , Jeršek, Željko ; Rendulić, Dario, Ilija ; Glavaš, Hrvoje ; Rašić, Marko, DOI:
Keywords: energetski razred, zakonska regulativa, Thorium A+, meteorološki podaci, potrebna i primarna energija

Sustainable energy performance improvements policy in Croatian industry with implementation of ISO 50001 energy management system, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2018, 2nd International conference Sustainable Development Today - Interaction of science and economy in Japan and Croatia, Proceedings, Osijek - Vinkovci, 17th-19th September 2018 , Glavaš, Hrvoje, DOI:
Keywords: EnMS, ISO50001, energy efficiency, energy audit, large enterprises

Instalation lines testing by Impulse Reflectometry based method, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2018, Proceedings of International Conference on Smart Systems and Technologies 2018 (SST 2018) , Petrović, Ivica ; Glavaš, Hrvoje ; Vukobratović, Marko ; Józsa, Lajos ;, DOI:
Keywords: cable fault, discontinuity, fault location, impulse reflectometry

Analysis of possibilities of alleviating reppercussions caused by large disturbances in power system, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2018, The 11th Mediterranean Conference on Power Generation, Transmission, Distribution and Energy Conversion will be held on 12-15 November 2018 in Dubrovnik (Cavtat), Croatia , Noskov, Robert ; Petrović, Ivica ; Barić, Tomislav ; Glavaš, Hrvoje ; Šljivac, Damir ;, DOI:
Keywords: power systems, automated protection, disturbances

Impact of Maintenance on Solar and Wind Powered Internet Data Center Electrical Infrastructure Availability, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2018, 27th International Scientific and Professional Conference ''Organization and Maintenance Technology'' - OTO 2018 - Conference Proceedings , Talapko, Domagoj ; Tešnjak, Sejid ; Glavaš, Hrvoje, DOI:
Keywords: Maintenance, availability, datacenter, solar, wind

The chemical cleaning of boilers, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2018, 27. Međunarodni znanstveno-stručni skup „Organizacija i tehnologija održavanja“ - OTO 2018. - Zbornik radova , Perković, Branimir ; Barić, Tomislav ; Glavaš, Hrvoje, DOI:
Keywords: kotao, čišćenje, kamenac, čađ, održavanje

Descriptive matrix of function and functionality in design and maintenance process, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2018, 27th International Scientific and Professional Conference ''Organization and Maintenance Technology'' - OTO 2018 - Conference Proceedings , Karakašić, Mirko ; Kljajin, Milan ; Ivandić, Željko ; Glavaš, Hrvoje, DOI:
Keywords: Design process, Function, Functionality, Maintenance, MFF

Organization Preparation for Implementation of Contemporary Maintenance Strategy, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2018, Peta Konferencija - The Fifth Conference ODRŽAVANJE 2018 MAINTENANCE 2018 Proceedings , Vidaković, Držislav ; Marenjak, Saša ; Glavaš, Hrvoje, DOI:
Keywords: strategija održavanja, priprema, organizacijska struktura i kultura

Application of Optimal Power Flow to Power System with Wind Power Plants, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2017, Proceedings of International Conference on Smart Systems and Technologies 2017 (SST 2017) , Magoč, Mihajlo ; Fekete, Krešimir ; Knežević, Goran ; Topić, Danijel, DOI:
Keywords: optimal power flow, wind power plant, wind forecast, optimization, linear programing

Overview of grid connected converter synchronization techniques under different grid voltage conditions, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2017, Proceedings of 2017 International Conference on Smart Systams and Technologies (SST) , Popadić, Bane ; Dumnić, Boris ; Katić, Vladimir ; Šljivac, Damir ; Pelin, Denis, DOI:
Keywords: Grid connected converter, Control tecniques, Fault ride through, Phase-locked loop

Infrared Thermography in Inspection of Photovoltaic Panels, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2017, Proceedings of International Conference on Smart Systems and Technologies 2017 (SST 2017) , Glavaš, Hrvoje ; Vukobratović, Marko ; Primorac, Mario ; Muštran Daniel, DOI:
Keywords: IR Thermography, photovoltaic, maintenance

Simulation of the shading effect on electricity generation of photovoltaic power plant, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2017, Proceedings of 8th International natural gas, heat and water conference Plin 2017 , Radmanović, Ivan ; Knežević, Goran ; Topić, Danijel ; Fekete, Krešimir, DOI:
Keywords: fotonaponski modul, zasjenjenje modula, gubici električne energije zbog zasjenjenja

Standardized System for Monitoring and Control of Public Lighting Networks, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2017, Proceedings of International Conference on Smart Systems and Technologies 2017 (SST 2017) , Perko, Zvonimir ; Topić, Danijel ; Perko, Jurica, DOI:
Keywords: smart city, smart public lighting, public lighting management system, Central Management System, network control protocol.

Influence of shading on the photovoltaic systems, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2017, Proceedings of 8th International natural gas, heat and water conference Plin 2017 , Topić, Danijel ; Knežević, Goran ; Šljivac, Damir ; Žnidarec, Matej, DOI:
Keywords: zasjenjenje, polikristalni fotonaponski moduli, fotonaponski sustav, gubici električne energije, proizvodnaja električne energije

Review of modelling methods and computer models implemented in recent nowadays CAD systems, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2017, 15. skup o prirodnom plinu, toplini i vodi ; 8. međunarodni skup o prirodnom plinu, toplini i vodi , Karakašić, Mirko ; Glavaš, Hrvoje ; Kljajin, Milan, DOI:
Keywords: Computer aided design (CAD), design process, modelling methods, CAD models

Impact of Atmospheric Discharge on the Electronics of Gas Boilers, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2017, Zbornik radova 15. skup o prirodnom plinu, toplini i vodi ; 8. međunarodni skup o prirodnom plinu, toplini i vodi , Perković, Branimir ; Barić, Tomislav ; Glavaš, Hrvoje, DOI:
Keywords: plinski bojler, prenapon, kvarovi, elektronika, zaštita

Biogas power plants in Slavonia and Baranja, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2017, Zbornik radova 15. skup o prirodnom plinu, toplini i vodi ; 8. međunarodni skup o prirodnom plinu, toplini i vodi , Ivanović, Milan ; Glavaš, Hrvoje ; Vukobratović, Marko, DOI:
Keywords: Bioplin, Bioplinske elektrane, Obnovljivi izvori, Slavonska regija

Use of Thorium A+ computer program for calculation of energy savings in case of replacing standard natural gas boiler with more efficient condensing boiler and installation of thermoregulation valves, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2017, Zbornik radova 15. skup o prirodnom plinu, toplini i vodi ; 8. međunarodni skup o prirodnom plinu, toplini i vodi , Rašić, Marko ; Rendulić, Dario, Ilija ; Glavaš, Hrvoje ; Vidaković, Držislav, DOI:
Keywords: energetska učinkovitost, termo-tehnički sustav, kotlovi, kondenzacijska tehnika, Thorium A+

Application of infrared thermograpy in technical systems, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2017, Zbornik radova 15. skup o prirodnom plinu, toplini i vodi ; 8. međunarodni skup o prirodnom plinu, toplini i vodi , Glavaš, Hrvoje ; Barić, Tomislav ; Stojkov, Marinko, DOI:
Keywords: Infracrvena termografija, elektrotehnika, strojarstvo, građevina, medicina

Power Loss Reduction in a Transmission System by Using FACTS Devices, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2017, VII International Conference Industrial Engineering and Environmental Protection (IIZS 2017) Proceedings , Relić, Filip ; Petrović, Ivica ; Glavaš, Hrvoje, DOI:
Keywords: ENTSO, Electric Power System, FACTS

Influence of Distributed Generation from Renewable Energy Sources on Distribution Network Hosting Capacity, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2017, Proceedings of 6th International Youth Conference on Energy , Žnidarec, Matej ; Šljivac, Damir ; Topić, Danijel, DOI:
Keywords: Hosting capacity, distributed generator, distribution network, off-load tap changer, inductor, power factor, network reinforcement and upgrade, PV system, power losses

Comparative Analysis of Electricity Production from Different Technologies of PV Modules, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2017, 10th International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Environmental Protection (Conference Proceedings) - Renewable Energy Sources , Perko, Jurica ; Žnidarec, Matej ; Topić, Danijel, DOI:
Keywords: photovoltaic module, monocrystalline silicon, polycrystalline silicon, high-efficient monocrystalline silicon, electricity production

Comparison of the Shading Influence on PV Modules of Different Technologies, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2017, 10TH International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Environmental Protection (Conference Proceedings) - Renewable Energy Sources , Knežević, Goran ; Topić, Danijel ; Žnidarec, Matej ; Štumberger Bojan ; Hadžiselimović, Miralem ; Seme, Sebastijan, DOI:
Keywords: shading, influence, shading factor, PV modules technologies, comparison

Fodder as a biofuel: Cost effectiveness of powering horses in plowing operation, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2017, 6th International Scientific Symposium: Economy of Eastern Croatia - vision and growth , Gantner, Ranko ; Šumanovac, Luka ; Zimmer, Domagoj ; Ronta, Mario ; Glavaš, Hrvoje ; Ivanović, Milan ; Jarić, Danijel, DOI:
Keywords: biofuel, soil tillage, cost effectiveness, sustainability

Creating a Parametric Model of Hand Crane With Cad System for Parametric Modeling Based on Features, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2017, 26. Međunarodni znanstveno-stručni skup „Organizacija i tehnologija održavanja“ - OTO 2017. - Zbornik radova , Sojčić, Hrvoje ; Karakašić, Mirko ; Glavaš, Hrvoje, DOI:
Keywords: računalom podržano konstruiranje, familija proizvoda, značajka, ručna dizalica

Maintenance of Public Lighting, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2017, Održavanje 2017 Zbornik radova , Čop, Mihael ; Glavaš, Hrvoje ; Barić, Tomislav, DOI:
Keywords: Javna rasvjeta (JR), održavanje JR, mapiranje JR, mjerenje osvijetljenosti, Relux

Microgrid Energy Management System in a Public Building, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2016, Proceedings of 2016 International Conference on Smart Systems and Technologies (SST) , Primorac, Mario ; Šljivac, Damir ; Klaić, Zvonimir ; Fekete, Krešimir ; Nakomčić - Smaragdakis, Branka, DOI:
Keywords: distributed production, microgrids, photovoltaic power plants, wind turbine

The Application of Smartphones as DVR, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2016, 36. skup o prometnim sustavima s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem Automatizacija u prometu 2016 : zbornik = 36th Conference on Transportation Systems with International Participation AAutomation in transportation 2015 : proceedings , Keser, Tomislav ; Glavaš, Hrvoje ; Barić, Tomislav ;, DOI:
Keywords: Crash for Cash, DVR, Smartphone

Exploitation of Public Lighting Infrastructural Possibilities, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2016, Proceedings of 2016 International Conference on Smart Systems and Technologies (SST) , Perko, Jurica ; Topić, Danijel ; Šljivac, Damir, DOI:
Keywords: smart public lighting, LED technology, smart city, energy efficiency, intelligent traffic system

Smart Protection Device Coordination of Electrical Motor Drive Facility Connected on Distribution Network, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2016, Proceedings of 2016 Internetional Conference of Smart Systems and Technologies , Nikolovski, Srete ; Knezevic, Goran ; Mlakic Dragan, DOI:
Keywords: Protection devices, smart coordination, over-current protection, electrical motor drive, distribution network

Application possibilities of contemporary maintenance strategies for complex technical systems, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2016, Zbornik radova 14. skup o prirodnom plinu, toplini i vodi ; 7. međunarodni skup o prirodnom plinu, toplini i vodi , Vidaković, Držislav ; Glavaš, Hrvoje ; Pavelić, Krešimir, DOI:
Keywords: održavanje, tehnički sustavi, učinkovitost, rizici, troškovi

Gas turbine power plant in the system of HEP dd, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2016, Zbornik radova 14. skup o prirodnom plinu, toplini i vodi ; 7. međunarodni skup o prirodnom plinu, toplini i vodi , Glavaš, Hrvoje ; Petrović, Ivica ; Ivanović, Milan, DOI:
Keywords: Elektroslavonija“ Osijek, plinsko turbinska elektrana

Influence of load management in distribution network on voltages and active power losses: Case study, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2016, 2016 IEEE 16th International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering (EEEIC) , Fekete, Krešimir ; Klaić, Zvonimir ; Šljivac, Damir, DOI:
Keywords: losses, demand side load management, distribution network, photovoltaic power plant, air conditioner, voltages

Eenergy Audit as Obligation for Large Companies, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2016, 25. međunarodni znanstveno stručni skup Organizacija i tehnologija održavanja (OTO '2016) : zbornik radova = 25th International Scientific Meeting Organisation and Technology of Maintence, (OTO '2016) : proceedings , Glavaš, Hrvoje ; Barić, Tomislav ; Kraus, Zorislav, DOI:
Keywords: energetska učinkovitost, energetski pregled, ISO 50001

Protection Coordination of photovoltaic power plant rated power of 500 kW on the distribution network, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2015, Zbornik radova 13. skupa o prirodnom plinu, toplini i vodi i 6. međunarodnog skupa o prirodnom plinu, toplini i vodi , Wolf, Alen ; Nikolovski, Srete ; Knežević, Goran, DOI:
Keywords: koordinacija zaštite, sunčana elektrana, nadstrujna zaštita

Energy efficiency of building facades, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2015, Proceedings of technical and scientific conference with international participation SFERA 2015 Design and technologies of architectural openings , Vidaković, Držislav ; Jurić, Aleksandar ; Glavaš, Hrvoje, DOI:
Keywords: fasada, potrošnja energije, toplinska izolacija, troškovi

Finding openings with the use of infrared thermography, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2015, Proceedings of technical and scientific conference with international participation SFERA 2015 Design and technologies of architectural openings , Glavaš, Hrvoje ; Vidaković, Držislav ; Barić, Tomislav, DOI:
Keywords: pasivna termografija, aktivna termografija

The Small Hydro Power Plant „Pleternica“, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2015, Proceedings of the 13 th NATURAL GAS, HEAT AND WATER CONFERENCE ; 6 th INTERNATIONAL NATURAL GAS, HEAT AND WATER CONFERENCE - PLIN 2015 , Bošnjak, Mihael ; Stojkov, Marinko ; Šljivac, Damir ; Topić, Danijel ; Čikić, Ante ; Pelin, Denis, DOI:
Keywords: obnovljivi izvori energije, hidroenergija, mala hidroelektrana, proizvodnja električne energije male hidroelektrane

Pedelec - Pedal Electric Cycle, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2015, Tridesetpeti skup o prometnim sustavima s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem Automatizacija u prometu 2015 : zbornik = 35th Conference on Transportation Systems with International Participation Automation in transportation 2015 : proceedings , Glavaš, Hrvoje ; Barić, Tomislav ; Keser, Tomislav, DOI:
Keywords: Pedelec, laka električna vozila

Gas Detection Thermography, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2015, V International Conference Industrial Engineering and Environmental Protection 2015 (IIZS 2015), Proceedings , Glavaš, Hrvoje ; Kvaček, Anita ; Muštran, Daniel, DOI:
Keywords: thermography, gas detection

The Techno-economical and Enviromental Results of Gasification in the Slavonia Region (Croatia), Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2015, V International Conference Industrial Engineering and Environmental Protection (IIZS 2015) Proceedings , Ivanović, Milan ; Glavaš, Hrvoje, DOI:
Keywords: gas distribution, gas pipelines, gas consumption, natural gas, Slavonia


Year: 2015, PLIN 2015 Proceedings, 13th Natural Gas, Heat and Water Conference ; 6st International Natural Gas, Heat and Water Conference , Perković, Branimir ; Barić, Tomislav ; Glavaš, Hrvoje, DOI:
Keywords: ETICS, KI expert, prirodni plin

Cost-Benefit Analysis of Different Photovoltaic Systems in Croatia, Hungary, Serbia and Slovenia, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2015, Perspectives of Renewable Energy in the Danube Region Conferencee : proceedings , Pelin, Denis ; Kovács, Sándor Zsolt ; Suvák, Andrea ; Šljivac, Damir ; Topić, Danijel, DOI:
Keywords: cost-benefit analysis, PV systems, net present value, investment, specific profit

Overview and Perspectives of Renewable Energy Sources in the Danube Region in Croatia, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2015, Perspectives of Renewable Energy in the Danube Region , Spajić, Anton ; Vezmar, Stanislav ; Topić, Danijel ; Šljivac, Damir, DOI:
Keywords: Danube region, renewable energy sources, potential, usage, perspectives

Elasticity of Consumption of Natural Gas in Slavonia and Baranja in the Economic Crisis, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2015, 30. međunarodni znanstveno-stručni susret stručnjaka za plin - zbornik radova , Ivanović, Milan ; Glavaš, Hrvoje, DOI:
Keywords: prirodni plin, elastičnost potrošnje, energetska učinkovitost, kućanstva

Thermography in the Maintenance of Electrical Installations, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2015, 24. međunarodni znanstveno-stručni skup Organizacija i tehnologija održavanja OTO'2015, zbornik radova , Glavaš, Hrvoje ; Barić, Tomislav ; Kvaček, Anita, DOI:
Keywords: termovizija, održavanje, elektroenergetske instalacije

Applying Solar Energy for Heating - A Case Study at a Secondary School in Croatia, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2015, Perspectives of Renewable Energy in the Danube Region , Stojkov, Marinko ; Hornung, Krunoslav ; Čikić, Ante ; Kozak, Dražan ; Šljivac, Damir ; Topić, Danijel, DOI:
Keywords: solar thermal energy, heating system, savings, emissions

Possibility of applying clean development mechanism on small capacity RES projects in Vojvodina, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2014, Proceedings of 9. International Scientific Conference "Metrology and Quality in Production Engineering and Environmental Protection" - ETIKUM , Nakomčić-Smaragdakis, Branka ; Dragutinović N ; Čepić, Zoran ; Šljivac, Damir, DOI:
Keywords: mehanizam čistog razavoja, OIE, projekti malih kapaciteta

Techno-Economic Analysis of the Use of Solar Energy for Agricultural Land, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2014, 8th international seminar Advanced Manufacturing Technologies , Topić, Danijel ; Šljivac, Damir ; Stojkov, Marinko ; Perko, Jurica ; Gašparović, Domagoj, DOI:
Keywords: Battery, Electrical energy, DC/AC inverter, Irrigation, Pump, Photovoltaic modules, Photovoltaic system, Solar power

Energy Efficiency Criterion of Street Lights, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2014, Zbornik radova 34.i skupa o prometnim sustavima s meñunarodnim sudjelovanjem AAutomatizacija u prometu 2014 , Glavaš, Hrvoje ; Barić, Tomislav ; Keser, Tomislav, DOI:
Keywords: javna rasvjeta, energetska učinkovitost, cestovni promet

Green electricity production in EU-28 and in Croatia, Germany, Hungary and Serbia, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2014, 32nd Science in Practice 2014 (SiP 2014) Proceedings , Ivanović, Milan ; Glavaš, Hrvoje, DOI:
Keywords: biomass, electricty generation, geothermal, hydro power, photovoltaic, wind power, wave power

The Role of GIS in Energy Audit of Public Lighting, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2014, IV International Conference Industrial Engineering and Environmental Protection (IIZS 2014) Proceedings , Glavaš, Hrvoje ; Mesarić, Dalibor ; Ivanović, Milan, DOI:
Keywords: energy audit, GIS, public lighting system

Renewable energy sources and energy consumption in a sector of general consumption, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2014, Zbornik radova , Proceedings, 12. skup o prirodnom plinu , toplini i vodi, 12th Natural Gas, Heat and Water Conference, 5. međunarodni skup o prirodnom plinu, toplini i vodi, 5th International Natural Gas, Heat and Water Conference - Plin 2014 , Hornung, Krunoslav ; Stojkov, Marinko ; Hnatko, Emil ; Šljivac, Damir ; Topić, Danijel., DOI:
Keywords: obnovljivi izvori energije, Sunčeva energija, prirodni plin, ušteda energije, rezervni energent

Emulation of various photovoltaic systems, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2014, Proceedings of the 5th International Natural Gas , Heat and Water Conference, PLIN2014 , Pelin, Denis ; Rapčan Vjekoslav ; Šljivac, Damir, DOI:
Keywords: fotonaponski sustav, emulacija, različite tehnologije fotonaponskih modula, u-i karakteristika

Photovoltaic system for autonomous irrigation agricultural area, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2014, Proceedings of the 5th International Natural Gas, Heat and Water Conference , Nikolovski, Srete ; Knežević, Goran ; Marić, Danijel ; Gorup, Jurica, DOI:
Keywords: fotonaponski sustav, fotonaponski moduli, dubinska pumpa navodnjavanje, zelene ekonomija

Electric Car - history and components, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2014, 12. skup o prirodnom plinu , toplini i vodi, 12th Natural Gas, Heat and Water Conference, 5. međunarodni skup o prirodnom plinu, toplini i vodi, 5th International Natural Gas, Heat and Water Conference - Plin 2014 , Stojkov, Marinko ; Gašparović, Domagoj ; Pelin, Denis ; Glavaš, Hrvoje ; Hornung, Krunoslav ; Mikulandra, Nikica, DOI:
Keywords: električni automobil, povijest razvoja, sastavni dijelovi, baterije, ekologija, energetska učinkovitost

The energy audit of street lighting, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2014, Proceedings PLIN2014 , Glavaš, Hrvoje ; Mesarić, Dalibor ; Barić, Tomislav ; Đurđević, Damir ; Ivanović, Milan, DOI:
Keywords: energetska učinkovitost, energetski pregled, javna rasvjeta

Analysis of the impact of 180 kW photovoltaic power plant Novoselac 3 on distribution grid, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2014, PROCEEDINGS OF 5th INTERNATIONAL NATURAL GAS, HEAT AND WATER CONFERENCE , Nikolovski, Srete ; Fekete, Krešimir ; Kresonja, Mario ; Gorup, Jurica, DOI:
Keywords: Fotonaponska elektrana, kvaliteta el. energije, koordinacija zaštite, mjerenje, računalna simulacija

Indices of sustainability of horse traction in agriculture, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2014, 3. međunarodni znanstveni simpozij Gospodarstvo istočne Hrvatske - vizija i razvoj / 3rd International Scientific Symposium Economy of Eastern Croatia - Vision and Growth , Gantner, Ranko ; Baban, Mirjana ; Glavaš, Hrvoje ; Ivanović, Milan ; Schlechter, Pit ; Šumanovac, Luka ; Zimmer, Domagoj, DOI:
Keywords: sustainability, horse traction, energy, agriculture

Energy Audit of Road Lighting, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2014, 23. ZNANSTVENO STRUČNI SKUP ORGANIZACIJA I TEHNOLOGIJA ODRŽAVANJA, zbornik radova , Glavaš, Hrvoje ; Ivanović, Milan ; Barić, Tomislav, DOI:
Keywords: javna rasvjeta, energetski pregled

Resources and Possibilities of Agro Biomass Usage for Energy Purposes in Slavonia Region (Croatia), Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2014, EnergyCon 2014 , Glavaš, Hrvoje ; Ivanović, Milan ; Mandić, Niko ;, DOI:
Keywords: Biomass, Energy Potential, Crop Residues

Photovoltaic Power Plants in Slavonia and Baranja: Experiences in the Design and Operation, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2014, 3rd International Scientific Symposium Economy of Eastern Croatia - Vision and Growth , Nikolovski, Srete ; Knežević, Goran ; Kresonja, Mario ; Gorup, Jurica, DOI:
Keywords: Solar energy, Photovoltaic power plants, Electrical energy, Carbon emission, ICT technology, Sunny Web portal

Energy Audit of Public Lighting in the Area of Osijek-Baranja County (Croatia), Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2014, EnergyCon 2014 , Glavaš, Hrvoje ; Ivanović, Milan ; Mandić, Niko ;, DOI:
Keywords: electricity, energy efficiency, public lighting

Influence of Temperature Drop on Power and Gas Systems - analysis, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2014, Energy Conference-EnergyCon 2014 IEEE International , Mandić, Niko ; Glavaš, Hrvoje ; Petrović, Ivica ;, DOI:
Keywords: energy, power system, gas system, temperature drop

Energy efficient transformers, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2014, 4.(10.) savjetovanje, Hrvatski ogranak međunarodne elektrodistribucijske konferencije- HO CIRED, Trogir/Seget Donji 2014 , Tačković, Krešimir ; Petrović, Ivica ; Glavaš, Hrvoje, DOI:
Keywords: energetska učinkovitost, transformatori, gubici transformatora

Usage of biogas CHP with the aim of reducing environment pollution, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2013, Proceedings of 1. International Scientific Conference "Metrology and Quality in Production Engineering and Environmental Protection" - ETIKUM , Nakomčić Smaragdakis Branka ; Čepić, Zoran ; Dragutinović N ; Šljivac, Damir ;, DOI:
Keywords: biogas, kogeneracijsko postrojenje, zagađenje životne sredine

Measurements and Analysis of Influence of Different Distributed RES Technology on Power Quality in the Distribution Network, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2013, Proceedings of 4th International Youth Conference on Energy (IYCE), 2013 , Zdunic, Goran ; Kraus, Zorislav ; Klaic, Zvonimir ; Sljivac, Damir, DOI:
Keywords: distributed generation, distribution grid protection, quality of electrical energy, renewable energy sources

Expert System Model for Vehicle Maintenance Interval Assessment, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2013, Automation in Transportation 2013 , Keser, Tomislav ; Blažević, Damir ; Glavaš, Hrvoje, DOI:
Keywords: Expert Systems, Maintenance, Interval Assessment, Vehicle

Motorcycle Helmet - Element Of Safety In Road Traffic, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2013, Zbornik radova, Tridesettreći skup o prometnim sustavima s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem AUTOMATIZACIJA U PROMETU 2013 ; Proceedings, 33rd Conference on Transportation Systems with International Partipation Automation in Transportation 2013 , Glavaš, Hrvoje ; Ivanović, Milan ; Barić, Tomislav, DOI:
Keywords: motociklistička kaciga, cestovni promet, sigurnost

Energy Efficiency in Public Transport of the Osijek City, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2013, 31st International Conference Science in Practice (SIP2013) : Proceedings , Glavaš, Hrvoje ; Ivanović, Milan, DOI:
Keywords: public transport, electricity consumption, energy efficiency, tram

Biogas and Biogas Power Plant, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2013, Proceedings PLIN2013 , Horvatović, Zoran ; Stojkov, Marinko ; Janković, Zvonimir ; Topić, Danijel ; Golob, Vjekoslava, DOI:
Keywords: obnovljivi izvori energije, energetski usjevi, bioplin, anaerobna digestija, bioplinsko postrojenje, fermentator, kogeneracija, električna energija

Technology for flue gas purification, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2013, Proceedings of the 4th International Natural Gas , Heat and Water Conference, 25. – 27. September 2013, Osijek, Croatia , Harambašić, Zoran ; Stojkov, Marinko ; Hnatko, Emil ; Holik, Mario ; Šljivac, Damir ; Medica, Vladimir, DOI:
Keywords: dimni plinovi, emisija, tehnologije za smanjenje emisija, klimatske promjene, utjecaj na okoliš

Some risks in generation expansion planning on electricity market, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2013, Proceedingds from 8th International Conference on Deregulated Electricity Market Issues in South-Eastern Europe, conference , Slipac, Goran ; Šljivac, Damir ; Nikolovski, Srete, DOI:
Keywords: Value of lost of load (VOLL), security of supply, generation expansion planning, WASP

A method for optimizing LOLP using WASP planning package, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2013, Proceedings from 8th International Conference on Deregulated Electricity Market Issues in South-Eastern Europe , Slipac, Goran ; Nikolovski, Srete ; Šljivac, Damir, DOI:
Keywords: Lost of load probabiluty (LOLP), WASP, Security of supply

Available Transfer Capability Determination for Cross Border Energy Trading in Croatian Electric Power System, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2013, Proceedings from the 8th International Conference on Deregulated Electricity Market Issues in South-Eastern Europe , Fekete, Krešimir ; Knežević, Goran ; Nikolovski, Srete, DOI:
Keywords: computer model, available transmission, capacity, power flows, transmission network, wind power

AC Characteristics of Laptop for Different Mode of Operation, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2013, Proceedings PLIN2013 , Pelin, Denis ; Pavlić, Jadran ; Glavaš, Hrvoje, DOI:
Keywords: prijenosno računalo, izmjenične karakteristike, energetska učinkovitost

The Use of Renewable Energy and Gas Consumption in the region of Slavonia and Baranja, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2013, Proceedings PLIN2013 , Ivanović, Milan ; Glavaš, Hrvoje ; Tonković, Zlatko, DOI:
Keywords: energetska učinkovitost, obnovljivi izvori energije, prirodni plin, potrošnja kućanstava

Graphical Presentation of the Energy Balance with Sankey Diagrams, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2013, Proceedings PLIN2013 , Kovbanovski, Sergej ; Barić, Tomislav ; Glavaš, Hrvoje, DOI:
Keywords: energetska bilanca, grafička interpretacija, Sankey dijagram, IEA, Eurostat

Technical and economic characteristics of the biogas power plant and the impact on the electrical grid, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2013, Proceedings PLIN2013 , Šljivac, Damir ; Vukobratović, Marko ; Stojkov, Marinko ; Nakomčić, Branka ; Klaić, Zvonimir ; Marić, Predrag, DOI:
Keywords: realizacija bioplinske elektrane, tehno-ekonomska analiza isplativosti, utjecaj na mrežu

Computer Simulation of Photovoltaic System Connected on Distribution Netvork, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2013, Proceedings CADAM 2013 , Nikolovski, Srete ; Marić, Predrag ; Ljubomir, Majdandžić, DOI:
Keywords: PV system, distribution network, simulation, power flow, three phase fault

Economic Impact of Power Quality Disturbances, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2013, Proceedings of 22nd International Conference & Exhibition on Electricity Distribution , Klaić, Zvonimir ; Sipl, Dalibor ; Nikolovski, Srete, DOI:
Keywords: power quality, economic impacts, paper mill, voltage sags economic evaluation

Numerical Relay Protection Coordination using Simulation Software, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2013, 36 International convention MIPRO 2013 , Nikolovski, Srete ; Havranek, Mario ; Marić, Predrag, DOI:
Keywords: Relay protection, computer modeling, simulation, reley protecton coordination, renewable energy sources

Tire as Element of Energy Efficiency in Transport, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2013, 22. MEĐUNARODNI ZNANSTVENO STRUČNI SKUP ORGANIZACIJA I TEHNOLOGIJA ODRŽAVANJA , Kovbanovski, Sergej ; Glavaš, Hrvoje ; Barić, Tomislav, DOI:
Keywords: energetska učinkovitost, cestovni promet, automobilska guma

Applying an Evolutionary Strategy for Multiobjective Optimization of Capacitor Banks Allocation in Distribution Feeders, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2013, Proceedings from IEEE Eurocon 2013 conference , Barukčić, Marinko ; Nikolovski, Srete ; Marić, Predrag, DOI:
Keywords: capacitor banks, evolutionary strategy, multiobjective optimization, distribution feeder

Economic Effects of Power Quality Disturbances, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2012, Zbornik Trećeg savjetovanja Hrvatskog ogranka međunarodne elektrodistribucijske konferencije , Klaić, Zvonimir ; Nikolovski, Srete, DOI:
Keywords: kvaliteta električne energije, liberalizirano tržište električne energije, naponski propadi, postupak ekonomske procjene naponskih propada, graf koordinacije propada, težinski koeficijenti

Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Sources in the Slavonia Region, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2012, Science in Practice 2012, Proceedings , Ivanović, Milan ; Glavaš, Hrvoje ; Špiranović- Kanižaj, Dubravka, DOI:
Keywords: Energy Efficiency, Renewable Energy Sources, The Slavonia Region

Energy Efficiency Of Road Traffic, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2012, Tridesetdrugi skup o prometnim sustavima s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem Automatizacija u prometu 2012 , Glavaš, Hrvoje ; Ivanović, Milan ; Keser, Tomislav, DOI:
Keywords: cestovni promet, energetska učinkovitost, indikatori energetske učinkovitosti

Public Accessible Micrometeorological Stations Network Model For Road Traffic Weather Conditioned Safety Supervision, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2012, Automation In Transportation 2012 , Antunović, Miroslav ; Keser, Tomislav ; Glavaš, Hrvoje, DOI:
Keywords: Communication, Meteorology, Network Model, Traffic Safety, Station, SMS, Weather

Transmission capacity limitation influence on powe system reliability, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2012, 10. simpozij o sustavu vođenja EES–a , Tolić, Ivan ; Marić, Predrag ; Angebrandt, Vedran ; Nikolovski, Srete ; Kovač, Zoran, DOI:
Keywords: Prijenosna mreža, prijenosni kapaciteti, pouzdanost prijenosne mreţe

Public Lighting Maintenance on the OBC Area, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2012, 21. Znanstveno-stručni skup organizacija i tehnologija održavanja - OTO '2012 , Blažević, Damir ; Ivanović, Milan ; Glavaš, Hrvoje, DOI:
Keywords: elektrčina energija, javna rasvjeta, održavanje, svjetlo-tehnika

Analysis of software support for the calculation of building components simple residential building in accordance with the requirements of the Technical regulation on the rational use of energy and th, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2012, 10. SKUP O PRIRODNOM PLINU, TOPLINI I VODI, 3. MEĐUNARODNI SKUP O PRIRODNOM PLINU, TOPLINI I VODI , Knežević, Branko ; Barić, Tomislav ; Glavaš, Hrvoje, DOI:
Keywords: KI Expert, IGH Toplinska zaštita, Novolit 2009. Toplinska zaštita i URSA Građevinska fizika 5.0.

Energy Efficiency of Natural Gas Usage in Industry of Slavonia Baranya regions, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2012, 10. SKUP O PRIRODNOM PLINU, TOPLINI I VODI, 3. MEĐUNARODNI SKUP O PRIRODNOM PLINU, TOPLINI I VODI , Ivanović, MIlan ; Glavaš, Hrvoje ; Tonković, Zlatko, DOI:
Keywords: industrija, prirodni plin, energetska učinkovitost, ugljični dioksid

Program of Efficient Use of Energy In Final Energy Consumption on The Area of Eastern Croatia, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2012, 1st International Scientific Symposium Economy of Eastern Croatia-Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow , Glavaš, Hrvoje ; Blažević, Damir ; Ivanović, Milan, DOI:
Keywords: energy efficiency, final energy consumption, building construction, transport, public lighting, Eastern Croatia

Energy efficiency of wood biomass gasification in electricity production, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2012, Proceedings of the 3rd International Natural Gas , Heat and Water Conference , Šljivac, Damir ; Stojkov, Marinko ; Markanović, Krešimir ; Topić, Danijel ; Janković, Zvonimir ; Hnatko, Emil, DOI:
Keywords: rasplinjavanje biomase, reaktor za rasplinjavanje, piroliza, izgaranje, modeliranje reaktora za rasplinjavanje.

Impact of Small Distributed Producers to the Electric Power System, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2011, Hrvatski ogranak međunarodnog vijeća za velike elektroenergetske sustave–CIGRÉ ; 10. savjetovanje HRO CIGRÉ Cavtat, 6. – 10. studenoga 2011. , Vukobratović, Marko ; Petrović, Ivica ; Šljivac, Damir ; Glavaš, Hrvoje, DOI:
Keywords: distribuirana proizvodnja, vođenje elektroenergetskog sustava, fotonaponski sustavi

Simulation of the Residential Photovoltaic System Expansion Impact on the Voltage Profile, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2011, Annals of DAAAM for 2011 & Proceedings of the 22nd International DAAAM Symposium "Intelligent Manufacturing & Automation: Power of Knowledge and Creativity" , Knežević, Goran ; Fekete, Krešimir ; Nikolovski, Srete, DOI:
Keywords: voltage profile, distributed generation, photovoltaic system, computer model

Stohastic Assessment of Voltage Sags in Power System, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2011, Zbornik radova sa 10. savjetovanje HRO CIGRÉ, Cavtat 2011 , Klaić, Zvonimir ; Nikolovski, Srete ; Mandžukić, Dražen ; Dejanović, Alen, DOI:
Keywords: kratki spojevi, naponski propadi, ekonomski gubici, metoda položaja kvarova

Propagation of the Voltage Sags Through Different Winding Connections of the Transformers, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2011, IEEE EPQU 2011 Conference proceedings , Klaić, Zvonimir ; Fekete, Krešimir ; Nikolovski Srete ; Prekratić, Zoran, DOI:
Keywords: power quality, voltage sag, transformer winding, measurement.

Renewal of knowledge for live working on the internet, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2011, Proceedings of the 10th International Conference On Live Maintenance ICOLIM 2011 , Raljević, Damir ; Stojkov, Marinko ; Šljivac, Damir, DOI:
Keywords: live working, online course, Moodle

Application of the Fuel Cells in Generating Electrical Energy and Heat, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2011, Proceedings of the 2nd International Natural Gas , Heat and Water Conference , Pelin, Denis ; Stojkov, Marinko ; Šljivac, Damir ; Glavaš, Hrvoje, DOI:
Keywords: gorivne ćelije, primjena, električna energija, toplina

Power plant & Heating Osijek - reconstruction of burner's system, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2011, Proceedings of the 2nd International Natural Gas , Heat and Water Conference , Stojkov, Marinko ; Čavlović, Darko ; Šljivac, Damir ; Pelin, Denis ; Glavaš, Hrvoje, DOI:
Keywords: termo elektrana, plamenik, zaštita, gorivo

Energy Efficiency of Natural Gas Usage in Household of Osijek-Baranja Count, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2011, , Ivanović, Milan ; Tonković, Zlatko ; Glavaš, Hrvoje, DOI:
Keywords: kućanstva, potrošnja prirodnog plina, potrošnja električne energije

Calculation and Design of the Heat Pumps, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2011, Proceedings of The 3rd International Youth Conference on Energetics 2011 , Perko, Jurica ; Dugeč, Vjekoslav ; Topić, Danijel ; Šljivac, Damir ; Kovač, Zoran, DOI:
Keywords: compressors, geothermal energy, geothermal power generation, heating, heat pumps, temperature control, thermodynamics, thermomechanical processes

The Influence of Wind Park Krs-Padene on Reliability Indices of 110 kV Transmission Network, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2011, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on the European Energy Market (EEM 2011) , Nikolovski, Srete ; Topić, Danijel ; Fekete, Krešimir ; Slipac, Goran, DOI:
Keywords: Reliability, Wind turbine, Markov model, Reliability indices

Electricity Spot Market Simulation Involving Bilateral Contracts Hedging, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2011, 2011 8th International Conference on the European Energy Market (EEM) , Knežević, Goran ; Nikolovski, Srete ; Marić, Predrag, DOI:
Keywords: spot electricity market, bilateral contract, market simulation, production strategies

Increasing biomass collection domain radius due to transportation losses, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2010, 8th Natural Gas, Heat and Water Conference ; 1st International Natural Gas, Heat and Water Conference , Glavaš, Hrvoje ; Józsa, Lajos ; Barić, Tomislav ; Marić, Predrag, DOI:
Keywords: biomasa, domena prikupljanja, transportni gubitci, CLC

Quality of Electric Energy in Špansko-Zagreb Photovoltaic System, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2010, Zbornik radova 9. međunarodno znanstveno-stručno savjetovanje Energetska i procesna postrojenja i 4. međunarodni forum o obnovljivim izvorima energije , Nikolovski, Srete ; Majdandžić, Ljubomir ; Klaić, Zvonimir ; Fekete, Krešimir, DOI:
Keywords: HRN (EN) 50160, fotonaponski sustav, harmonici, THD

Cost-benefit Analisys of Biogas CHP Plant, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2010, Science in Practice 2010, 28th International Conference, Proceedings, Subotica, 2010 , Topić, Danijel ; Šljivac, Damir ; Jozsa, Lajos ; Nikolovski, Srete ; Vukobratović, Marko, DOI:
Keywords: cost benefit, biogas CHP plant, electrical efficiency

Reliability Assessment of Southern Croatian Transmission Network, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2010, Proceedings of the 7th EUROSIM Congress on Modelling and Simulation , Fekete, Krešimir ; Nikolovski, Srete ; Knežević, Goran, DOI:
Keywords: transmission network, reliability indices, GIS substation

Computation and measurement of electromagnetic fields in high voltage transformer substations, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2010, 33rd International Convention on Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics, Proceedings Vol. III Computers in Technical Systems & Intelligent Systems , Nikolovski, Srete ; Klaić, Zvonimir ; Kraus, Zorislav ; Stojkov, Marinko, DOI:
Keywords: Electric Field, Magnetic Field, Transformer Substation, CDEGS

Applying Agent-based Modeling to Electricity Market Simulation, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2010, 33rd International Convention on Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics, Proceedings Vol. III Computers in Technical Systems & Intelligent Systems , Knežević, Goran ; Fekete, Krešimir ; Nikolovski, Srete, DOI:
Keywords: Agent, Electricity Market, EMCAS, Power System, Modeling

Simulation of Lightning Transients on 110 kV overhead-cable transmission line using ATP-EMTP, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2010, Proceedings of the 15th IEEE Mediterranian Electromechanical Conference , Fekete, Krešimir ; Nikolovski, Srete ; Knežević, Goran ; Stojkov, Marinko ; Kovač, Zoran, DOI:
Keywords: Lightning Transients, Overhead Line, Cable, EMTP

Voltage stability in 110 kv transmission network of control area osijek during special network topology, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2009, , Marić, Predrag ; Petrović, Ivica ; Brleković, Zvonimir ; Bunčec, Zoran, DOI:
Keywords: naponska stabilnost, slom napona

Road Traffic and Free Mapping, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2009, 29 th Conference on Transportation Systems with International Participation , Turković, Valent ; Mičunović, Milijana ; Glavaš, Hrvoje, DOI:
Keywords: cestovni promet, mapiranje

Simulation of Short Circuit and Lightning Transients on 110 kV Overhead and Cable Transmission Lines Using ATP-EMTP, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2009, Proceedings of the EEUG Meeting 2009 & European EMTP-ATP Users Group Conference , Marić, Predrag ; Nikolovski, Srete ; Laszlo, Prikler, DOI:
Keywords: short circuit, lightning stroke, cable, overhead transmission line, simulation

Measurements and Computation of Electromagnetic Field in Transformer Station 400/110 kV Ernestinovo, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2009, IEEE Power Tech 2009 : proceedings , Nikolovski, Srete ; Klaić, Zvonimir ; Štefić, Branko, DOI:
Keywords: transformer station, electric field, magnetic filed, electromagnetic compatibility, measurements

Measurments and Computation of Electromagnetic Field Outside Transformer Station 110/10(20) KV Usina the CDEGS Software, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2009, Proceedings of the Power frequency electromagnetic fields ELF EMF : international colloquium , Nikolovski, Srete ; Klaić, Zvonimir ; Štefić, Branko, DOI:
Keywords: transformer station, electric field, magnetic field, electromagnetic compatibility, computer program

Influence of Cross-border Energy Trading on Prices of Electricity in Croatia, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2009, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on the European Energy Market (EEM09) , Fekete, Krešimir ; Knežević, Goran ; Nikolovski, Srete ; Slipac, Goran, DOI:
Keywords: cross-border trading, agent-based modeling, EMCAS software, locational marginal price, congestion

Visualization of Voltage Profile and Power Flow in Croatian Power System, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2009, 32. međunarodni skup MIPRO 2009 : MEET & GVS : S Miprom u društvo znanja - Europska godina kreativnosti i inovativnosti : zbornik radova = 32nd International Convention on Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics : With Mipro to knowledge society - European year of , Knežević, Goran ; Fekete, Krešimir ; Nikolovski, Srete, DOI:
Keywords: visualization of voltage profile, power flow, power transfer distribution factors

Application of Hydro Power Calculator in Power Engineering Education, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2008, Science in Practice 2008, 26th International Conference, Proceedings , Vemenac, Tihomir ; Jozsa, Lajos ; Glavaš, Hrvoje, DOI:
Keywords: student educationt, hydro power plant, hydro power calculator, Java

Advisability of Car Replacement with Respect to Gasoline Price Growth, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2008, Automatizacija u prometu 2008 , Glavaš, Hrvoje ; Antunović, Mladen ; Ivanović, Milan, DOI:
Keywords: cijene energenata, cijena benzina, troškovi eksploatacije, automobil

Application of a Solar Power Calculator in Power Engineering Education, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2008, Science in Practice 2008, 26th International Conference, Proceedings , Buljić, Dalibor ; Šljivac, Damir ; Glavaš, Hrvoje, DOI:
Keywords: solar energy, solar cells, power, calculator

Online Power Quality Measurements and Voltage Sags Analysis, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2008, Proceedings of the 43rd International Universities Power Engineering Conference (UPEC2008) , Nikolovski, Srete ; Klaic, Zvonimir ; Kraus, Zorislav ; Slipac, Goran, DOI:
Keywords: power quality, voltage sags indices, online monitoring

Transient Stability Simulation of Industrial Power Plant during Faults on 110 kV Transmission Line, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2008, Proceedings of the 31st International convention on information and communication technology, electronics and microelectronics (MIPRO 2008) = 31. međunarodni skup MIPRO ; sv. III : Computers in technical Systems ; Intelligent Systems = Računala u tehničkim sustavima ; Inteligentni sustavi , Knežević, Goran ; Marić, Predrag ; Nikolovski, Srete, DOI:
Keywords: transient stability, transmission network, synchronous generator, short circuits, computer simulation

Computer Aided Design of Power Plant Grounding System, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2008, 26th Scientific Conference Science to Practice (SiP 2008) : Book of Abstract , Nikolovski, Srete ; Darko, Čavlović ; Marić, Predrag ; Baus, Zoran, DOI:
Keywords: grounding system, touch voltage, step voltage, computer modeling, grounding resistance

Agent-based Modelling Application Possibilities for Croatian Electricity Market Simulation, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2008, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on the European Electricity Market (EEM 08) , Fekete, Krešimir ; Nikolovski, Srete ; Puzak, Domagoj ; Slipac, Goran ; Keko, Hrvoje, DOI:
Keywords: electricity market, agent-based modelling, EMCAS software, market participant, Croatian electricity market

Power Quality Indices of Distribution Feeder in Eastern Croatia under Electricity Market, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2008, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on the European Electricity Market (EEM 2008) , Nikolovski, Srete ; Klaić, Zvonimir ; Kraus, Zorislav ; Novinc, Željko ; Baus, Zoran, DOI:
Keywords: power quality indices, distribution feeder, voltage sags, interruptions, European Norm EN 50160

Reliability assessment of Croatian power system in open electricity market environment, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2008, Proceedings of the 2008 CIGRE General Session , Nikolovski, Srete ; Marić, Predrag ; Šljivac, Damir ; Mravak, Ivan ; Slipac, Goran ;, DOI:
Keywords: reliability assessment, open electricity market, interconnection, cross border transactions, reliability indices, transmission system operator

Monitoring model for power transformers with embladed reliability indicators, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2007, 8. savjetovanje HRO CIGRÉ : referati = 8th HRO CIGRÉ Session : papers , Tačković, Krešimir ; Petrović, Ivica ; Glavaš, Hrvoje, DOI:
Keywords: transformator, pouzdanost, raspoloživost, neraspoloživost, baza podataka

Safety aspects of users operating with HDD external USB case, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2007, Croatian Society for Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics - MIPRO 2007. , Hocenski, Željko ; Glavaš, Hrvoje ; Antunović, Mladen, DOI:
Keywords: HDD external case, safety

Designing the Optimal Stand alone Power System which uses Wind Power and Solar Radiation for Remote Area Object, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2007, Proceedings of the IYCE Conference, Budapest, 2007 , Bilić, Zvonimir ; Glavaš, Hrvoje ; Šljivac, Damir, DOI:
Keywords: Stand alone power system, PV, small wind turbines

Different Cross-border Energy Transits in Future Croatian Power System, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2007, 7th Balkan Power Conference : Proceedings , Fekete, Krešimir ; Knežević, Goran ; Nikolovski, Srete ; Slipac, Goran ; Sumper, Andreas ; Ramirez, Rodrigo, DOI:
Keywords: computer model, cross-border capacity

Computer Modelling of Numerical Distance Protection on High Voltage Transmission Lines, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2007, 5th International Conference on Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing CADAM 2007 : proceedings : short papers , Nikolovski, Srete ; Marić, Predrag ; Baus, Zoran, DOI:
Keywords: distance protection, numerical relay, high voltage transmission line, computer modelling, DIgSILENT PowerFactory software

Computer Aided Design of Grounding System for High Voltage Test Laboratory, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2007, Annals of DAAAM for 2007 & Proceedings of the 18th International DAAAM Symposium "Intelligent Manufacturing & Automation : Focus on Creativity, Responsibility, and Ethics of Engineers" ; Paper 259, Section C2 , Nikolovski, Srete ; Marić, Predrag ; Caha, Vladimir, DOI:
Keywords: grounding system, touch voltage, step voltage, computer modeling, grounding resistance

Simulation of Power Flows in Croatian Power System, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2007, Proceedings of the 6th EUROSIM Congress on Modelling and Simulation (EUROSIM 2007) , Fekete, Krešimir ; Nikolovski, Srete ; Baus, Zoran, DOI:
Keywords: Croatian power system, time step simulation, power flows, computer software

Transient Stability Simulation of Combined Power Plant During Faults on 400 kV and 110 kV Transmission Lines, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2007, Proceedings of the 6th EUROSIM Congress of Modeling and Simulation , Nikolovski, Srete ; Marić, Predrag ; Baus, Zoran ; Slipac, Goran, DOI:
Keywords: transient stability, transmission network, synchronous generator, short circuits, computer simulation

Statistical Analysis of Voltage Sags in Distribution Network According the EN 50160 Standard : Case Study, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2007, Conference Proceedings of the 19th International Conference and Exibition on Electricity Distribution (CIRED 2007) , Nikolovski, Srete ; Klaić, Zvonimir ; Baus, Zoran, DOI:
Keywords: statistical analyisis, voltage sags, EN 50160 norm

Reliability Assessment of Croatian Power Network Using State Enumeration Method, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2007, International Applied Reliability Symposium (ARS 2007) : Proceedings ; Track 2 ; Session 11 , Marić, Predrag ; Nikolovski, Srete ; Baus, Zoran, DOI:
Keywords: reliability assessment, reliability indices, transmission system, state enumeration method, power flow

Analysis of Losses And Load for Transmission Inerconections Lines From Aspect of Transit Cost Determination In Case of Open Market, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2006, Hrvatski ogranak međunarodnog vijeća za velike elektroenergetske sustave– CIGRÉ , Petrović, Ivica ; Tačković, Krešimir ; Glavaš, Hrvoje, DOI:
Keywords: Gubici, opterećenje prijenosnih vodova, tarife

Power quality indices of distribution feeders with unbalanced loads-measurements and analysis, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2006, Proceedings of the 12th Conference on harmonics and quality of power (ICHQP 2006) , Nikolovski, Srete ; Marić, Predrag ; Baus, Zoran, DOI:
Keywords: cable feeder, overhead feeder, current asymmetry, European norm 50160, power quality indices, unbalanced loads

Distribution Network Restoration Using Sequential Monte Carlo Approach, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2006, Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Systems , Šljivac, Damir ; Nikolovski, Srete ; Kovač, Zoran, DOI:
Keywords: Customer Restoration, Distribution Network, Fault Isolation, Monte-Carlo Method, Probability Distributions, Switching Time

A Possibility of Applaying Digital Foto-Video Technology in Traffic, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2006, Zbornik radova Automatizacija u prometu 2006 , Nenadić, Krešimir ; Keser, Tomislav ; Glavaš, Hrvoje, DOI:
Keywords: digitalna foto-video tehnologija, nezgode u prometu, EDR, unapređivanje EDR-a

Simulation of 300 MVA Transformer Energization in New Substation 400/110 kV "Ernestinovo" Using ATP-EMTP Software, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2006, Proceednings of EEUG Meeting 2006 , Marić, Predrag ; Srete, Nikolovski ; Zoran, Baus, DOI:
Keywords: Transformer energization, inrush transients, residual flux, computer simulation, overcurrent relay protection

Reliability Assesment od Croatian Power System After reconnection of UCTE 1 and UCTE 2 Synchronous Zone, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2006, Conference proceedings of the CIGRE 2006 General Session , Nikolovski, Srete ; Marić, Predrag ; Šljivac Damir ; Mravak, Ivan ; Slipac, Goran ; Kovač, Zoran, DOI:
Keywords: reliability assesment, rebuliding, reliability indices, transmission network, reconnection, computer simulation


Year: 2005, 25. Skup o prometnim sustavima s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem AUTOMATIZACIJA U PROMETU 2005 , Antunović, Mladen ; Glavaš, Hrvoje, DOI:
Keywords: fuzzy, traffic signal control, isolated intersection

Advantage and Disadvantage of Grounding Resistance Calculation Using Galerkin Method, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2005, 5 th International Scientific Conference of Production Engineering , Barić, Tomislav ; Nikoloski, Srete ; Glavaš, Hrvoje, DOI:
Keywords: Grounding resistance, moment method, point matching method, Galerkin method, simple grounding system, leakage current distribution

Simulation of Transients Overvoltages During 100 Mvar Shunt reactor DE-energizing Using ATP-EMTP Software, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2005, European EMTP-ATP Conference Proceedings , Nikolovski, Srete ; Marić, Predrag, DOI:
Keywords: shunt reactor, de-energization, transient overvoltages, surge arrester, synchronous controller, ATP models

Reliability assesment of distribution networks using sequential Monte Carlo simulation, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2005, 18th International Conference and Exhibition on Electricity Distribution (CIRED) : Conference Proceedings , Nikolovski, Srete ; Marić, Predrag ; Mravak, Ivan, DOI:
Keywords: reliability evaluation, sequential Monte Carlo simulation, reliability indices, distribution network

Measurement of Power Quality Indices in Industrial Networks, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2005, Proceedings of The 5th International Conference on Measurment (Measurment 2005) , Nikolovski, Srete ; Klaić, Zvonimir ; Novinc, Željko, DOI:
Keywords: power quality, voltage event, voltage dip distribution density function

Simulation Tool for Coordination of Protective Relays in Distribution Networks, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2004, Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Power System Protection (PSP 2004) , Nikolovski, Srete ; Marić, Predrag ; Vicković, Igor, DOI:
Keywords: digital relay, fault, protection coordination, simulation software

The Simulation of Powerplant Operation, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2003, Proceedings of the scientific conference Science for Practice 2003. , Jozsa, Lajos ; Glavaš, Hrvoje ; Vorih, Vjekoslav ;, DOI:
Keywords: Wärmekraftwerken, PEPSE, Thermodynamik

Simulation Of Trazient Stability Of a Local Power Plant During Island and Parallel Conection With The Network, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2003, Proceedings of the XIII International Conference on Electromagnetic Disturbance , Nikolovski, Srete ; Jović, Franjo ; Tomić, Dražen ; Šljivac, Damir, DOI:
Keywords: power plant, trasient stability, island connection

Analysis of Substation Components Outages in Reliability Assessment of Transmission Power Networks, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2002, 7th International Conference on Probabilistic Methods Aplied to Power Systems : Proceedings ; Vol. 1 , Nikolovski, Srete ; Šljivac, Damir, DOI:
Keywords: multiple outages, power system reliability, sensitivity analysis, station-initiated failures, substation switching

Simulation and Analysis of a Lightning Strikes to GSM Base Transmission Station Tower, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2002, International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC EUROPE 2002) : proceedings ; Vol. 1 , Nikolovski, Srete ; Glavaš, Hrvoje ; Fortin, Simon, DOI:
Keywords: lighting strikes, Base Transmission Station, field theory, time domain system response, surge limiter, computer modeling

Electromagnetic Field Produced by Overhead Power Lines, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2000, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Operational Research (KOI 2000) , Nikolovski, Srete ; Sljivac, Damir ; Ma, Jinxi, DOI:
Keywords: electromagnetic fields, overhead power lines, EMF emmision, pole structures

Time Domain Solution for Transient Response of Transmission Tower Structures and Associated grounding System, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 1999, Proceedings of the Australasian Universities Power Engineering Conference and IEAust electric Energy Conference (AUPEC/EECON '99) , Carić, Boris ; Moorthy, Selva ; Nikolovski, Srete ; Šljivac, Damir, DOI:
Keywords: transmission tower, grounding systems, transient behavior, lightning surge currents, scalar potentials, electromagnetic fields

Reliability Assesment of Eastern Croatian Electric Power System With Interconection to Neighboring Areas, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 1999, The Tenth European Conference on Safety and Reliability : procedings , Nikolovski, Srete ; Lajos, Jozsa ; Šljivac, Damir ; Štefić, Branko, DOI:
Keywords: reliability, power system, interconection, reliabilty indices

Lightning transient response of 400 kV transmission tower with associated grounding system, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 1998, International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC '98) : proceedings , Nikolovski, Srete ; Šljivac, Damir ; Fortin, Simon, DOI:
Keywords: lightning transients, electromagnetic field, transmission tower, grounding system

Sensitivity analysis of reliability indices on station initiated failures in composite power system reliability evaluation, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 1998, The Second International Symposium on Sensitivity Analysis of Model Output (SAMO 98) : proceedings , Nikolovski, Srete ; Šljivac, Damir ; Mikuličić, Vladimir, DOI:
Keywords: reliability, composite power systems, stations, sensitivity analysis, reliability indices

Other conference proceedings papers

TSO-DSO Performance Considering Volt-Var Control at Smart-Inverters: Case of Vestfold and Telemark in Norway, Other conference proceedings papers

Year: 2020, Proceedings of 2020 International Conference on Smart Systems and Technologies (SST) , Pettersen, Daniel ; Melfald, Emil ; Chowdhury, Abir ; Acosta, Martha N. ; Gonzalez-Longatt, Francisco ; Topić, Danijel, DOI:
Keywords: Frequency control, Power system stability, Power system dynamics, Hydroelectric power generation, Genetic algorithms, Time-frequency analysis, Renewable energy sources

Multi-Objective Approach for Hydro Governors Control Tuning, Other conference proceedings papers

Year: 2020, Proceedings of 2020 International Conference on Smart Systems and Technologies (SST) , Chamorro, Harold R. ; Gonzalez-Longat, Francisco ; Topić, Danijel ; Blondin, Maude J. ; Sood, Vijay K., DOI:
Keywords: Frequency control, Power system stability, Power system dynamics, Hydroelectric power generation, Genetic algorithms, Time-frequency analysis, Renewable energy sources

Impact of the GDPR directive on business, Other conference proceedings papers

Year: 2018, 16th Natural Gas, Heat and Water Conference, 9th International Natural Gas, Heat and Water Conference, Proceedings , Perković, Branimir ; Tonković, Zlatko ; Gregorić Pinterović, Mirta ; Glavaš, Hrvoje ; Barić, Tomislav, DOI:
Keywords: GDPR, poslovanje, problemi

Occupational safety specialist 2nd degree, Other conference proceedings papers

Year: 2018, 16th Natural Gas, Heat and Water Conference, 9th International Natural Gas, Heat and Water Conference, Proceedings , Jeršek, Željko ; Glavaš, Hrvoje ; Rukavina, Damir ; Kraus , Zorislav, DOI:
Keywords: Zakon o zaštiti na radu, stručnjak zaštite na radu, Odbor zaštite na radu

Grid Influence of First Small Biogas Power Planf 1 MW, Other conference proceedings papers

Year: 2009, 9. savjetovanje HRO CIGRÉ : zbornik radova = 9th HRO CIGRÉ Session : proceedings , Nikolovski, Srete ; Marić, Predrag ; Vukobratović, Marko, DOI:
Keywords: bioplinsko postrojenje, male elektrane, analiza kvalitete električne energije, analiza tokova snaga, DIgSILENT programski paket

The Analysis of Harmonic IN DP Elektra Virovitica at the Source of TS 110/35 kV, Other conference proceedings papers

Year: 2009, 9. savjetovanje HRO CIGRÉ : zbornik radova = 9th HRO CIGRÉ Session : proceedings , Ivanac, Davor ; Nikolovski, Srete ; Klaić, Zvonimir, DOI:
Keywords: harmonička analiza, harmonici, harmoničko izobličenje napona, EasyPower

Bologna Process at Faculty of Electrical Engineering in Osijek, Other conference proceedings papers

Year: 2008, Zbornik radova 1. dana ovlaštenih inženjera elektrotehnike , Šljivac, Damir, DOI:
Keywords: Bolonjski proces, reforma visokog obrazovanja, ECTS sustav, dopunska isprava, novi stručni nazivi, cjeloživotno obrazovanje

Some questions related to security of electrical energy supply, Other conference proceedings papers

Year: 2008, ENERGETSKA SIGURNOST I KRITIČNA INFRASTRUKTURA , Šimić, Zdenko ; Šljivac, Damir ; Mikuličić Vladimir, DOI:
Keywords: Sigurnost, rizik, pouzdanost, opskrba električnom energijom, rezervno napajanje

Speed Measuring of Vehicles Using Laser, Other conference proceedings papers

Year: 2007, 27. Skup o prometnim sustavima s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem Automatizacija u prometu 2007. , Altmann, Javor ; Glavaš, Hrvoje ; Antunović, Mladen, DOI:
Keywords: LIDAR, promet, mjerenje brzine

Safety aspects of users operating with HDD external USB case, Other conference proceedings papers

Year: 2007, MIPRO 2007, Proceedings vol.III, CTS&CIS, Computers in Technical Systems, Intelligent Systems , Hocenski, Željko ; Glavaš, Hrvoje ; Antunović, Mladen, DOI:
Keywords: safety, hard disk, static electricity

Daytime Running Headlights on Vehicles - Yes or No?, Other conference proceedings papers

Year: 2003, Automatizacija u prometu 2003 = Automation in Transportation 2003 , Glavaš, Hrvoje ; Antunović, Mladen, DOI:
Keywords: cestovni promet, sigurnost, potrošnja goriva, svjetla na vozilu

Books and book chapters

Authored books

30 years of OTO conference - OTO scientific and professional gatherings from 1990 to 2021, Authored books

Year: 2022, , Ivanović, Milan ; Lacković, Zlatko ; Katinić, Marko ; Karakašić, Mirko ; Petrović, Ivica ; Glavaš, Hrvoje ; Vidaković, Držislav ; Kraljević, Drago ; Jagurinac, Ivana ; Ambroš, Franjo ; Stojnović, Vedran ; Ambroš, Lidija ; Jović, Franjo ; Tonković, Zlatko, DOI:
Keywords: Održavanje

Investigation and improvement of stakeholder`s and local population`s atitude with primary research and trainings, Authored books

Year: 2018, , Komuves, Zsolt ; Berke, Szilard ; Nagy, Bernadett ; Titov, Alexander ; Toth, Katalin ; Topić, Danijel ; Pelin, Denis ; Šjivac, Damir ; Raff, Rebeka ; Varju, Viktor ; Mezei, Cecilia ; Horecki, Reka ; Kovacs, Sandor ; Zsolt ; Pola, Peter ;, DOI:
Keywords: stakeholder, local population, primary research, training

Renewable energy sources of the electric power, Authored books

Year: 2018, , Šljivac, Damir ; Topić, Danijel, DOI:
Keywords: obnovljivi izvori energije, električna energija, tehnologije

Regional Impacts of Different Photovoltaic Systems, Authored books

Year: 2014, , Hartung, Katalin ; Horeczki, Réka ; Klaić, Zvonimir ; Kovács Sándor Zsolt ; Pallós Balázs ; Pelin, Denis ; Primorac, Mario ; Póla, Péter ; Šljivac, Damir ; Suvák, Andrea ; Szabó, Tamás ; Topić, Danijel ; Varjú, Viktor, DOI:
Keywords: photovoltaic system, social, economic and technical impact, cross-border Hungary-Croatia region

Book chapters

3.5. The Impact of PV on Distribution System, Book chapters

Year: 2014, Napelemes energia és környezet , Klaić, Zvonimir, DOI:
Keywords: fotovoltaikus, energiaellátási, elosztási hálózat

I.1. The solar radiation energy I.3.2. Photovoltaic (PV) cell I.3.3. Photovoltaic system structure, Book chapters

Year: 2014, Napelemes energia és környezet , Šljivac, Damir ; Topić, Danijel, DOI:
Keywords: nap sugárzási energiája, fotovolatikus cellák, fotovoltaikus rendszersek szerkezete

Co-Simulation Model for Determination of Optimal Active Power Filters Settings in Low-Voltage Network,

Year: 2025, Applied sciences (Basel) 15 1, Primorac, Mario; Klaić, Zvonimir; Adrić, Heidi; Žnidarec, Matej, DOI: 10.3390/app15010469

Double-layer Microgrid Energy Management System for Strategic Short-Term Operation Scheduling,

Year: 2024, International journal of electrical power & energy systems 157 , Žnidarec, Matej; Šljivac, Damir; Knežević, Goran; Pandžić, Hrvoje, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijepes.2024.109816

Recyclability and ecological-economic analysis of a simple photovoltaic panel,

Year: 2024, International journal of electrical and computer engineering systems XV 1, Rozing, Goran; Jukić, Dina; Glavaš, Hrvoje; Žnidarec, Matej, DOI:

Construction of Variable Sheet Metal Hand Bending Tool,

Year: 2024, 32nd International Conference on Organization and Technology of Maintenance (OTO 2023) : Conference proceedings , Cumin, Josip; Vorel, Hrvoje; Duspara, Miroslav; Glavaš, Hrvoje, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-51494-4_17

Battery Powered Grass Trimmer Life Cycle Assessment – Case Study,

Year: 2024, Tehnički glasnik 18 1, Rozing, Goran; Jukić, Dina; Glavaš, Hrvoje; Karakašić, Mirko, DOI: 10.31803/tg-20230907162330

Maintaining Mobile Communication in Distress and Emergency Situations,

Year: 2024, 32nd International Conference on Organization and Technology of Maintenance (OTO 2023) : Conference proceedings , Barić, Tomislav; Glavaš, Hrvoje, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-51494-4_9

Energy Efficiency Enhancement in a Small Industrial Facility,

Year: 2024, 32nd International Conference on Organization and Technology of Maintenance (OTO 2023) : Conference proceedings , Kljajić, Ružica; Kraus, Zorislav; Fekete, Krešimir; Marić, Predrag, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-51494-4_24

Comparative Study of Single-Input and Dual-Input PSS in Multi-machine System,

Year: 2024, 32nd International Conference on Organization and Technology of Maintenance (OTO 2023) : Conference proceedings , Košorog, Tomislav; Mehmedović, Muharem; Marić, Predrag; Kljajić, Ružica, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-51494-4_25

Importance of Blackbody in Everyday Infrared Thermography,

Year: 2024, 32nd International Conference on Organization and Technology of Maintenance (OTO 2023) : Conference proceedings , Glavaš, Hrvoje, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-51494-4_30


Year: 2024, Advanced Engineering Letters 3 1, Čolak, Josip; Nikolovski, Srete; Kljajić, Ružica; Glavaš, Hrvoje, DOI: 10.46793/adeletters.2024.3.1.3

Evaluation of Different Methodologies for Wave Energy Conversion Systems Integration into the Power Grid Using Power Hardware-in-Loop Emulation,

Year: 2024, Energies (Basel) 17 12, Vujkov, Barbara; Dragić, Mile; Žnidarec, Matej; Popadić, Bane; Šljivac, Damir; Dumnić, Boris, DOI: 10.3390/en17122826

Improved two-stage energy community optimization model considering stochastic behaviour of input data,

Year: 2024, Electrical engineering 2024 1, Mišljenović, Nemanja; Žnidarec, Matej; Knežević, Goran; Topić, Danijel, DOI: 10.1007/s00202-024-02525-2

A method for determining the location and type of fault in transmission network using neural networks and power quality monitors,

Year: 2024, Eksploatacja i Niezawodnosc-Maintenance and Reliability 26 3, Šipoš, Mario; Klaić, Zvonimir; Nyarko, Emmanuel Karlo; Fekete, Krešimir, DOI: 10.17531/ein/187166

Potential for EV Chargers and PV Power Plant Integration in the Parking Lot Based on the Estimated EV Demand,

Year: 2024, Proceedings of SpliTech 2024 - 9th International Conference on Smart and Sustainable Technologies , Šimić, Zvonimir; Topić, Danijel; Dubravac, Marina; Knežević, Goran; Beljan, Ilija; Mišljenović, Nemanja, DOI: 10.23919/SpliTech61897.2024.10612288

Infrared Thermography in the Detection Of Water Stress in Plants,

Year: 2024, 6th International Conference EnRe - Energy & Responsibility , Glavaš, Hrvoje; Marković, Monika; Strilić, Antonija, DOI:

Analytical Description of the Dynamic Behaviour of the Passive Battery Supercapacitor Hybrid System,

Year: 2024, Tehnički vjesnik = Technical gazette 31 4, Buljić, Dalibor; Barić, Tomislav; Glavaš, Hrvoje, DOI: 10.17559/tv-20240204001311

Application of fuzzy logic in isothermal surface boundary determination,

Year: 2024, Proceedings of the 17th Quantitative InfraRed Thermography Conference , Glavaš, Hrvoje; Livada, Časlav; Jukić, Dina; Vdovjak, Krešimir, DOI:

Analytical Description of the Electric Field inside a High Voltage Glass Insulator,

Year: 2024, Tehnički glasnik 18 3, Barić, Tomislav; Glavaš, Hrvoje; Hederić, Željko; Karakašić, Mirko, DOI: 10.31803/tg-20230710223321

An Optimized Strategy for the Integration of Photovoltaic Systems and Electric Vehicles into the Real Distribution Grid,

Year: 2024, Energies (Basel) 17 22, Kljajić, Ružica; Marić, Predrag; Mišljenović, Nemanja; Dubravac, Marina, DOI: 10.3390/en17225602

Izazovi ugradnje split klima uređaja,

Year: 2024, PLIN 2024 - Zbornik radova 15. međunarodnog skupa o prirodnom plinu, toplini i vodi , Đogaš, Martin; Glavaš, Hrvoje; Primorac, Mario; Žnidarec, Matej, DOI:

Installation of a mono split air conditioner / Ugradnja mono split klima uređaja,

Year: 2024, 22. Skup o prirodnom plinu, toplini i vodi i 15. Međunarodni skup o prirodnom plinu, toplini i vodi , Glavaš, Hrvoje; Žnidarec, Matej, DOI:

Optimal State of Charge Control of EV Batteries within Energy Community Considering Cost Minimization and Environmental Impact,

Year: 2024, Proceedings of 2024 20th International Conference on the European Energy Market (EEM) , Mišljenović, Nemanja; Knežević, Goran; Žnidarec, Matej; Topić, Danijel, DOI: 10.1109/eem60825.2024.10608901

Electric Vehicles as Flexible Assets for Households and System Operators: Survey Results,

Year: 2024, PROCEEDINGS OF International Conference on Smart Systems and Technologies (SST 2024) , Mišljenović, Nemanja; Žnidarec, Matej; Knežević, Goran; Topić, Danijel, DOI: 10.1109/sst61991.2024.10755290

Čimbenici motivacije ugradnje sustava upravljanja energijom,

Year: 2024, PLIN 2024 - Zbornik radova 15. međunarodnog skupa o prirodnom plinu, toplini i vodi , Ambrinac, Filip; Knežević, Goran; Topić, Danijel; Mišljenović, Nemanja, DOI:

Hybrid UHF Quad Antenna for Indoor Use,

Year: 2024, PROCEEDINGS OF International Conference on Smart Systems and Technologies (SST 2024) , Barić, Tomislav; Glavaš, Hrvoje; Mandrić, Vanja, DOI: 10.1109/sst61991.2024.10755507

Infrared thermography in the detection of water stress in plants,

Year: 2024, Journal of energy technology 17 2, Glavaš, Hrvoje; Marković, Monika; Strilić, Antonija, DOI:


Year: 2024, Proceedings of the XIV International Conference - Industrial Engineering and Environmental Protection (IIZS 2024) , Marković, Juraj; Glavaš, Hrvoje; Barić, Tomislav; Desnica, Eleonora, DOI: 10.46793/iizs24.045m

Measurement and Modelling of the Thermal Response of the Resistance Temperature Sensors,

Year: 2024, Tehnički glasnik 18 4, Barić, Tomislav; Glavaš, Hrvoje; Kuretić, Laura; Karakašić, Mirko, DOI: 10.31803/tg-20230305145101

Analysis Of The USB Standard As A Power Supply,

Year: 2024, PROCEEDINGS OF International Conference on Smart Systems and Technologies (SST 2024) , Glavaš, Hrvoje; Dorić, Dražen; Severović, Antun, DOI: 10.1109/sst61991.2024.10755491

Energy Efficiency of the Passive Hybrid Battery Supercapacitor System: An Analytical Approach,

Year: 2024, International journal of electrical and computer engineering systems 15 9, Buljić, Dalibor; Barić, Tomislav; Glavaš, Hrvoje, DOI: 10.32985/ijeces.15.9.1

Analysis of Harmonic Distortion in Low-voltage Distribution Network Caused by Photovoltaic Power Plants and Electric Vehicle Chargers,

Year: 2024, PROCEEDINGS OF International Conference on Smart Systems and Technologies (SST 2024) , Adrić, Heidi; Klaić, Zvonimir; Primorac, Mario; Fekete, Krešimir, DOI: 10.1109/sst61991.2024.10755335

Active Power Curtailment and Reactive Power Control in PV-Rich Low-Voltage Distribution Network,

Year: 2024, Proceedings of 2024 20th International Conference on the European Energy Market (EEM) , Dubravac, Marina; Topić, Danijel; Fekete, Krešimir; Šimić, Zvonimir; Prenc, Rene; Rojnić, Michele, DOI:

Optimal Integration of Wave Energy Converters in the Vis Island Renewable Microgrid,

Year: 2024, Tehnički vjesnik = Technical gazette 31 5, Jozanović, Blaž; Temiz, Irina; Šljivac, Damir; Nakomčić-Smaragdakis, Branka, DOI: 10.17559/TV-20240219001335

Analyzing Standardized Inverse Time-Current Curve Types of Overcurrent Relays for Efficient Overcurrent Protection in Distribution Networks,

Year: 2024, Proceedings of 47th ICT and Electronics Convention (MIPRO) , Rojnić, Michele; Prenc, Rene; Dubravac, Marina; Šimić, Zvonimir, DOI: 10.1109/mipro60963.2024.10569926

Using of Battery Storage to Match the Supply and Demand of Electricity in Smart Grids,

Year: 2024, 35th International Scientific Conference CECIIS 2024 , Šimić, Zvonimir; Topić, Danijel; Dubravac, Marina; Kurkutović, Hrvoje, DOI:

Replacement of Fluorescent Light Sources with LED,

Year: 2024, Acta Technica Corviniensis 17 1, Glavaš, Hrvoje; Kraus, Zorislav; Klaić, Zvonimir; Kočevar, Stjepan, DOI:

Periodic Calibration of Temperature Measurement Equipment,

Year: 2024, 33rd International Conference on Organization and Technology of Maintenance (OTO 2024) , Glavaš, Hrvoje; Barić, Tomislav; Karakašić, Mirko; Desnica, Eleonora, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-80597-4_5

Thermal Model of a Soldering Iron,

Year: 2024, 33rd International Conference on Organization and Technology of Maintenance (OTO 2024) , Barić, Tomislav; Glavaš, Hrvoje; Dubravac, Anto, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-80597-4_4

Design Limitations of Laboratory Solar Chimney for Engineering Education,

Year: 2024, Applied sciences (Basel) 15 1, Glavaš, Hrvoje; Jukić, Dina; Barić, Tomislav; Šplajt, Luka, DOI: 10.3390/app15010119

Current and Voltage Calculations of the 400 kV Transmission Line Using Laboratory Measurements and Computer Simulation,

Year: 2024, 33rd International Conference on Organization and Technology of Maintenance (OTO 2024) , Torma, Matej; Fekete, Krešimir; Kljajić, Ružica; Čvek, Kristijan, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-80597-4_12

A New Protection System Design of Active MV Distribution Network,

Year: 2023, Tehnički vjesnik = Technical gazette 30 1, Provči, Igor ; Stojkov, Marinko ; Marić, Predrag ; Đuračić, Ivan, DOI: 10.17559/TV-20220509091610

Vitreosity as a Major Grain Quality Indicator— Upgrading the Grain-Cutter Method with a New Blade,

Year: 2023, Applied sciences (Basel) 13 4, Mastanjević, Krešimir ; Habschied, Kristina ; Dvojković, Krešimir ; Karakašić, Mirko ; Glavaš, Hrvoje, DOI: 10.3390/app13042655

A Review of Energy Management Systems and Organizational Structures of Prosumers,

Year: 2023, Energies (Basel) 16 7, Mišljenović, Nemanja; Žnidarec, Matej; Knežević, Goran; Šljivac, Damir; Sumper, Andreas, DOI: 10.3390/en16073179

Analysis of Bearing Assemblies Refit in Agricultural PTO Shafts,

Year: 2023, Tehnički vjesnik : znanstveno-stručni časopis tehničkih fakulteta Sveučilišta u Osijeku 30 3, Desnica, Eleonora ; Ašonja, Aleksandar ; Kljajin, Milan ; Glavaš, Hrvoje ; Pastukhov, Alexander, DOI: 10.17559/TV-20221117162133

A new methodology for optimization of overcurrent protection relays in active distribution networks regarding thermal stress curves,

Year: 2023, International journal of electrical power & energy systems 152 , Rojnić, Michele ; Prenc, Rene ; Topić, Danijel ; Strnad, Ivan, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijepes.2023.109216

Overcurrent relay optimization in a radial distribution network considering different fault locations,

Year: 2023, Electrical engineering 105 2, Rojnić, Michele ; Prenc, Rene ; Topić, Danijel ; Saulig, Nicoletta, DOI: 10.1007/s00202-022-01718-x

Power Transformer Condition-Based Evaluation and Maintenance (CBM) Using Dempster–Shafer Theory (DST),

Year: 2023, Applied sciences (Basel) 13 11, Blažević, Damir ; Keser, Tomislav ; Glavaš, Hrvoje ; Noskov, Robert, DOI: 10.3390/app13116731

Compact UHF amateur radio quad antenna for indoor use,

Year: 2023, Annals of the Faculty engineering Hunedoara 21 1, Barić, Tomislav ; Glavaš, Hrvoje, DOI:
Keywords: "amateur radio ; compact antenna ; quad antenna ; pmr radio ; stacked antenna"

Točkasto zavarivanje baterijskih članaka u postupku održavanja baterijskih pakiranja,

Year: 2023, Održavanje i eksploatacija 1 , Abjanović, Fabijan ; Glavaš, Hrvoje ; Veić, Nikola ; Koprivanac, Danijel, DOI:

Tehnologija suhog leda u održavanju tehničkih sustava, pregled literature,

Year: 2023, Proceedings of 28th International and Mediterranean Conference, MeditMaint2023 , Karakašić, Mirko ; Glavaš, Hrvoje ; Barić, Tomislav ; Brechelmacher, Mirela, DOI:
Keywords: "Odru017eavanje ; u010ciu0161u0107enje ; Suhi led ; Elektroenergetski sustavi ; Izolazori"

Assembly and Disassembly of Roller Bearings in the Function of Maintenance of Technical System,

Year: 2023, Proceedings of 28th International and Mediterranean Conference, MeditMaint2023 , Desnica, Eleonora; Ašonja, Aleksandar; Đurđev, Mića; Glavaš, Hrvoje; Vidaković, Držislav, DOI:

The Impact of Different Prosumer Configurations on Achieving Savings Due to the Increase in Electricity Prices,

Year: 2023, Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Smart Grid Metrology (SMAGRIMET) , Šimić, Zvonimir; Mišljenović, Nemanja; Dubravac, Marina; Topić, Danijel, DOI: 10.1109/smagrimet58412.2023.10128650

Analiza rezultata ispitivanja izolacijskih motki,

Year: 2023, 8. (14.) savjetovanje Hrvatskog ogranka Međunarodne elektrodistribucijske konferencije , Veić, Nikola; Maravić, Željko; Raljević, Damir; Glavaš, Hrvoje, DOI:

The Dangers of Analyzing Thermographic Radiometric Data as Images,

Year: 2023, Journal of imaging 9 7, Livada, Časlav; Glavaš, Hrvoje; Baumgartner, Alfonzo; Jukić, Dina, DOI:

An Algorithm for the Optimal Sizing of the PV System for Prosumers Based on Economic Indicators and the Input Data Time Step,

Year: 2023, Solar energy 262 , Mišljenović, Nemanja; Šimić, Zvonimir; Topić, Danijel; Knežević, Goran, DOI: 10.1016/j.solener.2023.111882

Analysis of PV and EV Chargers Integration Impact on Radial LV Distribution Network,

Year: 2023, Proceedings, 8th International Conference on Smart and Sustainable Technologies (SpliTech 2023) , Dubravac, Marina; Šimić, Zvonimir; Topić, Danijel; Knežević, Goran; Fekete, Krešimir, DOI: 10.23919/SpliTech58164.2023.10192966

Accuracy of FDM PLA Polymer 3D Printing Technology Based on Tolerance Fields,

Year: 2023, Processes 2023 11, Grgić, Ivan; Karakašić, Mirko; Glavaš, Hrvoje; Konjatić, Pejo, DOI: 10.3390/pr11102810

PEDELEC Efficiency Analysis in the Area of the City of Osijek,

Year: 2023, Proceedings of 14th international natural gas, heat and water conference, Zbornik radova 14. međunarodnog skupa o prirodnom plinu, toplini i vodi , Aračić, Stjepan; Glavaš, Hrvoje; Dorić, Dražen, DOI:

Measurement with Laser Rangefinder,

Year: 2023, Proceedings of 14th international natural gas, heat and water conference, Zbornik radova 14. međunarodnog skupa o prirodnom plinu, toplini i vodi , Glavaš, Hrvoje; Egredžija, Lovro; Kljajić, Ružica; Koprivanac, Danijel, DOI:

Application of the Functional Flow Diagrams in a Design of the Level Crossing Hydraulic Barrier Drive,

Year: 2023, Tehnički glasnik 17 4, Karakašić, Mirko; Svalina, Ilija; Novoselović, Daniel; Samardžić Iva; Glavaš, Hrvoje; Đokić, Radomir, DOI:

Modelling Grounding Systems Using the Finite Element Method: The Influence of the Computational Domain Size on the Accuracy of the Numerical Calculation,

Year: 2023, Tehnički vjesnik = Technical gazette 30 6, Barić, Tomislav; Glavaš, Hrvoje; Hederić, Željko; Karakašić, Mirko, DOI:

Prototype Proposal of an 18 kW Non-Isolated Bidirectional Converter for Battery Energy Storage System,

Year: 2023, Proceedings of 22nd International Symposium on Power Electronics Ee2023 , Brandis, Andrej; Knol, Kristian; Pelin, Denis; Topić, Danijel, DOI:

Optimal Allocation and Sizing of Shunt Active Power Filter in Radial Distribution Systems Using Particle Swarm Optimization,

Year: 2023, IEEE EUROCON 2023 - 20th International Conference on Smart Technologies , Primorac, Mario; Klaić, Zvonimir; Žnidarec, Matej; Adrić, Heidi, DOI: 10.1109/EUROCON56442.2023.10199030

Trend ugradnje FACTS tehnologije na ENTSO-e području,

Year: 2023, 16. savjetovanje HRO CIGRE - zbornik radova , Relić, Filip; Glavaš, Hrvoje; Petrović, Ivica, DOI:

Analiza mogućnosti implementacije varijabilnih frekvencijskih transformatora u realni EES,

Year: 2023, 16. savjetovanje HRO CIGRE - zbornik radova , Kljajić, Ružica; Petrović, Ivica; Glavaš, Hrvoje; Vuzem, Denis, DOI:

Detekcija potencijalnog mjesta kvara primjenom infracrvene termografije,

Year: 2023, 16. savjetovanje HRO CIGRE - zbornik radova , Jakab, Josip; Noskov, Robert; Glavaš, Hrvoje; Đurački, Stjepan; Rošić, Mato, DOI:

Replacement of Fluorescent Light Sources With LED,

Year: 2023, XIII International Conference - Industrial Engineering and Environmental Protection (IIZS 2023) Proceedings , Glavaš, Hrvoje; Kraus, Zorislav; Klaić, Zvonimir; Kočevar, Stjepan, DOI:

Multi-Stage Operation Optimization of PV-Rich Low-Voltage Distribution Networks,

Year: 2023, Applied sciences (Basel) 14 1, Dubravac, Marina; Žnidarec, Matej; Fekete, Krešimir; Topić, Danijel, DOI: 10.3390/app14010050

Application of Artificial Neural Networks to Islanding Detection in Distribution Grids: A Literature Review,

Year: 2023, Applied sciences (Basel) 13 24, Kaluđer, Slaven; Fekete, Krešimir; Čvek, Kristijan; Klaić, Zvonimir, DOI:

Accelerated cable ageing at elevated frequencies in wet conditions,

Year: 2023, ISH 2023 - 23rd International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering , Novko, Ivan ; Glavaš, Hrvoje ; Župan, Tomislav, DOI:

Influence of Open Differential Design on the Mass Reduction Function,

Year: 2023, Applied sciences (Basel) 13 24, Karakašić, Mirko; Konjatić, Pejo; Glavaš, Hrvoje; Grgić, Ivan, DOI:

Compact UHF amateur radio quad antenna for indoor use,

Year: 2023, ANNALS of Faculty Engineering Hunedoara – International Journal of Engineering , Barić, Tomislav; Glavaš, Hrvoje, DOI:

Optimal Utilization of Electric Vehicles in the Parking Lot of the Faculty Building to Increase Social Welfare,

Year: 2023, 2023 IEEE 6th International Conference And Workshop Óbuda on Electrical and Power Engineering (CANDO-EPE 2023) , Mišljenović, Nemanja; Fekete, Krešimir; Knežević, Goran; Pleskalt, Martin, DOI: 10.1109/CANDO-EPE60507.2023.10418005

Application of Infrared Thermographic Camera Software for Corrections of Radiation Values,

Year: 2023, 2023 IEEE 6th International Conference And Workshop Óbuda on Electrical and Power Engineering (CANDO-EPE 2023) , Glavaš, Hrvoje; Jukić, Dina; Barić, Tomislav; Gavran, Mateo, DOI:

Analysis of Transitional Occurrences of Low Voltage Welding Transformer,

Year: 2023, Tehnički vjesnik : znanstveno-stručni časopis tehničkih fakulteta Sveučilišta u Osijeku 30 3, Petrović, Ivan; Stojkov, Marinko; Šljivac, Damir; Samardžić, Mijat, DOI: 10.17559/TV-20221010215018

A New Co-Simulation Approach of Active Power Curtailment for Voltage Optimization in PV-Rich Distribution Networks,

Year: 2023, 2023 IEEE 6th International Conference and Workshop Obuda on Electrical and Power Engineering (CANDO-EPE 2023) , Dubravac, Marina; Žnidarec, Matej; Fekete, Krešimir; Topić, Danijel, DOI: 10.1109/CANDO-EPE60507.2023.10418004


Year: 2023, 6. savjetovanje Hrvatskog ogranka Međunarodne elektrodistribucijske konferencije - HO CIRED 2018 , Klaić, Zvonimir; Marić, Predrag; Šljivac, Damir; Žnidarec, Matej; Ćućić, Renato; Trupinić, Kruno; Stojkov, Marinko; Primorac, Mario, DOI:


Year: 2023, 8. (14.) savjetovanje HO CIRED (Hrvatski ogranak međunarodne elektrodistribucijske konferencije) , Marić, Predrag; Klaić, Zvonimir; Šljivac, Damir; Žnidarec, Matej; Primorac, Mario; Ćućić, Renato; Trupinić, Kruno; Stojkov, Marinko, DOI:

Impact of the Increasing Integration of Photovoltaic Systems and Charging Stations for Electric Vehicles with Vehicle-To-Grid Concept on Voltage Stability of the Distribution Grid,

Year: 2023, IEEE EUROCON 2023 - 20th International Conference on Smart Technologies , Kljajić, Ružica; Mišljenović, Nemanja; Marić, Predrag, DOI: 10.1109/EUROCON56442.2023.10198994

Uloga blockchaina u digitalizaciji odlagališta otpada,

Year: 2023, Zbornik radova četvrte konferencije o slavonskom modelu zbrinjavanja komunalnog otpada-SLAMKO2023 , Švarcmajer, Miljenko; Köhler, Mirko; Lukić, Ivica, DOI:

Pregled konstrukcijskih rješenja crpnih stanica za odvodnju fekalnih voda,

Year: 2023, Zbornik radova četvrte konferencije o slavonskom modelu zbrinjavanja komunalnog otpada-SLAMKO2023 , Karakašić, Mirko; Miletić, Filip; Grgić, Ivan; Glavaš, Hrvoje, DOI:

Primjena infracrvene termografije u nadzoru odlagališta otpada,

Year: 2023, Zbornik radova četvrte konferencije o slavonskom modelu zbrinjavanja komunalnog otpada-SLAMKO2023 , Glavaš, Hrvoje; Karakašić, Mirko; Desnica, Eleonora; Barić, Tomislav, DOI:

Upravljanje potrošnjom kod kupca s vlastitom proizvodnjom,

Year: 2023, 16. savjetovanje HRO CIGRE - zbornik radova , Šimić, Zvonimir; Klaić, Zvonimir; Topić, Danijel; Knežević, Goran, DOI:

Utjecaj ASIC sklopovlja na kvalitetu električne energije u distribucijskoj mreži,

Year: 2023, PLIN 2023 - ZBORNIK RADOVA 14. MEĐUNARODNOG SKUPA O PRIRODNOM PLINU, TOPLINI I VODI , Beretić, Mario; Klaić, Zvonimir; Adrić, Heidi; Primorac, Mario; Vukobratović, Marko, DOI:

Handheld UHF Quad Antennas With Reinforced Mechanical Characteristics,

Year: 2022, Proceedings of International Conference on Smart Systems and Technologies (SST 2022) , Barić, Tomislav ; Glavaš, Hrvoje ; Hederić, Željko, DOI:

Application of Battery Storage in Low Voltage Distribution Network for Improving Integration of Distributed Generation,

Year: 2022, Proceedings of 18th International Conference on the European Energy Market (EEM) , Šimić, Zvonimir ; Topić, Danijel ; Dubravac, Marina ; Knežević, Goran, DOI: 10.1109/EEM54602.2022.9920983

Compact UHF amateur radio quad antenna for indoor use,

Year: 2022, Proceedings of the XII International Conference - Industrial Engineering and Environmental Protection (IIZS 2022) , Barić, Tomislav ; Glavaš, Hrvoje, DOI:

Integrated Risk Analysis of Aggregators: Policy Implications for the Development of the Competitive Aggregator Industry,

Year: 2022, Energies 15 14, Zoričić, Davor ; Knežević, Goran ; Miletić, Marija ; Dolinar, Denis ; Miloš Sprčić, Danijela, DOI: 10.3390/en15145076

Optimal scheduling of battery energy storage in microgrid to minimize electricity and fuel costs,

Year: 2022, Proceding of 7th International Conference on Smart and Sustainable Technologies (SpliTech) , Šimić, Zvonimir ; Topić, Danijel ; Dubravac, Marina, DOI: 10.23919/splitech55088.2022.9854260

Radiometric Data Estimation using Thermogram and Comparison to the Data Provided by the Camera,

Year: 2022, QIRT 2022, 16th Quantitative Infrared Thermography Conference - Proceedings , Vdovjak, Krešimir ; Marić, Petar ; Balen, Josip ; Glavaš, Hrvoje, DOI:

Simulation model for power electronic conversion in stationary battery storage system,

Year: 2022, Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Smart and Sustainable Technologies , Bilandžić, Josip ; Pelin, Denis ; Brandis, Andrej ; Topić, Danijel ; Knežević, Goran ; Šimić, Zvonimir, DOI:

Influence of diagnostics on bearing reliability on robotic systems,

Year: 2022, Advanced Engineering Letters 1 2, Desnica, Eleonora ; Mikić, Danilo ; Glavaš, Hrvoje ; Palinkaš, Ivan, DOI: 10.46793/adeletters.2022.1.2.2

The optimal use of stationary battery storage in a prosumer power system,

Year: 2022, Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Smart and Sustainable Technologies , Knežević, Goran ; Mišljenović, Nemanja ; Radić, Nikša ; Brandis, Andrej, DOI:

System Control and Data Acquisition of University Photovoltaic Power Plant,

Year: 2022, Tehnički vjesnik = Technical gazette 29 4, Došen, Dario ; Stojkov, Marinko ; Šljivac, Damir ; Žnidarec, Matej, DOI: 10.17559/TV-20210924130933

Točkasto zavarivanje baterijskih članaka u postupku održavanja baterijskih pakiranja,

Year: 2022, MeditMaint 2022, 27. međunarodno savjetovanje Održavanje 2022 Zbornik radova, 27th HDO Mediterranean Conference on Maintenance, Maintenance 2022, Proceedings , Abjanović, Fabijan ; Glavaš, Hrvoje ; Veić, Nikola ; Koprivanac, Danijel ;, DOI:

Application of Infrared Thermography in E-Bike Battery Pack Detail Analysis—Case Study,

Year: 2022, Applied Sciences-Basel 12 7, Glavaš, Hrvoje ; Barić, Tomislav ; Karakašić, Mirko ; Keser, Tomislav, DOI: 10.3390/app12073444

Identification of Even-Order Harmonics Injected by Semiconverter into the AC Grid,

Year: 2022, Energies (Basel) 15(5) , Brandis, Andrej ; Pelin, Denis ; Klaić, Zvonimir ; Šljivac, Damir, DOI: 10.3390/en15051614

Performance Assessment of TSO–DSO using Volt-Var Control at Smart-Inverters: Case of Vestfold and Telemark in Norway,

Year: 2022, International journal of electrical and computer engineering systems , Astapov, Viktor ; Trashchenkov, Sergei ; Gonzalez- Longatt, Francisco ; Topić, Danijel, DOI: 10.32985/ijeces.13.1.6

Modeling of the Off-Grid PV-Wind-Battery System Regarding Value of Loss of Load Probability,

Year: 2022, Energies 15 3, Raff, Rebeka ; Golub, Velimir ; Knežević, Goran ; Topić, Danijel, DOI: 10.3390/en15030795

Fault Diagnostic and Protection of Power Transformers Grounded with a Common Grounding Resistor,

Year: 2022, Proceedings of 30th International Conference on Organization and Technology of Maintenance (OTO 2021) , Šarić, Marko ; Marić, Predrag ; Masle, Dino ; Fekete, Krešimir, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-92851-3_13

Application of Infrared Thermography in an Adequate Reusability Analysis of Photovoltaic Modules Affected by Hail,

Year: 2022, Applied Sciences 12 2, Glavaš, Hrvoje ; Žnidarec, Matej ; Šljivac, Damir ; Veić, Nikola, DOI: 10.3390/app12020745

ATmega2560 MCU Space Vector Modulation Implementation on Three-phase Inverter and Validation via Typhoon HIL 402,

Year: 2022, Proceedings of International Conference on Smart Systems and Technologies (SST 2022) , Brandis, Andrej ; Pelin, Denis ; Šimić, Zvonimir ; Vidošić, Ivan, DOI:

Modelling of Wind Power Plant for Voltage Regulation Simulations,

Year: 2022, Proceedings of 18th International Conference on the European Energy Market (EEM) , Dubravac, Marina ; Fekete, Krešimir ; Topić, Danijel ; Šimić, Zvonimir, DOI: 10.1109/EEM54602.2022.9921060

Prosumer Management Strategies in Residential House,

Year: 2022, Proceedings of International Conference on Smart Systems and Technologies (SST 2022) , Župan, Lucija ; Klaić, Zvonimir ; Androjić, Ana ; Fekete, Krešimir, DOI: 10.1109/SST55530.2022.9954664

Harmonic Impact of EV Charging Station on Prosumer-Rich Distribution Feeders,

Year: 2022, Proceedings of International Conference on Smart Systems and Technologies (SST 2022) , Rusan, Marko ; Fekete, Krešimir ; Čvek, Kristijan ; Klaić, Zvonimir, DOI: 10.1109/SST55530.2022.9954770

Comparison of Cost-effectivnes of Fixed and Two axis Tracking PV System in Market Conditions,

Year: 2022, Proceedings of International Conference on Smart Systems and Technologies (SST 2022) , Kljajić, Ružica ; Kraus, Zorislav ; Tuđan, Marko ; Marić, Predrag, DOI:

Application of shunt active power filters in active distribution networks,

Year: 2022, 2022 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference Europe (ISGT-Europe) , Primorac, Mario ; Klaić, Zvonimir ; Žnidarec, Matej ; Job, Josip, DOI: 10.1109/isgt-europe54678.2022.9960682

Influence of Wind Power Plant on P-V and Q-V Curves in Transmission System,

Year: 2022, 31st International Conference on Organization and Technology of Maintenance (OTO 2022). , Pišonić, Filip ; Fekete, Krešimir ; Kljajić, Ružica ; Marić, Predrag, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-21429-5_6

Analysis of Losses and Voltages in Prosumer-Rich Distribution Feeders,

Year: 2022, Proceedings of 2022 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference Europe (ISGT-Europe) , Lukic, Ivan ; Cvek, Kristijan ; Fekete, Kresimir ; Dubravac, Marina, DOI: 10.1109/isgt-europe54678.2022.9960324

Voltage Optimization in PV-Rich Distribution Networks—A Review,

Year: 2022, Applied sciences (Basel) 12 23, Dubravac, Marina ; Fekete, Krešimir ; Topić, Danijel ; Barukčić, Marinko, DOI: 10.3390/app122312426

Optimal Utilization of the Electric Vehicle in a Various Market Approach,

Year: 2022, 2022 International Conference on Smart Systems and Technologies (SST) , Mišljenović, Nemanja ; Knežević, Goran ; Žnidarec, Matej ; Dubravac, Marina, DOI: 10.1109/sst55530.2022.9954811

Kratki spojevi u elektroenergetskim mrežama,

Year: 2022, , Józsa, Lajos ; Fekete, Krešimir ; Glavaš, Hrvoje, DOI:

Optimal utilization of stationary battery storage and electric vehicle in a prosumer power system,

Year: 2022, Proceeding of 18th International Conference on the European Energy Market (EEM) , Mišljenović, Nemanja ; Knežević, Goran ; Žnidarec, Matej ; Topić, Danijel, DOI: 10.1109/EEM54602.2022.9921166

Application of ISO – IEC 80000-6:2008 in the description of technical systems,

Year: 2022, Annals of the Faculty engineering Hunedoara 20 2, Pejakušić, Domagoj ; Liermann-Zeljak, Yvonne ; Glavaš, Hrvoje, DOI:

Rasplinjavanje drvne biomase u proizvodnji električne energije,

Year: 2022, , Stojkov, Marinko ; Đuranović, Matej ; Barac, Antun ; Šljivac, Damir ; Topić, Danijel ; Hnatko, Emil, DOI:

The Influence of Preventive Maintenance of Batteries on Increasing the Security of the Thermal Power System,

Year: 2022, 31st International Conference on Organization and Technology of Maintenance (OTO 2022) , Jarčević, Duška ; Radovanović, Ljiljana ; Pekez, Jasmina ; Novaković, Borivoj ; Glavaš, Hrvoje, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-21429-5_9

Rana detekcija požarne opasnosti u prostorima za odlaganje otpada,

Year: 2022, Zbornik konferencije Slavonski model zbrinjavanja komunalnog otpada (SLAMKO) , Balen, Josip ; Vdovjak, Krešimir ; Glavaš, Hrvoje, DOI:

Optimal load management of a prosumer with PV power plant and battery storage,

Year: 2022, Proceedings of 13th Mediterranean Conference on Power Generation, Transmission, Distribution and Energy Conversion (MEDPOWER) , Šimić, Zvonimir ; Klaić, Zvonimir ; Knežević, Goran ; Topić, Danijel, DOI: 10.1049/icp.2022.3307

Izvješće o ispitivanju niskofrekvencijskih električnih i magnetskih polja – Vjetroelektrana Senj,

Year: 2022, , Klaić, Zvonimir ; Kraus, Zorislav, DOI:

Kratki spojevi u elektroenergetskim mrežama,

Year: 2022, Proceedings, 20th Natural Gas, Heat and Water Conference, 13th International Natural Gas, Heat and Water Conference , Jozsa, Lajos ; Fekete, Krešimir ; Glavaš, Hrvoje, DOI:

Kratki spojevi u elektroenergetskim mrežama,

Year: 2022, 15. simpozij o vođenju EES-a , Józsa, Lajos ; Fekete, Krešimir ; Glavaš, Hrvoje, DOI:

Infrared Thermography in Steam Trap Inspection,

Year: 2021, Energija : časopis Hrvatske elektroprivrede 70 3, Glavaš, Hrvoje ; Vidaković, Držislav ; Sušenka, Igor, DOI: 10.37798/2021703122

Mjerenje i analiza kvalitete električne energije u prehrambenoj industriji,

Year: 2021, ZBORNIK RADOVA 1. međunarodna studentska GREEN konferencija, PROCEEDINGS 1st International Students’ GREEN Conference , Albert, Hrvoje ; Klaić, Zvonimir ; Kraus, Zorislav ; Primorac, Mario, DOI:

Upravljanje potrošnjom u objektu kupca s vlastitom proizvodnjom,


Optimal Maintenance of the Electric Vehicle Battery Storage Level in Prosumer Power Network,

Year: 2021, Proceedings of 30th International Conference on Organization and Technology of Maintenance (OTO 2021) , Mišljenović, Nemanja ; Stanić, Mia ; Knežević, Goran ; Jakab, Josip, DOI:

Pregled elektroničkih energetskih pretvarača za stacionarne baterijske spremnike energije,

Year: 2021, 15. savjetovanje HRO CIGRE ; 15th HRO CIGRE Session REFERATI / PAPERS , Bilandžić, Josip ; Pelin, Denis ; Brandis, Andrej ; Topić, Danijel ; Knežević, Goran ; Šimić, Zvonimir ; Vulin, Dragan, DOI:

Procedures for measuring the temperature of roller bearings in the function of reliability of technical systems,

Year: 2021, 26. International Conference Maintenance 2021 Proceedings , Desnica, Eleonora ; Ašonja, Aleksandar ; Glavaš, Hrvoje ; Palinkaš, Ivan, DOI:

Advantages of Biogas Power Plants in Energy Transition Pannonian Countries (2) - Benefits For the National Economy,

Year: 2021, XI International Conference Industrial Engineering and Environmental Protection (IIZS 2021), Proceedings , Ivanović, Milan ; Glavaš, Hrvoje, DOI:

Advantages of Biogas Power Plants in Energy Transition Pannonian Countries (1) - Benefits For The Local Community,

Year: 2021, XI International Conference Industrial Engineering and Environmental Protection (IIZS 2021), Proceedings , Ivanović, Milan ; Glavaš, Hrvoje, DOI:

Application of ISO – IEC 80000-6:2008 in the description of technical systems,

Year: 2021, XI International Conference Industrial Engineering And Environmental Protection (IIZS 2021), Proceedings , Pejakušić, Domagoj ; Liermann-Zeljak, Yvonne ; Glavaš, Hrvoje, DOI:

Half-Bridge Voltage Source Inverter Control Development Using HIL System,

Year: 2021, INTERNATIONAL Symposium on Power Electronics (21 ; 2021 ; Novi Sad) , Brandis, Andrej ; Pelin, Denis ; Topić, Danijel ; Knežević, Goran, DOI:

Real-Time Circuit Breaker Availability Assessment in the Transmission Network,

Year: 2021, Applied Sciences 11 20, Petrović, Ivica ; Glavaš, Hrvoje ; Noskov, Robert ; Blažević, Damir, DOI: 10.3390/app11209635

The impact of valid regulations on electromagnetic fields of the Ernestinovo substation,

Year: 2021, XI Iternational Conference - Industrial Engineering and Environmental Protection (IIZS 2021), Proceedings , Noskov, Robert ; Petrović, Ivica ; Glavaš, Hrvoje ;, DOI:

Optimal size of the photovoltaic power plant construction with regard to the cost-effectiveness of investments,

Year: 2021, 6thInternational Conference on Smart and Sustainable Technologies SpliTech2021 , Jakab, Josip ; Golub, Velimir ; Knežević, Goran ; Čalušić, Alen, DOI:

Spektralni sastav dostupnih izvora svjetlosti,

Year: 2021, Proceedings, 19th Natural Gas, Heat and Water Conference, 12th International Natural Gas, Heat and Water Conference , Tuđan, Marko ; Kraus, Zorislav ; Glavaš, Hrvoje, DOI:

Praktično ispitivanje karakteristika automatskih prekidača,

Year: 2021, Proceedings, 19th Natural Gas, Heat and Water Conference, 12th International Natural Gas, Heat and Water Conference , Veić, Nikola ; Glavaš, Hrvoje ; Benšić, Tin, DOI:

Power System Stabilizer Tuning Algorithm in a Multimachine System Based on S-Domain and Time Domain System Performance Measures,

Year: 2021, Energies 14 18, Marić, Predrag ; Kljajić, Ružica ; Chamorro, Harold R. ; Glavaš, Hrvoje, DOI: 10.3390/en14185644

Method for Sizing of a PV System for Family Home Using Economic Indicators,

Year: 2021, Energies 14 , Šimić, Zvonimir ; Topić, Danijel ; Crnogorac, Ilija ; Knežević, Goran, DOI: 10.3390/en14154529

Complementing Digital Image Analysis and Laser Distance Meter in Beer Foam Stability Determination,

Year: 2021, Fermentation 7 3, Habschied, Kristina ; Glavaš, Hrvoje ; Nyarko, Emmanuel Karlo ; Mastanjević, Krešimir, DOI: 10.3390/fermentation7030113

A Survey on Computational Intelligence Applications in Distribution Network Optimization,

Year: 2021, Electronics 10 11, Vukobratović, Marko ; Marić, Predrag ; Horvat, Goran ; Balkić, Zoran ; Sučić, Stjepan, DOI: 10.3390/electronics10111247

Battery energy storage technologies overview,

Year: 2021, International journal of electrical and computer engineering systems 12 1, Šimić, Zvonimir ; Topić, Danijel ; Knežević, Goran ; Pelin, Denis, DOI: 10.32985/ijeces.12.1.6

Determination of Foam Stability in Lager Beers Using Digital Image Analysis of Images Obtained Using RGB and 3D Cameras,

Year: 2021, Fermentation 7 2, Nyarko, Emmanuel Karlo ; Glavaš, Hrvoje ; Habschied, Kristina ; Mastanjević, Krešimir, DOI: 10.3390/fermentation7020046

Temperature Control Concept for Parallel IGBT Operation,

Year: 2021, Electronics 10(4) , Brandis, Andrej ; Pelin, Denis ; Matić, Tomislav ; Topić, Danijel, DOI: 10.3390/ electronics10040429

Determining the Optimal Location and Number of Voltage Dip Monitoring Devices Using the Binary Bat Algorithm,

Year: 2021, Energies 14 255, Šipoš, Mario ; Klaić, Zvonimir ; Nyarko, Emmanuel Karlo ; Fekete, Krešimir, DOI: 10.3390/en14010255

Integration of wave power farms into power systems of the Adriatic islands: technical possibilities and cross-cutting aspects,

Year: 2021, Water 13 1, Šljivac, Damir ; Temiz, Irina ; Nakomčić Smaragdakis, Branka ; Žnidarec, Matej, DOI: 10.3390/w13010013

Testing the Procedure for Optimization of Cascaded Hydropower Plants and Wind Power Plants Using the IEEE 14 Bus System,

Year: 2021, 30th International Conference on Organization and Technology of Maintenance (OTO 2021) , Noskov, Robert ; Fekete, Krešimir ; Kljajić, Ružica ; Klaić, Zvonimir, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-92851-3_10

Različiti aspekti primjene pepela biomase,

Year: 2021, , Netinger Grubeša, Ivanka ; Barišić, Ivana ; Dokšanović, Tihomir ; Šandrk Nukić, Ivana ; Kralik, Davor ; Glavaš, Hrvoje ; Ivanović, Milan, DOI:

Design and Optimization of Lattice Supporting Structure by Direct Optimization Method,

Year: 2021, Proceedings of 30th International Conference on Organization and Technology of Maintenance (OTO 2021) , Karakašić, Mirko ; Vrančić, Karlo ; Grgić, Ivan ; Glavaš, Hrvoje, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-92851-3_2

Svjetlosno onečišćenje na području grada Osijeka,

Year: 2021, Fakultet elektrotehnike, računarstva i informacijskih tehnologija Osijek , Babić, Stjepan, DOI:

Projektiranje učinkovite unutarnje rasvjete,

Year: 2021, Fakultet elektrotehnike, računarstva i informacijskih tehnologija Osijek , Božanović, Ivan, DOI:

Svjetlosno onečišćenje u Republici Hrvatskoj,

Year: 2021, Fakultet elektrotehnike, računarstva i informacijskih tehnologija Osijek , Glavaš, Robert, DOI:

Energetska učinkovitost u naprednim instalacijama,

Year: 2021, Fakultet elektrotehnike, računarstva i informacijskih tehnologija Osijek , Lekić, Marin, DOI:

Primjena termografije u medicini,

Year: 2021, Krstačić, Goran ; Včev, Aleksandar , Glavaš, Hrvoje ; Včev, Aleksandar ; Jakab, Josip, DOI:

Termografske kamere za medicinsku uporabu,

Year: 2021, Program stalnog medicinskog usavršavanja I. kategorije Neurokardiologija , Glavaš, Hrvoje ; Včev, Aleksandar ; Jakab, Josip, DOI:

Utjecaj industrijskog potrošača „DMD“ Zajedničko proizvodno uslužni obrt na kvalitetu električne energije u niskonaponskoj distribucijskoj mreži HEP ODS-a DP Elektra Vinkovci,

Year: 2021, , Klaić, Zvonimir ; Fekete, Krešimir ; Primorac, Mario, DOI:

Izvješće o ispitivanju niskofrekvencijskih električnih i magnetskih polja – Vjetroelektrana Ljubač,

Year: 2021, , Klaić, Zvonimir ; Kraus, Zorislav ; Primorac, Mario ; Jeršek, Željko, DOI:

Izvješće o ispitivanju niskofrekvencijskih električnih i magnetskih polja – transformatorska stanica 10/0,4 kV Kogeneracija Tersa,

Year: 2021, , Klaić, Zvonimir ; Jeršek, Željko, DOI:

Izvješće o ispitivanju niskofrekvencijskih električnih i magnetskih polja – transformatorska stanica TS 10(20)/0,38 kV HF Belišće,

Year: 2021, , Klaić, Zvonimir ; Jeršek, Željko, DOI:

Izvješće o ispitivanju niskofrekvencijskih električnih i magnetskih polja – dvije transformatorske stanice TS 10(20)/0,42 kV BELJE plus d.o.o. Darda,

Year: 2021, , Klaić, Zvonimir ; Kraus, Zorislav ; Primorac, Mario, DOI:

Izvješće o ispitivanju niskofrekvencijskih električnih i magnetskih polja – transformatorska stanica TS 10(20)/0,4 kV, Bioplinsko postrojenje Niza,

Year: 2021, , Klaić, Zvonimir ; Kraus, Zorislav ; Jeršek, Željko, DOI:

Izvješće o ispitivanju niskofrekvencijskih električnih i magnetskih polja – transformatorska stanica TS 10(20)/0,4 kV Plinifikacijsko- kogeneracijsko postrojenje na biomasu (sječka), CEP Belišće 2 d.o,

Year: 2021, , Klaić, Zvonimir ; Kraus, Zorislav ; Primorac, Mario, DOI:

Izvješće o ispitivanju niskofrekvencijskih električnih i magnetskih polja – transformatorska stanica TS 10(20)/0,4 kV Plinifikacijsko- kogeneracijsko postrojenje na biomasu (sječka), CEP Belišće 1 d.o,

Year: 2021, , Klaić, Zvonimir ; Kraus, Zorislav ; Primorac, Mario, DOI:

A Novel Method for Cyber-Maintenance Prioritisation of Ageing Distributed Power Sources,

Year: 2021, Proceedings of 30th International Conference on Organization and Technology of Maintenance (OTO 2021) , Gernhardt, Dalibor ; Kljajić, Ružica, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-92851-3_15

Optimizing the Mass of the Structure Using the Response Surface Method,

Year: 2020, 29th International Scientific Conference 'ORGANIZATION AND MAINTENANCE TECHNOLOGY' , Karakašić, Mirko ; Perković, Dalibor ; Grgić, Ivan ; Glavaš, Hrvoje, DOI:

Održavanje televizora s LC zaslonom,

Year: 2020, 29-th International Scientific Conference "Organization and Maintenance Technology", OTO 2020, Conference Proceedings - book 1 , Jukić, Dina ; Barić, Tomislav ; Glavaš, Hrvoje ; Kvesić, Tin, DOI:

Proračun i konstrukcija radioničke hidraulične preše nazivne sile 5t,

Year: 2020, Zbornik radova 29. Međunarodnog znanstvenog skupa "Organizacija i tehnologija održavanja" , Cumin, Josip ; Marijanović, Tomislav ; Glavaš, Hrvoje, DOI:

Microgrid Stability: A Review on Voltage and Frequency Stability,

Year: 2020, Proceedings - Electrical and Power Engineering (CANDO-EPE), 2020 IEEE 3rd International Conference and Workshop in Óbuda on Electrical and Power Engineering (CANDO-EPE) , Kljajic, Ruzica ; Maric, Predrag ; Glavas, Hrvoje ; Znidarec, Matej, DOI: 10.1109/cando-epe51100.2020.9337800

Detekcija parazitne potrošnje elektro sustava osobnog automobila,

Year: 2020, Zbornik radova Održavanje 2020 / Proceedings Maintenance 2020 , Balukčić, Leonard ; Glavaš, Hrvoje ; Vidaković, Držislav, DOI:

Održavanje opreme u organizacijama s Lean poslovanjem,

Year: 2020, Zbornik radova Održavanje 2020 / Proceedings Maintenance 2020 , Vidaković, Držislav ; Martić, Matej. ; Glavaš, Hrvoje, DOI:

Determining the Fault Position in the Power System,

Year: 2020, Proceedings of 2020 International Conference on Smart Systems and Technologies (SST) , Šipoš, Mario ; Klaić, Zvonimir ; Nyarko, Emmanuel Karlo ; Fekete, Krešimir ; Primorac, Mario ; Šljivac, Damir, DOI:

Infracrvena termografija u kontroli stanja odvajača kondenzata,

Year: 2020, Održavanje i eksploatacija 3 , Koprivanac, Danijel ; Glavaš, Hrvoje ; Sušenka, Igor ; Vidaković, Držislav, DOI:

Operation of the Microgrid with Wind Power Plant: A Case Study,

Year: 2020, Proceedings of 2020 International Conference on Smart Systems and Technologies (SST) , Horvatović, Božidar ; Noskov, Robert ; Fekete, Krešimir ; Androjić, Ana, DOI: 10.1109/SST49455.2020.9264082

The optimal utilization of the battery storage for a virtual prosumer participating on a day-ahead market,

Year: 2020, Proceedings of 2020 International Conference on Smart Systems and Technologies {; ; SST) , Knežević, Goran ; Maligec, Monika ; Golub, Velimir ; Topić, Danijel, DOI: 10.1109/SST49455.2020.9264092

Fast Power Emulation Approach to the Operation of Photovoltaic Power Plants Made of Different Module Technologies,

Year: 2020, Energies (Basel) 13 22, Pelin, Denis ; Žnidarec, Matej ; Šljivac, Damir ; Brandis, Andrej, DOI: 10.3390/en13225957

Active Li-ion Battery Charge Balancing System Based on Flyback Converter,

Year: 2020, Proceedings of the 2020 IEEE 11th International Symposium on Power Electronics for Distributed Generation Systems (PEDG) , Brandis, Andrej ; Pelin, Denis ; Topić, Danijel ; Tomašević, Bernard, DOI:

Influence of FACTS Device Implementation on Performance of Distribution Network with Integrated Renewable Energy Sources,

Year: 2020, Energies 13/20 , Relić, Filip ; Marić, Predrag ; Glavaš, Hrvoje ; Petrović, Ivica ;, DOI: (10.3390/en13205516)

Photometric testing of a liquid crystal display,

Year: 2020, PROCEEDINGS OF 2020 International Conference on Smart Systems and Technologies (SST) , Jukić, Dina ; Glavaš, Hrvoje ; Jeršek, Željko ; Veić, Nikola, DOI:

Battery Energy Storage Systems and FACTS Devices Influence on Microgrid Voltage Stability,

Year: 2020, Proceedings of 2020 International Conference on Smart Systems and Technologies (SST) , Kljajić, Ružica ; Marić, Predrag ; Relić, Filip ; Glavaš, Hrvoje, DOI:

Power System Fault Detection Automation Based on Fuzzy Logic,

Year: 2020, Proceedings of2020 International Conference on Smart Systems and Technologies (SST) , Petrović, Ivica ; Nikolovski, Srete ; Glavaš, Hrvoje ; Relić, Filip, DOI:

Obnovljivi izvori energije primarni mehanizam energetske politike europske unije,

Year: 2020, Energija / Ekonomija / Ekologija Monografija XXXV Međunarodnog savetovanja ENERGETIKA 2020 - Zbornik radova , Glavaš, Hrvoje ; Ivanović, Milan, DOI:

Infrared thermography as evaluation method of a faulty status of a LED LCD TV,

Year: 2020, Journal of the society for information display 18 12, Glavaš, Hrvoje ; Barić, Tomislav ; Jukić, Dina ; Desnica, Eleonora, DOI: 10.1002/jsid.951

Implementation of Energy Renovation of Buildings In The Five Counties of Eastern Croatia,

Year: 2020, ACTA TECHNICA CORVINIENSIS – Bulletin of Engineering 1 , Glavaš, Hrvoje ; Ivanović, Milan ; Liović, Lara, DOI:

Second-order supercapacitor model and its parameter extraction,

Year: 2020, International journal of numerical modelling-electronic networks devices and fields 33 5, Barić, Tomislav ; Glavaš, Hrvoje ; Nyarko, Emmanuel Karlo, DOI: 10.1002/jnm.2727

Impact of photovoltaic and biogas power plant on harmonics in distribution network,

Year: 2020, IET Renewable Power Generation 14 1, Klaić, Zvonimir ; Knežević, Goran ; Primorac, Mario ; Topić, Danijel, DOI: 10.1049/iet-rpg.2019.0528

Determining Impact of Lightning Strike Location on Failures in Transmission Network Elements using Fuzzy Decision Making,

Year: 2020, IEEE Systems Journal 14 2, Petrović, Ivica ; Nikolovski, Srete ; Baghaee Reza, Hamid ; Glavaš, Hrvoje, DOI: 10.1109/JSST.2019.2923690

Smart-scaled RES Equipment as a Practical Tool for Teaching Students,

Year: 2020, PROCEEDINGS OF 2020 International Conference on Smart Systems and Technologies (SST) , Brandis, Andrej ; Pelin, Denis ; Topić, Danijel ; Matej, Žnidarec, DOI:
Keywords: "photovoltaic, fuel cell, didactic equipment, education tool, alternative energy sources"

Performance evaluation of simple PV microgrid energy management system,

Year: 2020, Proceedings of 2020 International Conference on Smart Systems and Technologies (SST) , Žnidarec, Matej ; Šljivac, Damir ; Došen, Dario ; Nakomčić Smaragdakis, Branka, DOI:
Keywords: "microgrid, renewable energy sources, photovoltaics, energy management system, battery storage system, sensitivity analysis"

Renewable Energy Sources for smart sustainable health Centers, University Education and other public buildings,

Year: 2020, Proceedings of 2020 International Conference on Smart Systems and Technologies (SST) , Dumnić, Boris ; Popadić, Bane ; Miličević, Dragan ; Šljivac, Damir ; Žnidarec, Matej ; Stojkov, Marinko ; Barac, Antun ; Stokić, Edita ; Petrović, Budislav ; Guttler, Zorislav et al., DOI:
Keywords: "renewable energy sources, CO2 emissions, building footprint"


Year: 2020, , Klaić, Zvonimir ; Marić, Predrag ; Šljivac, Damir ; Stojkov, Marinko ; Žnidarec, Matej ; Primorac, Mario ; Kraus, Zorislav, DOI:

Suvremena unutarnja rasvjeta,

Year: 2020, Fakultet elektrotehnike, računarstva i informacijskih tehnologija Osijek , Čolak, Josip, DOI:

Projektiranje instalacije u stambenom objektu,

Year: 2020, Fakultet elektrotehnike, računarstva i informacijskih tehnologija Osijek , Kvesić, Filip, DOI:

Suvremena cestovna rasvjeta,

Year: 2020, Fakultet elektrotehnike, računarstva i informacijskih tehnologija Osijek , Ružić, David, DOI:

Mjerenje kvalitete električne energije u elektroenergetskoj mreži postrojenja Tang – Nova Gradiška,

Year: 2020, , Klaić, Zvonimir ; Knežević, Goran, DOI:

Izvješće o ispitivanju niskofrekvencijskih električnih i magnetskih polja – Vjetroelektrana Korlat,

Year: 2020, , Klaić, Zvonimir ; Kraus, Zorislav, DOI:

Izvješće o ispitivanju niskofrekvencijskih električnih i magnetskih polja unutar i u okolini transformatorske stanice TS 10(20)/0,4 kV Novi studentski paviljon,

Year: 2020, , Klaić, Zvonimir ; Kraus, Zorislav ; Primorac, Mario, DOI:

Izvješće o ispitivanju niskofrekvencijskih električnih i magnetskih polja – okolina čelično rešetkastih stupova 35 kV i 10 kV dalekovoda na obilaznici oko Petrijevaca,

Year: 2020, , Klaić, Zvonimir ; Kraus, Zorislav, DOI:

Izvješće o ispitivanju niskofrekvencijskih električnih i magnetskih polja – Vjetroelektrana Krš-Pađene, vjetroagregati VA 36, VA 41, VA 42, VA 43, VA 44, VA 45, VA 46, VA 47, VA 48,

Year: 2020, , Klaić, Zvonimir ; Kraus, Zorislav ; Primorac, Mario, DOI:

Regulacija napona elektranama na biomasu u SN distribucijskoj mreži,

Year: 2020, 29. Međunarodni znanstveni skup „Organizacija i tehnologija održavanja“ - OTO 2020. : Zbornik radova Knjiga 1 / 29th International Scientific Conference ''Organization and Maintenance Technology'' - OTO 2020 : Conference Proceedings Book 1 , Dubravac, Marina; Fekete, Krešimir; Kljajić, Ružica; Noskov, Robert, DOI:

Projektiranje rasvjete gradskog parka,


Model upravljanja energetski učinkovite rasvjete sportskog igrališta,


Proračun struje kratkog spoja u srednjenaponskim mrežama s priključenim obnovljivim izvorima energije,

Year: 2019, 28. Međunarodni znanstveni skup „Organizacija i tehnologija održavanja“ - OTO 2019. - Zbornik radova (28th International Scientific Conference ''Organization and Maintenance Technology'' - OTO 2019 - Conference Proceedings) , Ćošković, Branimir ; Fekete, Krešimir ; Kaluđer, Slaven ; Kraus, Zorislav, DOI:

Izbor osobne zaštitne opreme za zaštitu od posljedica električnog luka,

Year: 2019, 28. Međunarodni znanstveni skup 'Organizacija i tehnologija održavanja' OTO 2019, Zbornik radova , Simonović, Damjan ; Knežević, Goran, DOI:

Technical Conditions of EV Charging Stations Integration into Public Lighting Infrastructure,

Year: 2019, 2019 7th International Youth Conference on Energy (IYCE) , Perko, Jurica ; Topić, Danijel ; Knezević, Goran ; Znidarec, Matej, DOI: 10.1109/IYCE45807.2019.8991584

Overview of charging modes and connectors for the electric vehicles,

Year: 2019, 2019 7th International Youth Conference on Energy (IYCE) , Raff, Rebeka ; Golub, Velimir ; Pelin, Denis ; Topić, Danijel, DOI: 10.1109/IYCE45807.2019.8991586

Pedelec Li-ION battery lifetime,

Year: 2019, Annals of the Faculty engineering Hunedoara 17 3, Glavaš, Hrvoje ; Karakašić, Mirko ; Petrović, Ivica ; Vidaković, Držislav, DOI:

Pregled elektroničkih energetskih pretvarača u FACTS uređajima,

Year: 2019, 14.savjetovanje HRO CIGRÉ : zbornik radova , Relić, Filip ; Pelin, Denis ; Glavaš, Hrvoje, DOI:

Optimalni dizajn FN sustava za potrebe kućanstva temeljen na analizi isplativosti,

Year: 2019, Hadzima-Nyarko, Marijana ; Karakašić, Mirko ; Fekete, Krešimir ; Glavaš, Hrvoje ; Blažević, Damir , Jeršek, Željko ; Šljivac, Damir ; Žnidarec, Matej ; Glavaš, Hrvoje, DOI:

Važnost pristupa servisnim informacijama u postupku održavanja "novih" vozila,

Year: 2019, 28. Međunarodni znanstveni skup "Organizacija i tehnologija održavanja" - OTO 2019. - zbornik radova , Mesić, Mirko ; Peko, Marina ; Glavaš, Hrvoje, DOI:

Edukacija iz područja klasične fotografije,

Year: 2019, 28. Međunarodni znanstveni skup „Organizacija i tehnologija održavanja“ - OTO 2019. - Zbornik radova , Glavaš, Hrvoje ; Mesarić, Dalibor ; Nešić, Đrođe, DOI:

Mjerenje sjajnosti kolnika digitalnim fotoaparatom,

Year: 2019, Tridesetdeveti skup o prometnim sustavima s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem, Automatizacija u prometu 2019 , Patrun, Luka ; Glavaš, Hrvoje ; Barić, Tomislav ; Dvoržak, Domagoj, DOI:

Optimization of the off-grid systems based on renewable energy for power supply in rural areas,

Year: 2019, Proceedings of 2019 16th International Conference on the European Energy Market (EEM) , Raff, Rebeka ; Golub, Velimir ; Topić, Danijel ; Knežević, Goran ; Perko, Jurica, DOI: 10.1109/EEM.2019.8916573

Integration of the EV charging stations into the public lighting infrastructure,

Year: 2019, Proceedings of 2019 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe (ISGT-Europe) , Topić, Danijel ; Knežević, Goran ; Šljivac, Damir ; Žnidarec, Matej ; Perko, Jurica, DOI: 10.1109/ISGTEurope.2019.8905590

Analysis of PV Systems and Charging Stations Integration into the Public Lighting,

Year: 2019, Proceedings of 2019 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe (ISGT-Europe) , Topić, Danijel ; Chamorro, Harold R. ; Knežević, Goran ; Rye, Rebecca ; Gonzalez-Longatt, Francisco ; Sood, Vijay K., DOI: 10.1109/ISGTEurope.2019.8905562

Application of AHP method in the process of evaluation of supporting structures for placing traffic signs,

Year: 2019, 17. skup o prirodnom plinu, toplini i vodi ; 10. međunarodni skup o prirodnom plinu, toplini i vodi , Katalinić, Mario ; Karakašić, Mirko ; Ivandić, Željko ; Glavaš, Hrvoje, DOI:

Prevencija opasnosti kod dimnjaka,

Year: 2019, Zbornik radova 17. skup o prirodnom plinu, toplini i vodi PLIN 2019 / 10th International Natural Gass, Heat and Water Conference , Vidaković, Držislav ; Glavaš, Hrvoje ; Pešić, Josip ; Hećimović, Dražen, DOI:

Praćenje uspješnosti postojećeg sustava održavanja,

Year: 2019, Zbornik radova 17. skup o prirodnom plinu, toplini i vodi PLIN 2019 / 10th International Natural Gass, Heat and Water Conference , Vidaković, Držislav ; Marenjak, Saša ; Radovanović, Ljiljana ; Glavaš, Hrvoje, DOI:

Implementation of Energy Renovation of Buildings In The Five Counties of Eastern Croatia,

Year: 2019, IX International Conference Industrial Engineering and Environmental Protection 2019 (IIZS 2019) Proceedings , Glavaš, Hrvoje ; Ivanović, Milan ; Liović, Lara, DOI:

Rezultati energetske obnove zgrada na području Osječko- baranjske županije,

Year: 2019, PROCEEDINGS PLIN 2019, 17th Natural Gas, Heat And Water Conference, 10th International Natural Gas, Heat And Water Conference , Dvoržak, Domagoj ; Ivanović, Milan ; Glavaš, Hrvoje, DOI:

Upravljanje sustavom LED RGB rasvjete DMX protokolom,

Year: 2019, PROCEEDINGS PLIN 2019, 17th Natural Gas, Heat And Water Conference, 10th International Natural Gas, Heat And Water Conference , Martinek, Adam ; Galić, Zlatko ; Glavaš, Hrvoje, DOI:

Infracrvena termografija u održavanju fotonaponske elektrane ''ETFOS 1'',

Year: 2019, PROCEEDINGS PLIN 2019, 17th Natural Gas, Heat And Water Conference, 10th International Natural Gas, Heat And Water Conference , Glavaš, Hrvoje ; Bičanić, Ines ; Desnica, Eleonora, DOI:

Performance analysis of upgraded university building of FERIT Osijek microgrid achieving nearly zero energy standard based on real measurement data,

Year: 2019, 2019 International Conference on Smart Energy Systems and Technologies (SEST) , Marguš, Heidi ; Žnidarec, Matej ; Šljivac, Damir ; Stojkov, Marinko, DOI: 10.1109/sest.2019.8849138

Measurement Data Acquisition System in Laboratory for Renewable Energy Sources,

Year: 2019, 2019 International Conference on Smart Energy Systems and Technologies (SEST) , Došen, Dario ; Žnidarec, Matej ; Šljivac, Damir, DOI: 10.1109/SEST.2019.8849146

Influence of PV Systems on Distribution Network Voltage Values and Power Losses: Case Study,

Year: 2019, Proceedings of 18th IEEE International Conference on Smart Technologies, EUROCON 2019 , Topić ; Danijel ; Zovko, Nikolina ; Knežević, Goran ; Perko, Jurica ; Raff, Rebeka, Golub, Velimir, DOI:

Performance assessment of mono and poly crystalline silicon photovoltaic arrays under Pannonian climate conditions,

Year: 2019, 18th IEEE International Conference on Smart Technologies, EUROCON 2019 , Žnidarec, Matej ; Šljivac, Damir ; Došen, Dario ; Dumnić, Boris, DOI:

An analytical approximation of the transient response of a voltage dependent supercapacitor model,

Year: 2019, Engineering review (Technical Faculty University of Rijeka) 39 3, Barić, Tomislav ; Glavaš, Hrvoje ; Kljajić, Ružica, DOI: 10.30765/er.39.3.12

Važnost i mjere održavanja dimnjaka,

Year: 2019, MeditMaint 2019, 25. međunarodno savjetovanje Održavanje 2019, Zbornik radova, 25. International Conference Maintenance 2019 Proceedings , Vidaković, Držislav ; Glavaš, Hrvoje ; Jurić, Aleksandar ; Pešić, Josip, DOI:

Infracrvena termografija u kontroli stanja odvajača kondenzata,

Year: 2019, MeditMaint 2019, 25. međunarodno savjetovanje Održavanje 2019, Zbornik radova, 25. International Conference Maintenance 2019 Proceedings , Koprivanac, Danijel ; Glavaš, Hrvoje ; Sušenka, Igor ; Vidaković, Držislav, DOI:

Infracrvena termografija u postupku održavanje fotonaponskih sustava na građevinama,

Year: 2019, Održavanje i eksploatacija 1 , Glavaš, Hrvoje ; Vidaković, Držislav ; Jeršek, Željko ; Maričić, Siniša, DOI:

Optimal Re-Dispatching of Cascaded Hydropower Plants Using Quadratic Programming and Chance- Constrained Programming,

Year: 2019, Energies 12 9, Fekete, Krešimir ; Nikolovski, Srete ; Zvonimir, Klaić ; Ana, Androjić, DOI: 10.3390/en12091604

Performance and Empirical Analysis of Photovoltaic Modules Made of Different Technologies Using Capacity Evaluation Method,

Year: 2019, Tehnički vjesnik : znanstveno-stručni časopis tehničkih fakulteta Sveučilišta u Osijeku 26 6, Žnidarec, Matej ; Šljivac, Damir ; Došen, Dario, DOI: 10.17559/TV-20181003182104

Harmonic Distortion Prediction Model of a Grid- Tie Photovoltaic Inverter Using an Artificial Neural Network,

Year: 2019, Energies 12 5, Žnidarec, Matej ; Klaić, Zvonimir ; Šljivac, Damir ; Dumnić, Boris, DOI: 10.3390/en12050790

Joint market bid of a hydroelectric system and wind parks,

Year: 2019, Computers & electrical engineering 74 , Knežević, Goran ; Topić, Danijel ; Jurić, Marija ; Nikolovski, Srete, DOI: 10.1016/j.compeleceng.2019.01.014

Locating Hidden Elements in Walls of Cultural Heritage Buildings by Using Infrared Thermography,

Year: 2019, Buildings 9 2, Glavaš, Hrvoje ; Hadzima-Nyarko, Marijana ; Haničar Buljan, Ivana ; Barić, Tomislav, DOI: 10.3390/buildings9020032

Infrared thermography camera protection in dairy farming management,

Year: 2019, Computers and electronics in agriculture 157 1, Glavaš, Hrvoje ; Bobić, Tina ; Dorić, Dražen ; Božić Lenard, Dragana, DOI: 10.1016/j.compag.2018.09.022

Primjena IC termografije u detekciji vodnog stresa u biljnoj proizvodnji,

Year: 2019, Osijek Drone Expo , Marković, Monika ; Glavaš, Hrvoje, DOI:

Pet godina upotrebe električnog bicikla na području Grada Osijeka,

Year: 2019, 17. Skup o prirodnom plinu, toplini i vodi i 10. Međunarodni skup o prirodnom plinu, toplini i vodi , Glavaš, Hrvoje, DOI:

Mapiranje i analiza dijela biciklističke infrastrukture Grada Osijeka,

Year: 2019, 17. Skup o prirodnom plinu, toplini i vodi i 10. Međunarodni skup o prirodnom plinu, toplini i vodi , Aračić, Stjepan ; Glavaš, Hrvoje, DOI:

Primjena infracrvene termografije na području parka prirode,

Year: 2019, 8th Symposium with international participation Kopački rit past, present, future 2019, Book of abstracts , Glavaš, Hrvoje ; Muštran, Daniel, DOI:

Izvješće o ispitivanju niskofrekvencijskih električnih i magnetskih polja – Vjetroelektrana Krš-Pađene, vjetroagregati VA 40, VA 39, VA 38, VA 37, VA 35, VA 24, VA 21, VA 14, VA 9, VA 5,

Year: 2019, , Klaić, Zvonimir ; Kraus, Zorislav ; Primorac, Mario, DOI:

Izvješće o ispitivanju niskofrekvencijskih električnih i magnetskih polja – Vjetroelektrana Krš-Pađene, vjetroagregati VA 28, VA 29, VA 30, VA 31, VA 32, VA 33, VA 34,

Year: 2019, , Klaić, Zvonimir ; Kraus, Zorislav ; Primorac, Mario, DOI:

Izvješće o ispitivanju niskofrekvencijskih električnih i magnetskih polja u okolini dalekovoda DV 2 × 110 kV TS 110/35 kV Slavonski Brod – TS 110/35/10 kV Slavonski Brod 2,

Year: 2019, , Klaić, Zvonimir ; Kraus, Zorislav ; Primorac, Mario, DOI:

Izvješće o ispitivanju niskofrekvencijskih električnih i magnetskih polja – transformatorska stanica 35/0,4 kV SUŠARA,

Year: 2019, , Klaić, Zvonimir ; Kraus, Zorislav ; Primorac, Mario, DOI:

Modeliranje poduprijeto računalom,

Year: 2019, , Karakašić, Mirko ; Kljajin Milan ; Ivandić, Željko ; Glavaš, Hrvoje, DOI:

The Impact of Load’s Phase Shift Changes on the Electric Arc Behavior in Switching Process,

Year: 2018, Mediterranean Conference on Power Generation, Transmission, Distribution and Energy Conversion (MEDPOWER 2018), IET Conference Publications 759 , Stojkov, Marinko ; Alinjak, Tomislav ; Trupinić, Kruno ; Klaić, Zvonimir ; Topić, Danijel ; Barić, Tomislav ; Šipoš, Mario ; Salkić, Hidajet, DOI:

Impact of Distributed Generation on Power Quality in Distribution Network,

Year: 2018, MEDPOWER 2018, 11th Mediterranean Conference on Power Generation, Transmission, Distribution and Energy Conversion, Conference book , Klaić, Zvonimir ; Primorac, Mario ; Topić, Danijel ; Knežević, Goran, DOI:

Wind Generation Flicker Modelling and Analysis in Simulation Environment,

Year: 2018, CANDO-EPE 2018 PROCEEDINGS , Varga, Toni ; Marić, Predrag ; Vukobratović, Marko ; Klaić, Zvonimir, DOI:

The Optimal Bid of the Thermal Power Plants on a Day-Ahead Market,

Year: 2018, Proceedings of International Conference on Smart Systems and Technologies 2018 (SST 2018) , Kljajić, Ružica ; Ivić, Martin ; Knežević, Goran, DOI:

Utjecaj proizvodnje bioplinskih postrojenja na kvalitetu električne energije u istočnoj Hrvatskoj,

Year: 2018, ZBORNIK RADOVA, 16. SKUP O PRIRODNOM PLINU, TOPLINI I VODI, 9. MEĐUNARODNI SKUP O PRIRODNOM PLINU, TOPLINI I VODI , Klaić, Zvonimir ; Šljivac, Damir ; Primorac, Mario ; Topić, Danijel ; Stojkov, Marinko, DOI:

Tehno-ekonomska analiza različitih tehnologija proizvodnje električne energije iz biomase i bioplina,

Year: 2018, Proceedings of 9th International natural gas, heat and water conference Plin 2018 , Knežević, Goran ; Topić, Danijel ; Fekete, Krešimir ; Žnidarec, Matej, DOI:

Obnovljivi izvori energije u funkciji ruralnog razvoja,

Year: 2018, Proceedings of 9th International natural gas, heat and water conference Plin 2018 , Topić, Danijel ; Knežević, Goran ; Šljivac, Damir ; Fekete, Krešimir ; Žnidarec, Matej ; Pelin, Denis ; Klaić, Zvonimir ; Primorac, Mario ; Došen Dario, DOI:

Influence of Load Peak Shaving on Battery System Capacity in an Islanded Building Microgrid,

Year: 2018, Proceedings of International Conference on Smart Systems and Technologies 2018 (SST2018) , Žnidarec, Matej ; Topić, Danijel ; Šljivac, Damir ; Klaić, Zvonimir ; Brandis, Andrej, DOI:

Achieving nearly zero energy standard and island operation of FERIT Osijek microgrid,

Year: 2018, Proceedings of International Conference on Smart Systems and Technologies 2018 (SST2018) , Marguš, Heidi ; Žnidarec, Matej ; Šljivac, Damir, DOI:

Performance Analysis of Switching Techniques for Induction Motor Drives and Experimental Verification with Smart Didactic System,

Year: 2018, Proceedings of International Conference on Smart Systems and Technologies 2018 (SST2018) , Brandis, Andrej ; Pelin, Denis ; Žnidarec, Matej ; Varju, Viktor, DOI:

Praktična provjera karakteristika HRC osigurača,

Year: 2018, Hrvatski ogranak Međunarodnog vijeća za velike elektroenergetske sustave, HRO CIGRÉ, 13. simpozij o sustavu vođenja EES, Zbornik radova , Savić, Srđan ; Glavaš, Hrvoje ; Benšić, Tin ; Dorić, Dražen, DOI:

Fault diagnosis and identification in the distribution network using the fuzzy expert system,

Year: 2018, Eksploatacja i Niezawodnosc-Maintenance and Reliability , Kaluđer, Slaven ; Fekete, Krešimir ; Jozsa, Lajos ; Klaić, Zvonimir, DOI: 10.17531/ein.2018.4.13

Simplified Model for Optimal Sizing of the Off- Grid PV System Regarding Value of Loss of Load Probability,

Year: 2018, Tehnički vjesnik : znanstveno-stručni časopis tehničkih fakulteta Sveučilišta u Osijeku , Topić, Danijel ; Knežević, Goran ; Kosić, Daniel ; Perko, Jurica, DOI: 10.17559/TV-20171203150754

Didaktička oprema za učenje o fotonaponskim sustavima,

Year: 2018, 1st International Students’ GREEN Conference 2018 , Hmelina, Alen ; Brandis, Andrej ; Pelin, Denis ; Topić, Danijel, DOI:

Visokonaponska ispitivanja i pregledi opreme za rad pod naponom,

Year: 2018, 27. Međunarodni znanstveno-stručni skup „Organizacija i tehnologija održavanja“ OTO 2018. Zbornik radova - 27th International Scientific and Professional Conference „Organozationa and Maintenance Technology“ OTO 2018 Conference Proceedings , Arambašić, Ivan ; Knežević, Goran ; Caha, Vladimir, DOI:

Energetski učinkoviti transformatori s amorfnom jezgrom,

Year: 2018, 27. Međunarodni znanstveno-stručni skup „Organizacija i tehnologija održavanja“ OTO 2018. Zbornik radova - 27th International Scientific and Professional Conference „Organozationa and Maintenance Technology“ OTO 2018 Conference Proceedings , Prhal, Deni ; Knežević, Goran ; Fekete, Krešimir, DOI:

Vrijeme povrata ulaganja u kućne fotonaponske sustave - utjecaj troškova održavanja,

Year: 2018, 27. Međunarodni znanstveno-stručni skup „Organizacija i tehnologija održavanja“ OTO 2018. Zbornik radova - 27th International Scientific and Professional Conference „Organozationa and Maintenance Technology“ OTO 2018 Conference Proceedings , Marčetić, Mato ; Fekete, Krešimir ; Knežević, Goran ; Klaić, Zvonimir, DOI:

Distributed Generation Harmonic Interaction in the Active Distribution Network,

Year: 2018, Tehnički vjesnik : znanstveno-stručni časopis tehničkih fakulteta Sveučilišta u Osijeku , Vukobratović, Marko ; Marić, Predrag ; Nikolovski, Srete ; Glavaš, Hrvoje, DOI: 10.17559/TV-20171025123650

Review of Non-Traditional Optimization Methods for Allocation of Distributed Generation and Energy Storage in Distribution System,

Year: 2018, Tehnički vjesnik , Šipoš, Mario ; Klaić, Zvonimir ; Fekete, Krešimir ; Stojkov, Marinko, DOI: 10.17559/TV-20170703135143

Infrared thermography as control of handheld IPL device for home-use,

Year: 2018, Journal of Cosmetic and Laser Therapy , Glavaš, Hrvoje ; Vukobratović, Marko ; Keser, Tomislav, DOI: 10.1080/14764172.2017.1406607

Single-phase autotransformer modelling and model parameter identification,

Year: 2018, Electrical engineering , Benšić, Tin ; Biondić, Ivan ; Marić, Predrag, DOI: 10.1007/s00202-017-0534-2

Renewable energy sources and energy efficiency for rural areas,

Year: 2018, , Bálint, Dóra ; Bodor, Ákos ; Došen, Dario ; Fekete, Krešimir ; Hajdú, Zoltán ; Horeczki, Réka ; Horváthné Kovács, Bernadett ; Klaić, Zvonimir ; Knežević, Goran ; Kovács, Sándor Zsolt ; Mezei Cecília ; Pelin, Denis ; Primorac, Mario ; Šljivac, Damir ; Póla, Péter ; Titov, Alexander ; Topić, Danijel ; Varjú, Viktor ; Žnidarec, Matej, DOI:

Zapis kretanja Sunca,

Year: 2018, , Glavaš, Hrvoje, DOI:
Keywords: "Sunce, Solarografija"

Energy Management Systems - EnMS ISO 5000X: 2011 - 2018,

Year: 2018, , Glavaš, Hrvoje, DOI:
Keywords: "ISO 50001 ; Energy Management ; EnPI"

Bioplinska postrojenja u Baranji,

Year: 2018, 7th Symposium with international participation Kopački rit past, present, future 2018, Book of abstracts , Glavaš, Hrvoje ; Ivanović, Milan, DOI:
Keywords: "Baranja, Bioplin, Bioplinska postrojenja, Bioplin u cetovnim vozilima"

Vođenje elektroenergetskoga sustava - zbirka zadataka,

Year: 2018, , Jozsa, Lajos ; Glavaš, Hrvoje ; Petrović, Ivica, DOI:
Keywords: "Elektroenergetski sustav, Vou0111enje EES, numeriu010dki zadaci"

Izvješće o ispitivanju niskofrekvencijskih električnih i magnetskih polja – Vjetroelektrana Kom-Orjak-Greda,

Year: 2018, , Klaić, Zvonimir ; Kraus, Zorislav ; Primorac, Mario, DOI:

Izvješće o ispitivanju niskofrekvencijskih električnih i magnetskih polja u okolini dalekovoda DV 110 kV Slavonski Brod 1 – EVP Donji Andrijevci,

Year: 2018, , Klaić, Zvonimir ; Kraus, Zorislav ; Primorac, Mario, DOI:

Izvješće o ispitivanju niskofrekvencijskih električnih i magnetskih polja unutar i u okolini transformatorske stanice TS 110/35/10 kV SLAVONSKI BROD 2,

Year: 2018, , Klaić, Zvonimir ; Kraus, Zorislav ; Primorac, Mario, DOI:


Year: 2018, , Klaić, Zvonimir ; Kraus, Zorislav ; Primorac, Mario, DOI:


Year: 2017, , Zaspan, Mihael, DOI:
Keywords: "Sustav za pomou0107 pri prostornom odluu010divanju ; geografski informacijski sustav ; ekspertni sustav ; prostorne informacije."

Izrada znanstvenog, završnog i diplomskog rada ; portal MAK,

Year: 2017, , Glavaš, Hrvoje, DOI:
Keywords: "znanost ; metodologija znanstvenog rada ; znanstveni rad ; portal MAK"

Energija iz biomase u Slavoniji,

Year: 2017, , Glavaš, Hrvoje, DOI:
Keywords: "Biomasa, GIS, CLC"

Obveza energetskog pregleda velikih poduzeća,

Year: 2017, , Glavaš, Hrvoje, DOI:
Keywords: "energetska uu010dinkovitost ; energetski pregled ; ISO 50001"

Pogled u budućnost, energetska učinkovitost u prometu s osvrtom na intermodalni promet,

Year: 2017, , Žagar, Drago ; Glavaš, Hrvoje, DOI:
Keywords: "Energetska uu010dinkovitost, prometni sektor"

Određivanje prioriteta u održavanju parka prirode na osnovi GIS podrške,

Year: 2017, 6. Simpozij s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem Kopački rit – jučer, danas, sutra, 2017. Zbornik sažetaka , Glavaš, Hrvoje ; Mesarić, Dalibor ; Liović, Lara, DOI:
Keywords: "odru017eavanje, GIS, elektromagnetsko zrau010denje, park prirode"

Detekcija istjecanja plinova infracrvenom termografijom,

Year: 2017, KLIMA FORUM 2017 - 6. forum o hlađenju, klimatizaciji i ventilaciji, Hotel “Osijek”, Osijek, 4. - 5. listopada 2017., Zbornik radova , Glavaš, Hrvoje, DOI:
Keywords: "Isticanje plinova, Infracrvena termografija"

Bioplinske elektrane u Hrvatskoj i mjere Zimskog paketa EK,

Year: 2017, 26. Forum: Dan energije u Hrvatskoj 26th Forum: Energy Day in Croatia Zimski paket mjera europske komisije – je li dovoljno ambiciozan za radikalne promjene u razvoju tržišta energije? European Commission Winter Package – Is it Ambitious Enough to Make Radical Changes on the Energy Market? , Ivanović, Milan ; Glavaš, Hrvoje, DOI:
Keywords: "Bioplin, Bioplinske elektrane, Cijene elektriu010dne energije, Proizvodnja elektriu010dne energije, Zimski paket EK"

Solarografija, zapis kretanja Sunca,

Year: 2017, , Glavaš, Hrvoje, DOI:
Keywords: "Solarografija, Sunce, Fotografija"

Termografsko ispitivanje elektroenergetskog razvoda zgrade Srijemska 128 Osijek infracrvenom kamerom,

Year: 2017, Izvješće o provedenom termografsko ispitivanje elektroenergetskog razvoda zgrade Srijemska 128 Osijek infracrvenom kamerom , Glavaš, Hrvoje, DOI:
Keywords: "Infracrvena termografija, elektroenergetski razvod, odru017eavanje"

Termografsko ispitivanje razvoda podnog grijanja stambenog objekta infracrvenom kamerom,

Year: 2017, Izvješće o provednom termografskom ispitivanju razvoda podnog grijanja stambenog objekta infracrvenom kamerom , Glavaš, Hrvoje, DOI:
Keywords: "Infracrvena termografija, podno grijanje"

Jedinstvena sveučilišna studentska anketa za 2016./2017. akademsku godinu,

Year: 2017, Sveučilište Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Osijeku , Šljivac, Damir ; Dario, Došen, DOI:
Keywords: "studentska anketa ; kvaliteta nastave i nastavnika"


Year: 2017, , Klaić, Zvonimir ; Kraus, Zorislav ; Primorac, Mario, DOI:
Keywords: "transformatorska stanica ; mjerenje magnetskog polja ; mjerenje elektriu010dnog polja ; Pravilnik o zau0161titi od elektromagnetskog polja"


Year: 2017, , Klaić, Zvonimir ; Kraus, Zorislav ; Primorac, Mario, DOI:
Keywords: "transformatorska stanica ; mjerenje magnetskog polja ; mjerenje elektriu010dnog polja ; Pravilnik o zau0161titi od elektromagnetskog polja"


Year: 2017, , Klaić, Zvonimir ; Kraus, Zorislav ; Primorac, Mario, DOI:
Keywords: "transformatorska stanica ; mjerenje magnetskog polja ; mjerenje elektriu010dnog polja ; Pravilnik o zau0161titi od elektromagnetskog polja"


Year: 2017, , Klaić, Zvonimir ; Kraus, Zorislav ; Primorac, Mario, DOI:
Keywords: "transformatorske stanice ; mjerenje magnetskog polja ; mjerenje elektriu010dnog polja ; Pravilnik o zau0161titi od elektromagnetskog polja"


Year: 2017, , Klaić, Zvonimir ; Kraus, Zorislav ; Primorac, Mario, DOI:
Keywords: "vjetroelektrana ; mjerenje magnetskog polja ; mjerenje elektriu010dnog polja ; Pravilnik o zau0161titi od elektromagnetskog polja"

Utjecaj ogranićenja snage prijenosa na vodovima prijenosne mreže na pokazatelje pouzdanosti distribucijske mreže,

Year: 2016, Zbornik sa 5.(11.) savjetovanja HRVATSKI OGRANAK MEĐUNARODNE ELEKTRODISTRIBUCIJSKE KONFERENCIJE - HO CIRED , Kljajić, Ružica ; Nikolovski, Srete, DOI:

Indikatori kvara u distributivnoj mreži,

Year: 2016, , Nađ, Marko, DOI:
Keywords: "indikatori kvara ; lokacije indikatora kvara ; distributivna mreu017ea"


Year: 2016, , Galović, Filip, DOI:
Keywords: "SCADA ; metoda hipoteza ; diajnoza kvara ; distribucijski sustav ; DMS"

Otkrivanje parcijalnih izbijanja na kabelskim završecima u TS 10(20)/0, 4 kV korištenjem termografije,

Year: 2016, Hrvatski ogranak Međunarodne elektrodistribucijske konferencije HO CIRED, 5. (11.) savjetovanje Osijek, 15. - 18. svibnja 2016. , Muštran, Daniel ; Glavaš, Hrvoje, DOI:
Keywords: "infracrvena termografija ; kabelski zavru0161eci ; parcijalni izboji ; korona"

Consumption of Electricity and Public Lighting in Baranja,

Year: 2016, Zbornik sažetaka, 5. Simpozij Kopački rit – jučer, danas, sutra, 2016. s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem , Ivanović, Milan ; Glavaš, Hrvoje, DOI:
Keywords: "Baranja; Public Lighting; Kopacki rit; ElectricityConsumption"

Energetski učinkovita rasvjeta,

Year: 2016, , Stojkov, Marinko ; Šljivac, Damir ; Topić, Danijel ; Trupinić, Kruno ; Alinjak, Tomislav ; Arsoski, Stevče ; Klaić, Zvonimir ; Kozak, Dražan, DOI:
Keywords: "energetska uu010dinkovitost ; rasvjeta ; interijer"

Revizija Elaborata optimalnog tehničkog rješenja priključka na distribucijsku mrežu mHE Curak 2,

Year: 2016, ETF Osijek , Nikolovski Srete ; Goran Knežević, DOI:
Keywords: "Distribucijska mreu017ea; mHE; tokovi snaga naponske prilika"

Elaborat podešenja zaštite elektrane na biomasu „SAVA“ na mrežu HEP-a,

Year: 2016, FERIT , Nikolovski, Srete ; Marić, Predrag, DOI:
Keywords: "Elektrana na biomasu; integracija na mreu017eu; koordinacija zau0161tite; kratki spojevi; otou010dni pogon"

Studija značaja tipskih elektroenergetskih postrojenja distribucijske mreže, nazivnog napona iznad 1 kV, obzirom na razine emitiranih elektromagnetskih polja,

Year: 2016, Studija značaja tipskih elektroenergetskih postrojenja distribucijske mreže, nazivnog napona iznad 1 kV, obzirom na razine emitiranih elektromagnetskih polja , Uglešić, Ivo ; Filipović-Grčić, Božidar ; Milardić, Viktor ; Milešević, Boško ; Klaić, Zvonimir ; Kraus, Zorislav ; Primorac, Mario, DOI:
Keywords: "studija znau010daja ; elektriu010dno polje ; magnetska indukcija ; distribucijska mreu017ea"

Elaborat utjecaja na mrežu bioplinskog postrojenja Orlovnjak 1700 kW,

Year: 2016, Žito dd. , Šljivac, Damir ; Klaić, Zvonimir, DOI:
Keywords: "Bioplin, kogeneracijsko postrojenje, utjecaj na mreu017eu"

Elaborat podešenja zaštite bioplinskog postrojenja Orlovnjak 1700 kW,

Year: 2016, Žito d.d. , Šljivac, Damir ; Klaić, Zvonimir, DOI:
Keywords: "Bioplin, kogeneracijsko postrojenje, podeu0161enje zau0161tite"

Jedinstvena sveučilišna studentska anketa za 2015./2016. akademsku godinu,

Year: 2016, Sveučilište Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Osijeku , Šljivac, Damir ; Dario, Došen, DOI:
Keywords: "studentska anketa ; kvaliteta nastave i nastavnika"


Year: 2016, , Klaić, Zvonimir ; Kraus, Zorislav ; Primorac, Mario, DOI:
Keywords: "transformatorska stanica ; mjerenje magnetskog polja ; mjerenje elektriu010dnog polja ; Pravilnik o zau0161titi od elektromagnetskog polja"


Year: 2016, , Klaić, Zvonimir ; Kraus, Zorislav ; Primorac, Mario, DOI:
Keywords: "transformatorska stanica ; mjerenje magnetskog polja ; mjerenje elektriu010dnog polja ; Pravilnik o zau0161titi od elektromagnetskog polja"


Year: 2016, , Klaić, Zvonimir ; Kraus, Zorislav ; Primorac, Mario, DOI:
Keywords: "transformatorska stanica ; mjerenje magnetskog polja ; mjerenje elektriu010dnog polja ; Pravilnik o zau0161titi od elektromagnetskog polja"


Year: 2016, , Klaić, Zvonimir ; Kraus, Zorislav ; Primorac, Mario, DOI:
Keywords: "transformatorska stanica ; mjerenje magnetskog polja ; mjerenje elektriu010dnog polja ; Pravilnik o zau0161titi od elektromagnetskog polja"


Year: 2016, , Klaić, Zvonimir ; Kraus, Zorislav ; Primorac, Mario, DOI:
Keywords: "transformatorska stanica ; mjerenje magnetskog polja ; mjerenje elektriu010dnog polja ; Pravilnik o zau0161titi od elektromagnetskog polja"


Year: 2016, , Klaić, Zvonimir ; Kraus, Zorislav, DOI:
Keywords: "transformatorska stanica ; mjerenje magnetskog polja ; mjerenje elektriu010dnog polja ; Pravilnik o zau0161titi od elektromagnetskog polja"


Year: 2016, , Klaić, Zvonimir ; Kraus, Zorislav ; Primorac, Mario, DOI:
Keywords: "transformatorska stanica ; mjerenje magnetskog polja ; mjerenje elektriu010dnog polja ; Pravilnik o zau0161titi od elektromagnetskog polja"


Year: 2016, , Klaić, Zvonimir ; Kraus, Zorislav ; Primorac, Mario, DOI:
Keywords: "transformatorska stanica ; mjerenje magnetskog polja ; mjerenje elektriu010dnog polja ; Pravilnik o zau0161titi od elektromagnetskog polja"


Year: 2016, , Klaić, Zvonimir ; Kraus, Zorislav ; Primorac, Mario, DOI:
Keywords: "transformatorska stanica ; mjerenje magnetskog polja ; mjerenje elektriu010dnog polja ; Pravilnik o zau0161titi od elektromagnetskog polja"


Year: 2016, , Klaić, Zvonimir ; Kraus, Zorislav ; Primorac, Mario, DOI:
Keywords: "transformatorska stanica ; mjerenje magnetskog polja ; mjerenje elektriu010dnog polja ; Pravilnik o zau0161titi od elektromagnetskog polja"

Upravljanje potrošnjom pomoću naprednih mreža,

Year: 2015, , Rekić, Ivan, DOI:
Keywords: "sniu017eavanje vru0161nog optereu0107enja; napredne mreu017ee; napredni kuu0107anski aparati; elektriu010dni automobil; napredne mreu017ee i klimatizacija"


Year: 2015, , Marko Rekić, DOI:
Keywords: "elektriu010dna vozila, punjenje elektriu010dnih vozila, utjecaj na optereu0107enje, kontrolirano punjenje"

Potencijali biomase iz ostataka voćarske i vinogradske proizvodnje na području Vukovarsko- srijemske županije i mogućnosti korištenja,

Year: 2015, , Glavaš, Hrvoje ; Ivanović, Milan, DOI:
Keywords: "biomasa; vou0107naci; vinogradi"

The Use of Thermal Imaging in the Energy Sudit,

Year: 2015, , Glavaš, Hrvoje, DOI:
Keywords: "termografija ; energetski pregled"

Elektrifikacija Baranje,

Year: 2015, Zbornik sažetaka, 4. Simpozij s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem, Kopački rit – jučer, danas, sutra, 2015. , Ivanović, Milan ; Glavaš, Hrvoje, DOI:
Keywords: "Baranja; elektrifikacija; distribucijska mreu017ea; javna rasvjeta; Kopau010dki rit"

Elaborat podešenje zaštite od otočnog rada pogona elektrane na biomasu Babina Greda na mrežu HEP-a,

Year: 2015, ETF Osijek , Nikolovski, Srete ; Knežević, Goran, DOI:
Keywords: "Otou010dni pogon; elektrana; zau0161tita"

Osijek sunflower,

Year: 2015, Sveučilište Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Osijeku , Penava, Davorin ; Kokanović, Mato ; Anić, Filip ; Kraus, Zorislav ; Zagvozda, Martina ; Hrskanović, Ivan ; Korpar, Dražen, DOI:
Keywords: "stationary and movable structure ; stationary pot ; movable flower stem ; movable flower ; rotation towards Sun"


Year: 2015, Sveučilište Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Osijeku , Čamagajevac, Oto ; Glavaš, Hrvoje ; Hadzima-Nyarko, Marijana ; Leović, Ana ; Salihović, Anes ; Štefić, Tihomir ; Vukobratović, Marko, DOI:
Keywords: "kiosk; Osijek; rezultati natkjeu010daja; samoodru017eivi moduli"

Analiza bolonjskog procesa i uspješnosti studiranja na Sveučilištu Josipa Jurja Strossmajera u Osijeku,

Year: 2015, Sveučilište Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Osijeku , Šljivac, Damir ; Došen, Dario, DOI:
Keywords: "Bolonjski proces, uspjeu0161nost studiranja, Sveuu010diliu0161te"

Jedinstvena sveučilišna studentska anketa za 2014./2015. akademsku godinu,

Year: 2015, Sveučilište Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Osijeku , Šljivac, Damir ; Dario, Došen, DOI:
Keywords: "studentska anketa ; kvaliteta nastave i nastavnika"


Year: 2015, , Klaić, Zvonimir ; Kraus, Zorislav ; Primorac, Mario, DOI:
Keywords: "transformatorska stanica ; mjerenje magnetskog polja ; mjerenje elektriu010dnog polja ; Pravilnik o zau0161titi od elektromagnetskog polja"


Year: 2015, , Klaić, Zvonimir ; Kraus, Zorislav ; Primorac, Mario, DOI:
Keywords: "dalekovod ; mjerenje magnetskog polja ; mjerenje elektriu010dnog polja ; Pravilnik o zau0161titi od elektromagnetskog polja"


Year: 2015, , Klaić, Zvonimir ; Kraus, Zorislav ; Primorac, Mario, DOI:
Keywords: "transformatorska stanica ; mjerenje magnetskog polja ; mjerenje elektriu010dnog polja ; Pravilnik o zau0161titi od elektromagnetskog polja"


Year: 2015, , Klaić, Zvonimir ; Kraus, Zorislav ; Primorac, Mario, DOI:
Keywords: "transformatorska stanica ; mjerenje magnetskog polja ; mjerenje elektriu010dnog polja ; Pravilnik o zau0161titi od elektromagnetskog polja"

Unaprijeđeni simulacijski model predviđanja proizvodnje električne energije vjetroelektrane,

Year: 2014, , Danijel Topić, DOI:
Keywords: "vjetroelektrana; konfiguracijski koncept; pouzdanost; raspolou017eivost; ARMA model; Monte Carlo simulacija; ou010dekivana neisporuu010dena energija"


Year: 2014, , Silvija Sušilović, DOI:
Keywords: "kvaliteta elektriu010dne energije, fotonaponska elektrana, utjecaj na kvalitetu elektriu010dne energije"

Energetska učinkovitost urbanih cjelina,

Year: 2014, 9. Dani ovlaštenih inženjera - Program Skupa i sažeci predavanja , Dolaček-Alduk, Zlata ; Stober, Dina ; Krstić, Hrvoje ; Dimter, Sanja ; Klaić, Zvonimir ; Glavaš, Hrvoje, DOI:
Keywords: "energetska uu010dinkovitost; urbana cjelina; urbani promet; javna rasvjeta"

Trendovi na području energetske učinkovitosti - energetska učinkovitost u cestovnom prometu,

Year: 2014, , Glavaš ; Hrvoje, DOI:
Keywords: "energetska uu010dikovitost; promet"

Pisanje znanstvenog, završnog i diplomskog rada,

Year: 2014, , Glavaš, Hrvoje, DOI:
Keywords: "znanost; znanstveni rad"

Eleborat utjecaja sunčane elektrane SE DOMI na mrežu HEP-a,

Year: 2014, ETF Osijek , Nikolovski, S ; Marić, P, DOI:
Keywords: "Sunu010dana elektrana; koordinacija zau0161tite; simulacija; el. mreu017ea"

Elaborat podešenja zaštite sunčane elektrane DOMI na mrežu HEP-a,

Year: 2014, ETF Osijek , Nikolovski, Srete ; Marić, Predrag ; Marko, Vukobratović, DOI:
Keywords: "Sunu010dana elektrana; koordinacija zau0161tite; simulacija; el. mreu017ea"

Elaborat podešanja zaštite sunčane elektrane Betaplast Totovec na mrežu HEP-a,

Year: 2014, ETF Osijek , Nikolovski, Srete ; Marić, Predrag ; Knežević Goran ; Vukobratović, Marko, DOI:
Keywords: "Sunu010dana elektrana; koordinacija zau0161tite; simulacija; el. mreu017ea"

Analiza utjecaja automatskog ponovnog uklopa (APU-a) na ispade elektrane na biomasu „HRAST“ Strizivojna s mreže HEP ODS-a,

Year: 2014, ETF Osijek , Nikolovski, Srete ; Marić, Predrag, DOI:
Keywords: "Ispadi elektrane; APU; zau0161tita; debalans snage;"

Elaborat podešenja zaštite elektrane na biomasu „Slavonija OIE“ na mrežu HEP-a,

Year: 2014, ETF Osijek , Nikolovski, Srete ; Marić, Predrag ; Vukobratović, Marko ; Fekete, Krešimir, DOI:
Keywords: "Elektrana na biomasu; koordinacija zau0161tite; zau0161titni rureu0111aji; kraki spojevi; Ssmulacija"

Predstudija izvedivosti korištenja sunčeve energije na složenim objektima u vlasništvu grada Osijeka,

Year: 2014, , Šljivac, Damir ; Topić, Danijel, DOI:
Keywords: "predstudija izvodljivosti; sunu010deva energija; fotonaponski sustavi; analiza isplativosti"

Izvješće o provedenom energetskom pregledu javne rasvjete naselja Satnica, općina Petrijevci,

Year: 2014, Izvješće o provedenom energetskom pregledu javne rasvjete naselja Satnica, općina Petrijevci, Osijek 2014. , Glavaš, Hrvoje, DOI:
Keywords: "energetski pregled; javna rasvjeta"

Jedinstvena sveučilišna studentska anketa za 2013./2014. akademsku godinu,

Year: 2014, Sveučilište Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Osijeku , Šljivac, Damir ; Dario, Došen, DOI:
Keywords: "studentska anketa ; kvaliteta nastave i nastavnika"


Year: 2014, , Klaić, Zvonimir ; Kraus, Zorislav ; Primorac, Mario, DOI:
Keywords: "transformatorska stanica ; mjerenje magnetskog polja ; mjerenje elektriu010dnog polja ; Pravilnik o zau0161titi od elektromagnetskog polja"


Year: 2014, , Klaić, Zvonimir ; Kraus, Zorislav, DOI:
Keywords: "transformatorska stanica ; mjerenje magnetskog polja ; mjerenje elektriu010dnog polja ; Pravilnik o zau0161titi od elektromagnetskog polja"


Year: 2014, , Klaić, Zvonimir ; Kraus, Zorislav ; Primorac, Mario, DOI:
Keywords: "transformatorska stanica ; mjerenje magnetskog polja ; mjerenje elektriu010dnog polja ; Pravilnik o zau0161titi od elektromagnetskog polja"


Year: 2014, , Klaić, Zvonimir ; Kraus, Zorislav, DOI:
Keywords: "transformatorske stanice ; elektroenergetska oprema ; mjerenje magnetskog polja ; mjerenje elektriu010dnog polja ; Pravilnik o zau0161titi od elektromagnetskog polja"

Modeliranje elektrane za iskorištavanje hidrokinetičkog potencijala,

Year: 2013, , Halusek, Vlado, DOI:
Keywords: "obnovljivi izvori energije; modeliranje elektrane; ploveu0107a hidroelektrana; hidrokinetiu010dka energija; ADCP metoda; hidroenergetski park."

Regulacija distribucijske djelatnosti u tržišnim uvjetima,

Year: 2013, , Kuprešak, Leon, DOI:
Keywords: "distribucija; regulacija; tru017eiu0161te elektriu010dne energije; tarife"

Modeliranje rada hidroelektrana uz utjecaj vjetroelektrana i upravljanje zagušenjima,

Year: 2013, , Fekete, Krešimir, DOI:
Keywords: "hidroelektrane; vjetroelektrane; zaguu0161enja; optimizacija; mjeu0161ovito cjelobrojno linearno programiranje (MILP); kvadratno programiranje (QP); stohastiu010dko ograniu010denje; linearni distribucijski faktori (PTDF)"

Optimalna zajednička ponuda na tržištu električne energije za sustav hidroelektrana i vjetroelektrana,

Year: 2013, , Knežević, Goran, DOI:
Keywords: "tru017eiu0161te elektriu010dnom energijom; optimalna tru017eiu0161na ponuda; mjeu0161ovito cjelobrojno linearno programiranje; tru017eiu0161te dan unaprijed; unutardnevno tru017eiu0161te; sustav kaskadnih hidroelektrana; crpno-akumulacijska hidroelektrana; vjetropark; utjecaj ponuu0111ene koliu010dine na ou010dekivanu cijenu"

Uloga hidroelektrana na tržištu pomoćnih usluga,

Year: 2013, , Rendulić, Antun, DOI:
Keywords: "hidroelektrane; AIMMS; tru017eiu0161te elektriu010dnom energijom; pomou0107ne usluge; akumulacija; Cetina; funkcija cilja"

Prikupljanje podataka za ekonomsku procjenu poremećaja kvalitete električne energije,

Year: 2013, , Šafar Đerki, Dinka, DOI:
Keywords: "kvaliteta elektriu0109ne energije; pokazatelji kvalitete elektriu0109ne energije; poremeu0107aji kvalitete elektriu0109ne energije; prikupljanje podataka; finacijski gubici"


Year: 2013, , Vukelić, Stjepan, DOI:
Keywords: "napredna mreu017ea, mikromreu017ea, napredna brojila, distribuirani izvori, fotonaponski sustav, baterije, sustav za klimatizaciju, vru0161no optereu0107enje"

Elaborat podešanja zaštite solarne elektrane "GUMIIMPEX" 1 MW na mrežu HEP-a,

Year: 2013, ETF Osijek , Nikolovski, Srete ; Marić, Predrag, DOI:
Keywords: "Solarna elektrana; zau0161titni releji; koordinacija zau0161tite; kratak spoj"

Elaborat podešenja zaštite solarne elektrane SOLEKTRA III na mrežu HEP-a,

Year: 2013, ETF Osijek , Nikolovski, Srete ; Marić, Predrag, DOI:
Keywords: "Solarna elektrana; kordinacija zau0161tite; prorau010dun struja KS; podeu0161enje zau0161tite"

Potencijali i mogućnosti iskorištenja biomase ratarske, voćarske i vinogradarske proizvodnje na području regije Slavonije i Baranje,

Year: 2013, Elektrotehnički fakultet Osijek ; Dekan: Drago Žagar ; Voditelj projekta: Hrvoje Glavaš ; Studija, Potencijali i mogućnosti iskorištenja biomase ratarske, voćarske i vinogradarske proizvodnje na području regije Slavonije i Baranje ; recezenti: Marinko Stojkov, Strojarski fa , Ivanović, Milan ; Glavaš, Hrvoje, DOI:
Keywords: "Agrarna biomasa; Slavonija i Baranja"

Elaborat podešenja zaštite sunčane elektrane Comprom plus na mrežu HEP-a,

Year: 2013, ETF Osijek , Nikolovski, Srete ; Marić, Predrag, Knežević, Goran, DOI:
Keywords: "Sunu010dana elektrana; koordinacija zau0161tite; simulacija; el. mreu017ea"

Jedinstvena sveučilišna studentska anketa za 2011./2012. akademsku godinu,

Year: 2013, Sveučilište Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Osijeku , Šljivac, Damir ; Došen, Dario, DOI:
Keywords: "studentska anketa ; kvaliteta nastave i nastavnika"


Year: 2013, , Klaić, Zvonimir ; Kraus, Zorislav, DOI:
Keywords: "transformatorska stanica ; mjerenje magnetskog polja ; mjerenje elektriu010dnog polja ; Pravilnik o zau0161titi od elektromagnetskog polja"


Year: 2013, , Klaić, Zvonimir ; Kraus, Zorislav ; Glavaš, Hrvoje, DOI:
Keywords: "transformatorske stanice ; elektroenergetska oprema ; mjerenje magnetskog polja ; mjerenje elektriu010dnog polja ; Pravilnik o zau0161titi od elektromagnetskog polja"


Year: 2013, , Klaić, Zvonimir ; Kraus, Zorislav ; Glavaš, Hrvoje, DOI:
Keywords: "energetski kabel ; mjerenje magnetskog polja ; mjerenje elektriu010dnog polja ; Pravilnik o zau0161titi od elektromagnetskog polja"

Numerički proračun električnih parametara pri udaru munje u zaštitno uže ZDV-a,

Year: 2012, , Živković, Matija, DOI:
Keywords: "ATP-EMTP; dalekovod; udar munje; povratni preskok; numeriu010dki prorau010dun"

Tehnoekonomska analiza odabira SN nadzemnih kabela,

Year: 2012, , Jukić, Mario, DOI:
Keywords: "kabel; srednji napon; presjek; vodiu010di; tehnoekonomska analiza"

Organizacija tržišta pomoćnih usluga,

Year: 2012, , Bošnjak, Davor, DOI:
Keywords: "tru017eiu0161te elektriu010dne energije; pomou0107ne usluge; regulacija frekvencije; regulacija napona"

Modeli ekonomičnosti izgradnje i korištenja nekonvencionalnih elektrana,

Year: 2012, , Lukić, Dijana, DOI:
Keywords: "ekonomiu010dnost; aktualizirani trou0161ak; obnovljivi izvori energije"

Modeli ekonomičnosti izgradnje i korištenja konvencionalnih elektrana,

Year: 2012, , Vukić, Mato, DOI:
Keywords: "konvencionalne elektrane; investicijski trou0161kovi; trou0161kovi goriva; trou0161kovi emisije CO2; trou0161kovi odru017eavanja i pogona; aktualizirani trou0161ak proizvodnje elektriu010dne energije."

Djelatnost opskrbe u uvjetima otvorenog tržišta električne energije,

Year: 2012, , Kecman, Dimitrije, DOI:
Keywords: "opskrba; otvoreno tru017eiu0161te; prognoziranje cijene; nadomjesne krivulje optereu0107enja; karakteristiu010dne skupine kupaca"

Tehno-ekonomska analiza fotonaponske elektrane 100kW,

Year: 2012, , Vukobratović, Marko, DOI:
Keywords: "mreu017eni fotonaponski sustavi, tehno-ekonomska analiza"

Kvaliteta napona nakon priključka bioplinske elektrane Veterinarske ambulante Dvor na Uni na mrežu HEP ODS DP „Elektra“ Sisak,

Year: 2012, ETF Osijek , Nikolovski, Srete ; Klaić, Zvonimir ; Marić, Predrag ; Kraus, Zorislav, DOI:
Keywords: "Kvaliteta napona; HRN EN 50160:2008 norm; parametri kvalitete; prikljuu010dak na mreu017eu"

Analiza Utjecaja Fotonaponskog Sustava SEG 1 na MrežuHEP-a DP „Elektroslavonija“ Osijek,

Year: 2012, ETF Osijek , Nikolovski, Srete ; Klaić, Zvonimir ; Kraus, Zorislav, DOI:
Keywords: "Fotonaponski sustav; kvaliteta el. energije; mjerenje; HRN EN 50160:2008 norma; Mreu017ena pravila; pokazatelji kvalitete"

Elaborat podešenja zaštite bioplinskog postrojenja Mala Branjevina 2 na mrežu HEP-a,

Year: 2012, ETF Osijek , Nikolovski, Srete ; Marić, Predrag, DOI:
Keywords: "zau0161tita; koordinacaija relejne zau0161tite; dvofazni i trofazni kratki spoj; simulacija i prorau010dun"

Analiza Utjecaja Bioplinskog Postrojenja Mala Branjevina 2 na Mrežu HEP-a DP „Elektroslavonija“ Osijek,

Year: 2012, ETF Osijek , Nikolovski, Srete ; Klaić, Zvonimir ; Marić, Predrag ; Kraus, Zorislav, DOI:
Keywords: "Kvaliteta el. energije; pokazatelji kvalitete; HRN EN 50160 norma. Mreu017ena pravila HEP-a"

Analiza opravdanosti izgradnje bioplinske elektrane Landia,

Year: 2012, Elektrotehnički fakultet Osijek , Šljivac, Damir ; Vukobratović, Marko, DOI:
Keywords: "analiza opravdanosti; bioplinska elektrana"

Utjecaj elektrane na biomasu “Strizivoja Hrast” na 20 kV mrežu HEP ODS-A DP „Elektroslavonija“ Osijek,

Year: 2012, ETF Osijek , Nikolovski, Srete ; Klaic, Zvonimir ; Kraus, Zorislav, DOI:
Keywords: "Pokazatelji kvalitete el. energije; mreu017eni analizator; mjerenja; Norma HRN 50160/2008"

Analiza utjecaja bioplinskog postrojenja Mala Branjevina 1 na mrežu HEP-a DP „Elektroslavonija“ Osijek,

Year: 2012, ETF, Osijek , Nikolovski, Srete ; Klaić, Zvonimir ; Predrag, Marić ; Kraus, Zvonimir, DOI:
Keywords: "kvaliteta elektriu010dne energije; pokazatelji kvalitete; mreu017eni analizator; mjerenja HRN 50160/2008 norma"

Elaborat podešanja zaštite bioplinskog postrojenja Mala Branjavina 1 na mrežu HEP-a,

Year: 2012, ETF Osijek , Nikolovski, Srete ; Marić, Predrag, DOI:
Keywords: "Zau0161tita mreu017ee i elektrana; prorau010dun kratkog spoja; podeu0161enje i kordinacija zau0161tite; simulacija;"

Elaborat podešenja zaštite elektrane na biomasu „Strizivojna Hrast“ na mrežu HEP-a,

Year: 2012, ETF Osijek , Nikolovski, Srete ; Marić, Predrag ; Knežević, Goran, DOI:
Keywords: "Zau0161tita; el. mreu017ea; generator; transformator; podeu0161enje zau0161tite"

Elaborat utjecaja na elektroenergetsku mrežu elektrane na bioplin Landia,

Year: 2012, Elektrotehnički fakultet Osijek , Šljivac, Damir ; Klaić, Zvonimir ; Vukobratović, Marko ; Kraus, Zorislav, DOI:
Keywords: "elektrana na bioplin; elektroenergetska mreu017ea; tokovi snaga; kratki spoj; kvaliteta elektriu010dne energije"

Elaborat utjecaja na elektroenergetsku mrežu kogeneracijske elektrane na plin Staklenik,

Year: 2012, Elektrotehnički fakultet Osijek , Šljivac, Damir ; Klaić, Zvonimir ; Vukobratović, Marko ; Kraus, Zorislav, DOI:
Keywords: "kogeneracijska elektrana na plin; elektroenergetska mreu017ea; tokovi snaga; kratki spoj; kvaliteta elektriu010dne energije"

Stohastička procjena naponskih propada uslijed kratkih spojeva u elektroenergetskom sustavu,

Year: 2011, , Klaić, Zvonimir, DOI:
Keywords: "kvaliteta elektriu010dne energije; kratki spojevi; naponski propadi; ekonomski gubici; metoda polou017eaja kvarova; simulacijski model; propagacija naponskih propada; zahvau0107eno podruu010dje; izlou017eeno podruu010dje; kumulativna funkcija uu010destalosti naponskih propada; teu017einski koeficijent zahvau0107enog podruu010dja; teu017einski koeficijent izlou017eenog podruu010dja."


Year: 2011, , Prekratić, Zoran, DOI:
Keywords: "Naponski propadi; karakteristike naponskih propada; prostiranje naponskih propada; klasifikacija naponskih propada"

Usporedba tipova malih vjetroelektrana,

Year: 2011, International Scientific Conference Renewable Energy Sources and Sustainable Development - Books of Abstracts , Topić, Danijel ; Šljivac, Damir ; Stojkov, Marinko ; Kozak, Dražan, DOI:
Keywords: "Vjetar; brzina; vjetroelektrana; horizontalna os; vertikalna os"

Analiza Utjecaja Bioplinskog Postrojenja PZ „Tomačanci 1“ (1MW) i „TOMAŠANCI 2“ (1MW) na Elektroenergetsku Mrežu HEP- a,

Year: 2011, ETF Osijek , Nikolovski, Srete ; Klaić, Zvonimir ; Marić, Predrag ; Fekete, Krešimir, DOI:
Keywords: "Kvaliteta el. energije; tokovi snaga; kratak spoj; analiza; HRN 50160 norma"

Influence of Biomass Power Plant “Strizivojna Hrast” on HEP ODS-a DP „Elektroslavonija“ Osijek Network,

Year: 2011, ETF Osijek , Nikolovski, Srete ; Klaić, Zvonimir ; Marić, Predrag ; Kraus, Zorislav ; Fekete, Krešimir ; Knežević, Goran, DOI:
Keywords: "Power plant on biomas; influence on network; power quality; power flow; short circuit; EU norm EN 50160"

Dizel Agregat Veterinarske Ambulante Dvor na Uni,

Year: 2011, ETF Osijek , Nikolovski, Srete ; Marić, Predrag, DOI:
Keywords: "Dizel agregat; prikljuu010dak na mreu017eu; tehniu010dke karakteristike; tokovi snaga"

Tehnička podloga modernizacije i povećanja energetske učinkovitosti javne rasvjete TE-TO Osijek,

Year: 2011, Elektrotehnički fakultet Osijek , Šljivac, Damir ; Klaić, Zvonimir ; Kraus, Zorislav ; Vukobratović, Marko, DOI:
Keywords: "energetska uu010dinkovitost; rasvjeta"

Preliminarna analiza fotonaponske elektrane Vinica 400 kW,

Year: 2011, Elektrotehnički fakultet Osijek , Šljivac, Damir ; Vukobratović, Marko, DOI:
Keywords: "analiza isplativosti; fotonaponska elektrana"

Program učinkovitog korištenja energije u neposrednoj potrošnji na području Osječko- baranjske županije za razdoblje 2012. - 2014. - s osvrtom na 2016. godinu -,

Year: 2011, Sveučilište Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Osijeku, Elektrotehnički fakultet Osijek, Dekan: Radoslav Galić, Voditelj projekta: Hrvoje Glavaš, Recenzenti: Tomislav Barić, dr. sc. Marinko Stojkov ; Program učinkovitog korištenja energije u neposrednoj potrošnji na području Osječ , Ivanović, Milan ; Glavaš, Hrvoje ; Blažević, Damir, DOI:
Keywords: "energetska uu010dinkovitost; zgradarstvo; promet; javna rasvjeta"

Plan energetske učinkovitosti u neposrednoj potrošnji energije na području Osječko-baranjske županije u 2012. godini,

Year: 2011, Sveučilište Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Osijeku, Elektrotehnički fakultet Osijek, Dekan: Radoslav Galić, Voditelj projekta: Hrvoje Glavaš, Recenzenti: Tomislav Barić, Dr. sc. Marinko Stojkov ; Plan energetske učinkovitosti u neposrednoj potrošnji energije na području Osječk , Ivanović, Milan ; Glavaš, Hrvoje ; Blažević, Damir, DOI:
Keywords: "energetska uu010dinkovitost; zgradarstvo; promet; javna rasvjeta"

Istaknuti ekološki problemi i mogućnosti korištenja alternativnih izvora energije u zrcalu održivog ekološkog gospodarenja u mađarsko-hrvatskoj pograničnoj regiji,

Year: 2011, , Nagy, Imre ; Šljivac, Damir ; Duraj, Balazs ; Vukobratović, Marko ; Farkas, Sandor ; Suvak, Andrea, DOI:
Keywords: "zau0161tita okoliu0161a; alternativni izvori energije; hrvatsko - mau0111arska pograniu010dna regija"

Modeliranje GIS-om opisanog energetskog potencijala biomase,

Year: 2010, , Glavaš, Hrvoje, DOI:
Keywords: "biomasa; GIS; modeliranje; Stirling; ORC"

Pouzdanost sustava proizvodnje električne energije u tržišnim uvjetima,

Year: 2010, , Marić, Predrag, DOI:
Keywords: "pouzdanost; termoelektarne; Monte Carlo simulacija; pokazatelji pouzdanosti; tru017eiu0161te elektriu010dne enrgije; bilateralni ugovori"

Computer Aided Design of TS 35/10(20)kV Substation Grounding System,

Year: 2010, Proceedings of 8th International Scientific conference on Advanced Engineering, Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing, CADAM 2010 , Nikolovski, Srete ; Marić, Predrag ; Paulić, Tomislav ;, DOI:
Keywords: "Grounding system; touch voltage; step voltage; computer modeling"

Uvod u tržište električne energije,

Year: 2010, , Nikolovski, Srete ; Fekete, Krešimir ; Knežević, Goran ; Stanić, Zoran, DOI:
Keywords: "Tru017eiu0161te; elektriu010dna energija; potrau017enja; proizvodnja; trou0161kovi; deregulacija; liberalizacija; burza"

Utjecaj Bioplinske Elektrane Vetreinarske Ambulante Dvor na Uni na Mrežu HEP ODS DP „Elektra“ Sisak,

Year: 2010, ETF Osijek , Nikolovski, Srete ; Marić, Predrag ; Klaić, Zvonimir ; Vukobratović, Marko, DOI:
Keywords: "Bioplinska elektrana; distributivna mreu017ea; kvaliteta el. energije; tokovi snaga; kratak spo; j Europska norma EN 50160"

Tehno-ekonomska analiza bioplinskog postrojenja BIORAD,

Year: 2010, Elektrotehnički fakultet Osijek , Šljivac, Damir ; Vukobratović, Marko, DOI:
Keywords: "tehno-ekonomska analiza; bioplinsko postrojenje"

Mjerenje i analiza niskofrekvencijskih elektromagnetskih polja u HEP Proizvodnja d.d., TE-TO Osijek,

Year: 2010, Laboratorij za elektromagnetsku kompatibilnost Elektrotehničkog fakulteta u Osijeku, Mjerenje i analiza niskofrekvencijskih elektromagnetskih polja u HEP Proizvodnja d.d., TE-TO Osijek, Osijek, ožujak 2010. , Klaić, Zvonimir ; Kraus, Zorislav ; Glavaš, Hrvoje, DOI:
Keywords: "niskofrekvencijska elektriu010dna polja; niskofrekvencijska magnetska polja"

Mjerenje i analiza kvalitete električne energije u industrijskom postrojenju,

Year: 2009, , Vučićki, Danijel, DOI:
Keywords: "mreu017ena pravila; pokazatelji kvalitete elektriu010dne energije"

Ispitivanje jakosti električnog polja i gustoće magnetskog toka mjernim uređajem CHAUVIN ARNOUX C.A 42,

Year: 2009, , Gazilj, Antonijo, DOI:
Keywords: "elektriu010dno polje; magnetsko polje; mjerni instrument; frekvencija"

Stohastičko vrednovanje naponskih propada - metoda kritičnih udaljenosti,

Year: 2009, , Rikert, Renata, DOI:
Keywords: "naponski propadi; metoda kritiu010dnih udaljenosti"

Utjecaj na Mrežu Male Bioplinske Elektrane Osatina Farme Slatine PZ Osatina,

Year: 2009, ETF Osijek , Nikolovski, Srete ; Klaić, Zvonimir ; Marić, Predrag ; Kraus, Zorislav ; Knežević, Goran ; Vukobratović, Marko, DOI:
Keywords: "Prikljuu010dak na el. mreu017eu; kvaliteta el. energije; tokovi snaga; kratak spoj; zau0161tita"

Mjerenje i Analiza Kvalitete El. Energije na Farmi PZ "Osatina“ Ivankovo Nakon Priključka Bioplinskog Postrojenja,

Year: 2009, ETF Osijek , Nikolovski, Srete ; Klaić, Zvonimir ; Kraus, Zorislav, DOI:
Keywords: "Kvaliteta el. energije; parametri napona; prikljuu010dak na mreu017eu; bioplinski agregat"

Mjerenje i Analiza Uštede Električne Energije u Pogonu ”Enterijer d.o.o.” Vladislavci u TS 10/0, 4 kV,

Year: 2009, ETF Osijek , Nikolovski, Srete ; Klaić, Zvonimir ; Kraus, Zorislav, DOI:
Keywords: "Mjeranje kvalitete; snaga; energija; uu0161teda; transformatorska stanica"

Analiza kratkog spoja i prijelaznih pojava na 110 KV vodu između TS Đakovo - TS Đakovo 3 - TS Ernestinovo,

Year: 2009, Elektrotehnički fakultet, Osijek , Nikolovski, Srete ; Marić, Predrag, Fekete, Krešimir ; Vukobratović, Marko, DOI:
Keywords: "Trofazni i jednofazni kratki spoj; udar munje; prorau010dun; kabelski i zrau010dni vod"

Utjeca na Mrežu Male Elektrane Bovis d.o.o., Ivankovo,

Year: 2009, ETF osijek , Nikolovski, Srete ; Klaić, Zvonimir ; Marić, Predrag ; Kraus, Zorislav ; Vukobratović, Marko, DOI:
Keywords: "Kvaliteta napona; tokovi snaga; pad napona; kratak spoj; prikljuu010dak na mreu017eu"

Rasporeda rada elektrana u tržišnim uvjetima korištenjem "EMCAS" programa,

Year: 2008, , Grunfelder, Josip, DOI:
Keywords: "elektrane; raspored rada; cijene; tru017eiu0161te el. energijom"

Kontinuirani nadzor kvalitete električne energije i analiza naponskih propada u TS 110/35 kV Osijek 2,

Year: 2008, Zbornik sažetaka s Prvog Savjetovanja Hrvatskog Ogranka Međunarodne Elektrodistribucijske Konferencije, CIRED 2008 , Nikolovski, Srete ; Klaić, Zvonimir ; Kraus, Zorislav ; Slipac, Goran, DOI:
Keywords: "kvaliteta elektriu010dne energije; pokazatelji opskrbnog napona; naponski propadi; prekorau010denja napona; EN 50160 norma; kontinuirani nadzor"

Energetski potencijali i trenutne aktivnosti korištenja biomse i bioplina u istonoj Hrvatskoj,

Year: 2008, Zbornik radova 1. savjetovanja Hrvatskog Ogranka Međunarodne Elektrodistirbicijske Konferencije (CIRED 2008) , Šljivac, Damir ; Nikolovski, Srete ; Vukobratović, Marko ; Knežević, Siniša ; Stanić, Zoran, DOI:
Keywords: "bioplin; biomasa; obnovljivi izvori energije; kogeneracija; energetski potencijal"

Mjerenje i Analiza Vršne Snage Postojeće Javne Rasvjete u Osijeku,

Year: 2008, ETF Osijek , Nikolovski, Srete ; Klaić, Zvonimir ; Kraus, Zorislav ; Fekete, Krešimir ; Knežević, Goran ; Buljić, Dalibor, DOI:
Keywords: "Rasvjeta; radna i jalova snaga; maksimala vrijednost"

Kontinuirani Nadzor Kvaliteta Električne Energije u TS 110/35 kV Osijek2, Leonardo Projekat "LPQI",

Year: 2008, ETF Osijek , Nikolovski, Srete ; Klaić, Zvonimir ; Kraus, Zorislav ; Fekete, Krešimir ;, DOI:
Keywords: "kvaliteta elektriu010dne energije; kontinuirani nadzor; EU norma EN 50160; parametri opskrbnog napona"

Kakvoća električne energije,

Year: 2008, ETF Osijek , Nikolovski, Srete ; Novinc, Željko ; Klaić, Zvonimir, DOI:
Keywords: "kvalitete elektriu010dne energije; pokazatelji kvalitete opskrbnog napona; EU norma"

Pouzdanost EES-A Hrvatske u Novim Uvjetima Tržišta Električne Energije na Regionalnoj Razini,

Year: 2008, ETF Osijek , Nikolovski, Srete ; Marić, Predrag ; Šljivac, Damir ; Fekete, Krešimir ; Knežević, Goran, DOI:
Keywords: "Pouzdanost; pokazatelji pouzdanosti; interkonekcija; tru017eiu0161te elektriu010dnom energijom; novi energetski izvori; novi vodovi"

Mjerenje Električnih i Magnetskih Polja u Transformatorskoj Stanici TS 400/110 kV Ernestinovo,

Year: 2008, ETF Osijek , Nikolovski, Srete ; Klaić, Zvonimir ; Kraus, Zorislav ; Vukobratović, Marko, DOI:
Keywords: "Elektriu010dno i magnetsko polje; transformatorska stanicadopuu0161tene vrijednosti razine EMP;"

Proračun i Mjerenje Elektromegnetskih Polja Izvan Trafostanice 110/10(20) kV Osijek 4,

Year: 2008, ETF Osijek , Nikolovski, Srete ; Klaić, Zvonimir ; Kraus, Zorislav, DOI:
Keywords: "Elektromagnetska polja; prorau010dun; mjerenje; regulativa; dopuu0161tene razine polja; trafostanica"

Višeagentski simulator tržišta električnom energijom "EMCAS",

Year: 2007, , Knežević Goran, DOI:
Keywords: "tru017eiu0161te elektriu010dne energije; multiagentski simulator; EMCAS software"

Mjerenje i analiza naponskog treperenja u industrijskim postrojenjima,

Year: 2007, 8. savjetovanje HRO Cigre Zbornik sažetaka , Klaić, Zvonimir ; Nikolovski, Srete ; Novinc, Željko, DOI:
Keywords: "kolebanje napona; naponsko treperenje; Europska norma EN 50160; mjerenje i analiza naponskog treperenja; industrijski potrou0161au010di"

Elektrotehnički fakultet Osijek - 3 godine kasnije,

Year: 2007, Zbornik sažetaka: Obrazovanje inženjera - Bolonjski proces "3 godine kasnije" , Šljivac, Damir ; Galić, Radoslav ; Žagar, Drago, DOI:
Keywords: "bolonjski proces; studijski programi; kvaliteta visokog obrazovanja; ECTS; cjelou017eivotno obrazovanje"

Obnovljivi izvori energije s osvrtom na štednju,

Year: 2007, , Šljivac, Damir ; Šimić, Zdenko, DOI:
Keywords: "Obnovljivi izvori; vjetroelektrane; solarne elektrane; biomas i bio plin"

Mjerenje i analiza kvalitete električne energije u DP ” ELEKTRA” Slavonski Brod u Gromačniku-trafostanici ŽSTS 10/0, 4 kV br. 701,

Year: 2007, Elektrotehnički fakulet u Osijeku , Nikolovski, Srete ; Klaić, Zvonimir ; Marić, Predrag ; Kraus, Zorislav, DOI:
Keywords: "Kvaliteta el. energije; trafostanica; Europska norma EN 50160"

Mjerenje i analiza kvalitete električne energije u Belišću d.d. Tvornica za preradu drveta, pogon dizalice "DEMAG",

Year: 2007, ETF Osijek , Nikolovski, Srete ; Klaić, Zvonimir ; Kraus, Zorislav, DOI:
Keywords: "Kvaliteta elektriu010dne energije; pogon dizalice; naponski propadi; Europska norma EN 50160"

Mjerenje i Analiza Kvaliteta Električne Energije u Vukovaru za Elektromodule Osijek,

Year: 2007, ETF Osijek , Nikolovski, Srete ; Klaić, Zvonimir ; Kraus, Zorislav, DOI:
Keywords: "Kvaliteta oskrbnog napona; EN 50160 norma; pokazatelji kvaliteta"

Jedinstvena sveučilišna studentska anketa,

Year: 2007, Sveučilište Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Osijeku , Lončar Vicković, Sanja ; Šljivac Damir ; Galić, Radoslav ; Došen, Dario, DOI:
Keywords: "studentska anketa; kvaliteta nastave i nastavnika"

Simulacija rada elektroenergetskog sustava Hrvatske za 2005. godinu u PowerWorld softveru,

Year: 2006, , Krešimir Fekete, DOI:
Keywords: "PowerWorld 11.0; tokovi snaga; vremenska simulacija"

Prijelaz na 20 kV distribucijski napon za istočni dio pogona Slavonski Brod (Donji Andrijevci),

Year: 2006, Hrvatska elektroprivreda, DP Elektra Slavonski Brod , Šljivac, Damir ; Nikolovski, Srete ; Kraus, Zorislav ; Marić, Predrag ; Klaić, Zvonimir, DOI:
Keywords: "distributivni napon; kratki spoj; tokovi snaga; sigurnost; pouzdanost; gubici"

Analiza tehničkih gubitaka električne energije mjerenjem i proračunom u dijelu HEP-Operator distribucijskog sustava DP "Elektra" Vinkovci,

Year: 2006, ETF Osijek , Nikolovski, Srete ; Boras, Vedran ; Šljivac, Damir ; Marić, Predrag ; Klaić, Zvonimir ; Kraus, Zorislav, DOI:
Keywords: "gubici elektriu010dne energije"

Vjerojatnosna analiza troškova prekida opskrbe električnom energijom,

Year: 2005, , Šljivac, Damir, DOI:
Keywords: "trou0161kovi prekida opskrbe potrou0161au010da; krivulje u0161tete potrou0161au010da; Monte Carlo metoda; vremenski slijed zastoja; trajanje sklapanja; trou0161kovna analiza pouzdanosti"


Year: 2005, , Kraus, Zorislav, DOI:
Keywords: "Trofazni kratki spoj; jednofazni kratki spoj; simetriu010dne komponente; rau010dunalni program; 35 kV distributivna mreu017ea"

Analiza induciranih napona na sabirnicama 110 kV i 400 kV u TS 400/110 kv Ernestinovo,

Year: 2005, ETF Osijek , Nikolovski, Srete ; Barić, Tomislav ; Šljivac, Damir, DOI:
Keywords: "Elektromagnetski sklad; inducirani naponi; kratki spoj; topologija TS-ice"

Analiza Pouzdanosti Elektroenergetskog Sustava Hrvatske,

Year: 2005, ETF Osijek , Nikolovski, Srete ; Šljivac, Damir ; Marić, Predrag ; Barić, Tomislav, Mutavdžić Siniša, Slipac, Goran ; Kovač, Zoran ; Subotičanec, Zoran ; Žižanović, Davorka ; Penko, Anton ; Pracaić, Željko, DOI:
Keywords: "Pouzdanost; proizvodnja; operator prijenosnog sustava; Monte carlo simulacija statistika pogonskih dogau0111aja; pokazatelji pouzdanosti"

Analiza elektromagnetskih polja u transformatorskoj stanici 110/10(20) kV Osijek 4,

Year: 2005, ETF Osijek , Nikolovski, Srete ; Barić, Tomislav ; Šljivac, Damir ; Glavaš, Hrvoje, DOI:
Keywords: "Elektriu010dno i magnetsko polje; transformatorska stanica; prorau010dun; dopuu0161tene razine"

Mjerenje i analiza razine elektromagnetskog polja u operacijskoj sali maksilofacijalne kirurgije u KB Osijek,

Year: 2005, ETF Osijek , Nikolovski, Srete ; Klaić, Zvonimir ; Marić, Predrag, DOI:
Keywords: "EMP; razina E i razina B; operacijska sala; doopuu0161tene razine polja"

Mjerenje i analiza opterećenja u pogonu Valjara, Borovo d.d.,

Year: 2005, Zavod za elektroenergetiku i električne strojeve , Nikolovski, Srete ; Klaić, Zvonimir ; Marić, Predrag ; Petričić, Željko, DOI:
Keywords: "Mjerenje elektriu010dne energije; Analiza mjernih podataka"

Analiza troškova otklanjanja kvarova u 10 kV mreži,

Year: 2004, , Brezovski, Saša, DOI:
Keywords: "elektroenergetski sustav; kvar; 10 kV mreu017ea; planirano odru017eavanje"

Analiza mjerenja električne energije u HEP "Elektra" Vukovar u KTS 18 Dunav,

Year: 2004, Elaborat Elektrotehničkog fakulteta Osijek , Nikolovski, srete ; Klaić, Zvonimir, DOI:
Keywords: "kvaliteta elektriu010dne energije"

Analiza mjerenja električne energije u HEP "Elektra" Ilok u KTS "Babska",

Year: 2004, Elaborat Elektrotehničkog fakulteta Osijek , Nikolovski, srete ; Klaić, Zvonimir, DOI:
Keywords: "kvaliteta elektriu010dne energije"

Analiza mjerenja električne energije u HEP "Elektra" Ilok u KTS "Vinarija",

Year: 2004, Elaborat Elektrotehničkog fakulteta Osijek , Nikolovski, Srete ; Klaić, Zvonimir, DOI:
Keywords: "kvaliteta elektriu010dne energije"

Analiza mjerenja električne energije u HEP "Elektra" Vukovar u KTS 1 "Dvorac",

Year: 2004, Elaborat Elektrotehničkog fakulteta Osijek , Nikolovski, Srete ; Klaić, Zvonimir, DOI:
Keywords: "kvaliteta elektriu010dne energije"

Analiza mjerenja električne energije u KTS 139 u HEP-u "Elektroslavonija" Osijek za županiju Osječko-baranjsku,

Year: 2004, Elaborat Elektrotehničkog fakulteta Osijek , Nikolovski, srete ; Klaić, Zvonimir, DOI:
Keywords: "kvaliteta elektriu010dne energije"

Analiza mjerenja električne energije u TS 35/10kV "Koprivnica-2" HEP d.d. DP "Elektra" Koprivnica,

Year: 2004, Elaborat Elektrotehničkog fakulteta Osijek , Nikolovski, Srete ; Klaić, Zvonimir, DOI:
Keywords: "kvaliteta elektriu010dne energije"

Proračun Elektromagnetskih Polja u Transformatorskoj Stanici TS 400/110 kV Ernestinovo,

Year: 2004, ETF Osijek , Nikolovski, Srete ; Barić, Tomislav ; Marić, Predrag, DOI:
Keywords: "Elektriu010dno polje; magnetsko polje; metoda momenta; elekromagnetska kompatibilnost"

Analiza Mjerenja Napona na Frekvencijskom Regulatoru ABB ASC 800-1450 kVA u Našicecementu d.d.,

Year: 2004, ETF Osijek , Nikolovski, Srete ; Klaić, Zvonimir ; Sljivac Damir, DOI:
Keywords: "Kvaliteta opskrbnog napona; frekvencijski regulator; Europska Norma EN 50 160"

Analiza Električne Energije za Potrebe "WILO ADRIATIC" u RobnomCentru "Kaufland" Županja,

Year: 2004, ETF Osijek , Nikolovski, Srete ; Klaić, Zvonimir ; Šljivac Damir, DOI:
Keywords: "Kvaliteta opskrbnog napona; Europska Norma EN 50160; pokazateljii kvalitete; pumpno stanica"

Mjerenje kvalitete električne energije na KTS OFMIR - BIZOVAC,

Year: 2003, Zavod za elektroenergetiku i električne strojeve , Nikolovski, Srete ; Šljivac, Damir ; Klaić, Zvonimir, DOI:
Keywords: "Kvaliteta elektriu010dne energije"

Analiza mjerenja električne energije na farmi za potrebe tvrtke IMO-EL Slavonski brod,

Year: 2003, Zavod za elektroenergetiku i električne strojeve , Nikolovski, Srete ; Šljivac, Damir ; Klaić, Zvonimir, DOI:
Keywords: "Kvaliteta elektriu010dne energije"

Mjerenje kvalitete elekrične energije u Belišću sektor održavanja papir stroj PCP2,

Year: 2003, Zavod za elektroenergetiku i električne strojeve , Nikolovski, Srete ; Šljivac, Damir ; Klaić, Zvonimir, DOI:
Keywords: "Kvaliteta elektriu010dne energije"

Tehno-ekonomska analiza optimalne opskrbe električnom energijom bivše tvorničke zone "Borovo"d.d. Vukovar,

Year: 2003, Zavod za elektroenergetiku i električne strojeve , Nikolovski, Srete ; Šljivac, Damir ; Hubalek, Ivan ; Kovač, Zoran ; Barić, Tomislav, DOI:
Keywords: "Tehno-ekonomska analiza; elektriu010dna energija"

Elektroenergetske mreže - zbirka riješenih zadataka,

Year: 2000, , Nikolovski, Srete ; Šljivac, Damir, DOI:
Keywords: "mehaniu010dki prorau010dun i konstante vodova; teorija prijenosa; nadomjesne sheme elemenata mreu017ee; kratki spoj; razdjelne mreu017ee"

Rewiew of Analytical Methods for Calculating Currents and Potentials along Buried Conductors in an Impressed Field,

Year: 1999, Proccedings of the 1. Conference on Applied Mathematics and Computation , Šljivac, Damir ; Nikolovski, Srete ; Carić, Boris ; Moorthy, Selva, DOI:
Keywords: "buried conductors; impressed field; currents and potentials; field theory approach; CDEGS"

Studija pouzdanosti prijenosne mreže HEP-a Prijenosnog područja Osijek,

Year: 1999, ETF- Osijek , Nikolovski, Srete ; Mikuličić, Vladimir ; Jović, Franjo ; Šljivac, Damir, DOI:
Keywords: "Pouzdanost; prijenosna mreu017ea; pokazatelji pouzdanosti; obnova"

Studija hitne sanacije gubitaka električne energije u mreži 6.3 kV Borova dd.,

Year: 1999, ETF- Osijek , Nikolovski, Srete ; Majdandžić, Franjo ; Hubalek, Ivan ; Kovačević, Ivica ; Šljivac, Damir ; Kovač, Zoran ; Lovrinčević, Darko, DOI:
Keywords: "Gubici; industrijska mreu017ea; kompenzacija; obnova"

Analiza pogonskog događaja na TS Osijek II kod uklopa transformatora 110/35 kV sa sekundarne strane,

Year: 1999, ETF Osijek , Nikolovski, Srete ; Šljivac, Damir, DOI:
Keywords: "Uklopna struja; transformator; otpornik za uzemljinje"

Studija kratkog spoja u mreži 35 kv HEP-a DP "Elektroslavonije" Osijek,

Year: 1999, ETF Osijek , Nikolovski, Srete ; Šljivac, Damir ; Lovrinčević, Darko, DOI:
Keywords: "Kratak spoj; rau010dunalni program; baza podataka; el. mreu017ea"

Computer Aided Verification of Circuit Breakers in Industrial Networks,

Year: 1998, Proceedings of the 14th Joint Scientific Conference Science for Practice , Nikolovski, Srete ; Šljivac, Damir, DOI:
Keywords: "circuit breakers verification; expert system; short circuit analysis; EasyPower software "

Simulation Program for Basic Education on Power System Operations and Control,

Year: 1997, DAAAM Proceedings of the 8th International DAAAM Symposium , Šljivac, Damir ; Nikolovski, Srete, DOI:
Keywords: "simulation program; power system; power system operation; simulation area control; economic dispatch"

Proračun pouzdanosti opskrbe Slavonije i Baranje programskim paketom "COMREL",

Year: 1904, , Šljivac, Damir, DOI:
Keywords: "pouzdanost opskrbe; programski paket; elektroenergetski sustav; pokazatelji pouzdanosti"


Goran Knežević
Associate Professor

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