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IG05 - Research Group for Computer Engineering


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Journal articles
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    Scientific conference proceedings papers

Books and book chapters
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Journal articles

Scientific and review papers

Robust A*-Search Image Segmentation Algorithm for Mine-like Objects Segmentation in SONAR Images, Scientific and review papers

Year: 2020, International journal of electrical and computer engineering systems 11 2, Aleksi, Ivan ; Matić, Tomislav ; Lehmann, Benjamin ; Kraus, Dieter, DOI:
Keywords: A*-search, image segmentation, path planning, synthetic aperture sonar

A nearest neighbor approach for fruit recognition in RGB-D images based on detection of convex surfaces, Scientific and review papers

Year: 2018, Expert systems with applications 114 , Nyarko, Emmanuel Karlo ; Vidović, Ivan ; Radočaj, Kristijan ; Cupec, Robert, DOI:
Keywords: shape descriptor, k-nearest neighbor, fruit recognition, object detection, RGB-D image

Real-time Biscuit Tile Image Segmentation Method Based on Edge Detection, Scientific and review papers

Year: 2018, ISA transactions 76 , Matić, Tomislav ; Aleksi, Ivan ; Hocenski, Željko ; Kraus, Dieter, DOI:
Keywords: Image segmentation, real-time, edge detection, biscuit tile, CUDA

The Impact of Information System Risk Management on the Frequency and Intensity of Security Incidents, Scientific and review papers

Year: 2017, International journal of electrical and computer engineering systems 8 2, Očevčić, Hrvoje ; Nenadić, Krešimir ; Šolić, Krešimir ; Keser, Tomislav, DOI:
Keywords: downtime, risk assessment, risk mitigation, security incidents

Crop Row Detection by Global Energy Minimization, Scientific and review papers

Year: 2016, Pattern recognition 55 , Vidović, Ivan ; Cupec, Robert ; Hocenski, Željko, DOI:
Keywords: agricultural automation, computer vision, crop row detection, dynamic programming, optimization.

A new fast fuzzy partitioning algorithm, Scientific and review papers

Year: 2016, Expert systems with applications 51 , Scitovski, Rudolf ; Vidović, Ivan ; Bajer, Dražen, DOI:
Keywords: Fuzzy clustering, Fuzzy c-means, Fuzzy locally optimal partition, Fuzzy globally optimal partition, DIRECT, Incremental algorithm

Grey System Theory Approach to Quality of Intranet, Scientific and review papers

Year: 2015, International journal of advanced research in electrical, electronics and instrumentation engineering 4 10, Slavek, Ninoslav ; Krmpotić, Darko ; Blažević, Damir, DOI:
Keywords: Grey system theory, Grey relational analysis, Intranet, Intranet quality.

Survey on Password Quality and Confidentiality, Scientific and review papers

Year: 2015, Automatika : časopis za automatiku, mjerenje, elektroniku, računarstvo i komunikacije 56 1, Šolić, Krešimir ; Očevčić, Hrvoje ; Blažević, Damir, DOI:
Keywords: Information Security, Password, Privacy, Security Awareness, Human Influence

A new fusion algorithm for fuzzy clustering, Scientific and review papers

Year: 2014, Croatian Operational Research Review 5 2, Vidović, Ivan ; Bajer, Dražen ; Scitovski, Rudolf, DOI:
Keywords: fusion algorithm, fuzzy clustering, Mahalanobis clustering, cluster merging, Davies-Bouldin index

Center-based clustering for line detection and application to crop rows detection, Scientific and review papers

Year: 2014, Computers and electronics in agriculture 109 , Vidović, Ivan ; Scitovski, Rudolf, DOI:
Keywords: line detection, crop rows detection, clustering, incremental method, global optimization, DIRECT

CPU, GPU and FPGA Implementations of MALD: Ceramic Tile Surface Defects Detection Algorithm, Scientific and review papers

Year: 2014, Automatika : časopis za automatiku, mjerenje, elektroniku, računarstvo i komunikacije 55 1, Matić, Tomislav ; Aleksi, Ivan ; Hocenski, Željko, DOI:
Keywords: CUDA, FPGA, GPU, Integral Image, MALD

Modelling of Sound Spectral Properties in Noise Suppression Engineering Materials, Scientific and review papers

Year: 2013, International journal of electrical and computer engineering systems 4 1, Kovačević, Marija ; Pović, Dario ; Keser, Tomislav, DOI:
Keywords: graph-analytical model, noise impact, noise sources, permitted noise emission, sound spectral properties

Dynamic Monitoring and Displaying Noise Levels in Populated Areas, Scientific and review papers

Year: 2013, International journal of electrical and computer engineering systems 4 2, Kovačević, Marija ; Pović, Dario ; Keser, Tomislav ; Mesarić, Dalibor, DOI:
Keywords: Noise, noise control, noise measurement device, sensory network, QGIS

Real Time Contour Based Ceramic Tile Edge and Corner Defects Detection, Scientific and review papers

Year: 2013, Tehnički vjesnik : znanstveno-stručni časopis tehničkih fakulteta Sveučilišta u Osijeku 20 6, Matić, Tomislav ; Vidović, Ivan ; Hocenski, Željko, DOI:
Keywords: ceramic tile, crude biscuit tile, visual inspection, corner defect, edge defect

Quality and energy efficiency of public lighting in the area of Osijek-Baranja County, Scientific and review papers

Year: 2012, Tehnicki Vjesnik-Technical Gazette Vol.19 No. , Glavaš, Hrvoje ; Blažević, Damir ; Ivanović, MIlan, DOI:
Keywords: emisije CO2, energetska učinkovitost, izvori svjetla, javna rasvjeta

Reinforcement learning in non-markov conservative environment using an inductive qualitative model, Scientific and review papers

Year: 2011, International journal on artificial intelligence tools 20 5, Jović, Franjo ; Slavek, Ninoslav ; Blažević, Damir, DOI:
Keywords: retail process, data normalization, periodicity elimination

Differential Digital Holography in Quality Control, Scientific and review papers

Year: 2011, Tehnički vjesnik : znanstveno-stručni časopis tehničkih fakulteta Sveučilišta u Osijeku 18 2, Nenadić, Krešimir ; Keser, Tomislav ; Jović, Franjo, DOI:
Keywords: digital hologram, defect detection, product quality control

Capitalization of knowledge - innovation processes in transitional countries, Scientific and review papers

Year: 2011, Tehnički vjesnik : znanstveno-stručni časopis tehničkih fakulteta Sveučilišta u Osijeku 18 1, Ivanović, Milan ; Keser, Tomislav ; Blažević, Damir, DOI:
Keywords: capitalization of knowledge, innovation processes, patents, research and development, transition countries

Step sequence planning for a biped robot by means of a cylindrical shape model and a high-resolution 2.5D map, Scientific and review papers

Year: 2011, Robotics and autonomous systems 59 2, Cupec, Robert ; Aleksi, Ivan ; Schmidt, Günter, DOI:
Keywords: step sequence planning, biped walking robot, robot shape model, 2.5D map, A*-search, aimulation, evaluation

The Structure of Electricity Consumption and its Utilisation Efficiency in the European Transition Countries, Scientific and review papers

Year: 2010, International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering Systems Vol.1 No.2, Ivanović, Milan ; Blazević, Damir ; Glavaš, Hrvoje, DOI:
Keywords: distribution losses, electricity efficiency, electricity consumption, transition countries

Intelligent Machine Vision System for Automated Quality Control in Ceramic Tiles Industry, Scientific and review papers

Year: 2010, Strojarstvo : časopis za teoriju i praksu u strojarstvu 52 2, Keser, Tomislav ; Hocenski, Željko ; Hocenski, Verica, DOI:
Keywords: Ceramic tiles, machine vision, neural networks, visual inspection, quality control

Single-Commodity Vehicle Routing Problem with Pick-up and Delivery Service, Scientific and review papers

Year: 2008, Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2008 , Martinović, Goran ; Aleksi, Ivan ; Baumgartner, Alfonzo, DOI:
Keywords: iterative modified simulated annealing, pick-up and delivery service, single commodity, vehicle routing

Management Application for Distributed Production System Environment, Scientific and review papers

Year: 2005, Machine engineering 5 3-4, Blažević, Damir ; Slavek, Ninoslav ; Pešut, Marina, DOI:
Keywords: Power system management, Graphical interface, Web application, Client server architecture

Complex Data Analysis in Condition Based Maintenance, Scientific and review papers

Year: 2005, Intelligent Machines and Factories : (Tagungsband) 5 1-2, Jović, Franjo ; Blažević, Damir ; Lukačević, Igor, DOI:
Keywords: Quantitative and qualitative data analysis, Condition based maintenance, Evidential reasoning

Optimization of Path Finding of a Non-Autonomous Robot in a Maze, Scientific and review papers

Year: 2005, Intelligent MAchines and Factories : (Tagungsband) 5 1-2, Jović, Franjo ; Pešut, Marina ; Blažević, Damir, DOI:
Keywords: Optimization, Robot movement, Path finding, Maze passing


Year: 2004, Machine engineering 4 1-2, Jović, Franjo ; Filipović, Milan ; Blažević, Damir ; Slavek, Ninoslav, DOI:
Keywords: Condition based maitenance

Condition Based Maintenance in Distributed Production Environment, Scientific and review papers

Year: 2004, Machine engineering 4 1-2, Jović, Franjo ; Filipović, Milan ; Blažević, Damir ; Slavek, Ninoslav, DOI:
Keywords: condition based maintenance, distribution power stations, multiple attribute decision analysis, evidential reasoning

Professional papers

Critical measures of success for a software project, Professional papers

Year: 2013, Tehnički vjesnik 20 6, Slavek, Ninoslav ; Blažević, Damir ; Nenadić, Krešimir, DOI:
Keywords: influence factors, performance measurement, software engineering standard, software project quality

Conference proceedings papers

Professional conference proceedings papers

Cooling process monitoring and controlling system, Professional conference proceedings papers

Year: 2018, 27. Međunarodni znanstveno-stručni skup „Organizacija i tehnologija odrţavanja“ - OTO 2018. - Zbornik radova , Sičanica, Niko ; Blažević, Damir ; Lukačević, Igor, DOI:
Keywords: upravljanje, mikrokontroler, rashladni sustav, fermentacija

Project of active energy independent house, Professional conference proceedings papers

Year: 2018, 27. Međunarodni znanstveno-stručni skup „Organizacija i tehnologija odrţavanja“ - OTO 2018. - Zbornik radova , Vračević, Franjo ; Blažević, Damir ; Nožica, Damir, DOI:
Keywords: energetski neovisna kuća, solarna energija, energija vjetra, toplinska energija

CAD/CAM TOOLS FOR ROAD LIGHTING DESIGN, Professional conference proceedings papers

Year: 2017, 26. Međunarodni znanstveno-stručni skup „Organizacija i tehnologija održavanja“ - OTO 2017. - Zbornik radova , Grgić, Josip ; Stokuća, Saša ; Blažević, Damir, DOI:
Keywords: cestovna rasvjeta, računalom potpomognut dizajn, modeliranje, numerički izračun

Energy Audit of Transport Sector in Accordance to HRN EN 16247, Professional conference proceedings papers

Year: 2017, Zbornik radova Tridesetsedmi skup o prometnim sustavima s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem AUTOMATIZACIJA U PROMETU 2017 , Grgić, Nikola ; Glavaš, Hrvoje ; Keser, Tomislav, DOI:
Keywords: energetski pregled, prometni sektor, HRN EN 16247

Proposal of access control to physical and logical resources, Professional conference proceedings papers

Year: 2008, Proceedings CIS&IS, MIPRO 2008- 31st international convention on information and communication technology, electronics and microelectronics, Vol.II. , Mesić, Mirko ; Keser, Tomislav ; Hocenski, Željko, DOI:
Keywords: kontrola pristupa, autentifikacija, integrirani digitalni integritet, biometrija

Electric Road Vehicles, Professional conference proceedings papers

Year: 2006, Dvadesetšesti skup o prometnim sustavima s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem Automatizacija u prometu 2006 : zbornik radova , Glavaš, Hrvoje ; Antunović, Mladen ; Keser, Tomislav, DOI:
Keywords: električna vozila, gorive ćelije, solarno napajanje, zamašnjaci

Other conference proceedings papers


Year: 2017, 26. Međunarodni znanstveno-stručni skup „Organizacija i tehnologija održavanja“ - OTO 2017. - Zbornik radova , Beck, Davor ; Blažević, Damir ; Dragovan, Hrvoje, DOI:
Keywords: tunelska rasvjeta, projektiranje, luminancija, izvori svjetlosti, upravljanje tunelskom rasvjetom

Software Quality Metrics System (SQMS), Other conference proceedings papers

Year: 2008, Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on The Modern Information Technology in the Innovation Processes of the Industrial Enterprises, MITIP 2008 , Slavek, Ninoslav ; Nenadić, Krešimir ; Blažević, Damir, DOI:
Keywords: Software product quality, software process quality, software metrics, ISO certification, Reliability measurement

Quality Factors for Measuring Architectures, Other conference proceedings papers

Year: 2005, Proceedings of the 4th DAAAM International Conference on Advanced Technologies for Development Countries , Slavek, Ninoslav ; Blažević, Damir ; Jović, Franjo, DOI:
Keywords: real-time, safety-critical, embedded sofdtware, process assessment, software reliability, unified process, base practices, quality factors, quality criteria, quality metrics

Scientific conference proceedings papers

Face Template Matching for Ink-Jet Printed Biscuit Tiles, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2017, PROCEEDINGS OF International Conference on Smart Systems and Technologies 2017(SST 2017) , Matić, Tomislav ; Vidović, Ivan ; Hocenski, Željko, DOI:
Keywords: Ceramic tile, template matching, ink-jet printing, SIFT

CAR PANEL FOR DISPLAYING DRIVING PARAMETERS, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2017, AUTOMATION IN TRANSPORTATION 2017 , Adrić, Damir ; Aleksi, Ivan ; Hocenski, Željko, DOI:
Keywords: Car pannel, microcontrolller system, arduino, driving parameters

Digital Chess Board based on Array of Hall-Effect Sensors, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2017, Mipro proceedings , Sušac, Filip ; Aleksi, Ivan ; Hocenski, Željko, DOI:
Keywords: Chess, Hall-Effect

Wireless Sensor Network based on NRF24L01 module for microcontrolers, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2017, SIP 2017 Science in Practice , Sušac, Filip ; Aleksi, Ivan ; Hocenski, Željko, DOI:
Keywords: wireless network, microcontroller, sensor network, RF module

Speech recognition in real-time, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2016, SIP 2016- Science for Practice , Hocenski, Željko ; Matić, Tomislav, Labak, Matija, DOI:
Keywords: speech recognition, real time, FPGA


Year: 2016, Automatizacija u prometu, Zbornik radova , Nišandžić, Ranko ; Matić, Tomislav ; Hocenski, Željko, DOI:
Keywords: analiza, stablo kvarova, ventilacija, pouzdanost

The Application of Smartphones as DVR, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2016, 36. skup o prometnim sustavima s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem Automatizacija u prometu 2016 : zbornik = 36th Conference on Transportation Systems with International Participation AAutomation in transportation 2015 : proceedings , Keser, Tomislav ; Glavaš, Hrvoje ; Barić, Tomislav ;, DOI:
Keywords: Crash for Cash, DVR, Smartphone

Technology transfer of computer vision defect detection to ceramic tiles industry, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2016, PROCEEDINGS OF 2016 International Conference on Smart Systems and Technologies (SST) , Hocenski, Željko ; Matić, Tomislav ; Vidović, Ivan, DOI:
Keywords: biscuit ceramic tile, computer vision station, defect detection, prototype, real-time

Semi-automatic Prototype System for Bacterial Colony Counting, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2016, PROCEEDINGS OF 2016 International Conference on Smart Systems and Technologies (SST) , Matić, Tomislav ; Vidović, Ivan ; Silađi, Emil ; Tkalec, Filip, DOI:
Keywords: Bacterial colony counting, Hough transform, image processing, semi-automatic prototype

Traffic Signs Shape Recognition Based on Contour Descriptor Analysis, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2016, Proceedings of 2016 International Conference on Smart Systems and Technologies , Keser, Tomislav ; Kramar, Gabrijela ; Nožica, Damir, DOI:
Keywords: Contour descriptor, shape recognition, traffic signs detection

Air-Mail Packages Delivery Optimisation, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2015, Trideseti skup O prometnim sustavima s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem AUTOMATIZACIJA U PROMETU 2015 , Hucaljuk, Arijan ; Hocenski, Željko ; Matić, Tomislav, DOI:
Keywords: Optimiranje, Dostava paketa, Zračni promet, Heuristika, Algoritmi

Pedelec - Pedal Electric Cycle, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2015, Tridesetpeti skup o prometnim sustavima s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem Automatizacija u prometu 2015 : zbornik = 35th Conference on Transportation Systems with International Participation Automation in transportation 2015 : proceedings , Glavaš, Hrvoje ; Barić, Tomislav ; Keser, Tomislav, DOI:
Keywords: Pedelec, laka električna vozila

FPGA Verification Module, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2014, Proceedings of the E2LP 2014 Workshop , Aleksi, Ivan ; Hocenski, Željko, DOI:
Keywords: FPGA, PicoBlaze CPU, Verification, Debugging

Sound feature modeling of noise suppression road materials, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2014, Tridesetčetvrti skup o prometnim sustavima s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem Automatizacija u prometu 2014 : zbornik radova = 34th Conference on Transportation Systems with International Participation Automation in Transportation 2014 : Proceedings , Keser, Tomislav ; Barišić, Ivana ; Kovačević, Marija ; Pović, Dario, DOI:
Keywords: sound, modeling, noise supression, road materials

WEB based environment for road accidents data visualization : an Osijek-Baranja County case study, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2014, Proceedings of Thw 34th Conference on Transportation Systems with International Partitipation Automation in Transportation 2014 , Kalafatić, Ivan ; Vidović, Ivan ; Matić, Tomislav ; Hocenski, Željko, DOI:
Keywords: road traffic, road accidents, data visualization, graphic interface


Year: 2014, Proceedings 34th Conference on Transportation Systems with International Partitipation Automation in Transportation 2014 , Kačar, Dino ; Aleksi, Ivan ; Hocenski, Željko, DOI:
Keywords: sonar, širenje signala, modeliranje, podvodni

Histogram based thresholding methods in crop rows detection, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2014, SIP 2014- Science in Practice , Vidović, Ivan ; Matić, Tomislav ; Hocenski, Željko, DOI:
Keywords: crop rows, thresholding, histogram based thresholding, agriculture automation, crop rows image preprocessing

Energy Efficiency Criterion of Street Lights, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2014, Zbornik radova 34.i skupa o prometnim sustavima s meñunarodnim sudjelovanjem AAutomatizacija u prometu 2014 , Glavaš, Hrvoje ; Barić, Tomislav ; Keser, Tomislav, DOI:
Keywords: javna rasvjeta, energetska učinkovitost, cestovni promet

Point Cloud Segmentation to Approximately Convex Surfaces for Fruit Recognition, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2014, Proceedings of The Croatian Computer Vision Workshop, CCVW 2014, Year 2 , Cupec, Robert ; Filko, Damir ; Vidović, Ivan ; Nyarko, Emmanuel Karlo ; Hocenski, Željko, DOI:
Keywords: fruit recognition, 3D camera, convex sets, segmentation

Product Development Supported by MFF Application, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2014, Proceedings of the 21st ISPE Inc. International Conference on Concurrent Engineering , Vidović, Ivan ; Karakašić, Mirko ; Kljajin, Milan ; Duhovnik, Jožef ; Hocenski, Željko, DOI:
Keywords: Knowledge base, MFF (Matrix of Function and Functionality), Product development

Review of Educational and Scientific Institution IT System Considering Reliability, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2014, Organisation and Technology of Maintenance , Antunović, Miroslav ; Keser, Tomislav, DOI:
Keywords: Složeni tehnički sustav, RBD, pouzdanost, optimizacija troškova


Year: 2014, Proceedings of the UA2014, 2nd International Conference and Exhibition on Underwater Acoustics , Aleksi, Ivan ; Kraus, Dieter ; Hocenski, Željko, DOI:
Keywords: Mine-Like Objects, Side-scan Sonar, Signal Change Detection, Thresholding, Image Processing.

Simulation Environment for Creating Artificial Range Data in Underwater Object Reconstruction, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2014, MIPRO 2014 - 37th international convention on information and communication technology, electronics and microelectronics , Aleksi, Ivan ; Kraus, Dieter ; Hocenski, Željko, DOI:
Keywords: Simulation Environment, 3D Models, Object Reconstruction, Automated Target Detection, Sonar

Simulated surface anomaly detection in underwater object reconstruction, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2013, 33rd Conference on Transportation Systems with International Participation AAutomation in transportation 2013 : proceedings , Aleksi, Ivan ; Kraus, Dieter ; Hocenski, Željko ; Keser, Tomislav, DOI:
Keywords: sonar, underwater inspection, mine detection

CUDA-based parallel underwater target reconstruction, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2013, Science in Practice 2013 , Aleksi, Ivan ; Kraus, Dieter ; Hocenski, Željko, DOI:
Keywords: underwater machinery reconstruction, sonar, cuda, gpu

Expert System Model for Vehicle Maintenance Interval Assessment, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2013, Automation in Transportation 2013 , Keser, Tomislav ; Blažević, Damir ; Glavaš, Hrvoje, DOI:
Keywords: Expert Systems, Maintenance, Interval Assessment, Vehicle

Determining of node voltage boundaries in radial feeder with distributed generation using boundary power flow, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2013, 11.savjetovanje HRO CIGRÉ : zbornik radova , Barukčić, Marinko ; Hederić, Željko ; Blažević, Damir, DOI:
Keywords: distribuirana proizvodnja, proračun graničnih tokova snaga, radijalni izvod

Edge and Corner Defects Detection on Crude Ceramic Tiles, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2013, SIP 2013 Conference Proceedings , Matić, Tomislav ; Vidović, Ivan ; Hocenski Željko, DOI:
Keywords: ceramic tile, crude tile, edge defect, corner defect, defect localization, real-time

Adaptive Virtual Devices Platform for Verification of FPGA Modules in Student Courses on Digital Design, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2013, USB Proceedings 2013 7th IEEE International Conference on e-Learning in Industrial Electronics (ICELIE) , Hocenski, Željko ; Aleksi, Ivan ; Sruk, Vlado, DOI:
Keywords: FPGA validation, FPGA verification, debugging HDL modules, HDL development process, PicoBlaze CPU

Analysis of QoS Parameters for Multimedia Streaming in Wireless Sensor Networks, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2013, Proceedings of ELMAR 2013 , Horvat, Goran ; Žagar, Drago ; Matić, Tomislav, DOI:
Keywords: WSN, WMSN, QoS, throughpu, delay, modeling

Comparison of General Purpose Graphic Processor Units as a Substitution for Traditional Processors, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2012, SIP 2012 Conference Proceedings , Matić, Tomislav ; Žulj, Milijana ; Hocenski, Željko, DOI:
Keywords: GPGPU, CUDA, ATI Stream, CPU, GPU, OpenCL

Energy Efficiency Of Road Traffic, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2012, Tridesetdrugi skup o prometnim sustavima s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem Automatizacija u prometu 2012 , Glavaš, Hrvoje ; Ivanović, Milan ; Keser, Tomislav, DOI:
Keywords: cestovni promet, energetska učinkovitost, indikatori energetske učinkovitosti

Public Accessible Micrometeorological Stations Network Model For Road Traffic Weather Conditioned Safety Supervision, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2012, Automation In Transportation 2012 , Antunović, Miroslav ; Keser, Tomislav ; Glavaš, Hrvoje, DOI:
Keywords: Communication, Meteorology, Network Model, Traffic Safety, Station, SMS, Weather

Visualization of dynamic spatiotemporal data, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2012, Scientific Electrotechnical Conference Science in Practice 2012 : proceedings , Balkić, Zoran ; Keser, Tomislav ; Martinović, Goran, DOI:
Keywords: spatiotemporal data, interactive visualization, GPS, embedded systems, web services

Public Lighting Maintenance on the OBC Area, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2012, 21. Znanstveno-stručni skup organizacija i tehnologija održavanja - OTO '2012 , Blažević, Damir ; Ivanović, Milan ; Glavaš, Hrvoje, DOI:
Keywords: elektrčina energija, javna rasvjeta, održavanje, svjetlo-tehnika

Program of Efficient Use of Energy In Final Energy Consumption on The Area of Eastern Croatia, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2012, 1st International Scientific Symposium Economy of Eastern Croatia-Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow , Glavaš, Hrvoje ; Blažević, Damir ; Ivanović, Milan, DOI:
Keywords: energy efficiency, final energy consumption, building construction, transport, public lighting, Eastern Croatia

Trajectory Planning Based on 3D CAD models for Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Inspection, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2012, AUTOMATION IN TRANSPORTATION 2011 , Aleksi, Ivan ; Dieter, Kraus ; Hocenski, Željko, DOI:
Keywords: Trajectory Planning, Autonomous Underwater Vehicle, 3D CAD models, Underwater Inspection Mission, SONAR

A*-Search Image Segmentation Algorithm for Mine-like Objects Segmentation in SONAR Images, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2012, ICoURS:International Conference on Underwater Remote Sensing , Aleksi, Ivan ; Lehman, Benjamin ; Fei, Tai ; Kraus, Dieter ; Hocenski, Željko, DOI:
Keywords: A*-Search, Image Segmentation, Path Finding

Simulated Surface Reconstruction of Underwater Machinery by AUV with Relative Movement Sensor, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2011, AUTOMATION IN TRANSPORTATION 2011 , Aleksi, Ivan ; Kraus, Dieter ; Hocenski, Željko, DOI:
Keywords: sonar, underwater inspection, autonomous vehicle, surface reconstruction

Efficient Pre-Segmentation Algorithm for Sidescan- Sonar Images, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2011, ISPA 2011, 7th International Symposium on Image and Signal Processing and Analysis , Lehmann, Benjamin ; Siantidis, K. ; Aleksi, Ivan ; Kraus, Dieter, DOI:
Keywords: Sonar detection, synthetic aperture sonar, image segmentation, object segmentation, real time systems

Multi-Language Programming Environment for C++ Implementation of SONAR Signal Processing by Linking with MATLAB External Interface and FFTW, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2011, 53rd International Symposium ELMAR-2011 , Aleksi, Ivan ; Kraus, Dieter ; Hocenski, Željko, DOI:
Keywords: programming environment, digital signal processing, MATLAB External Interface, C++ MEX file, Overlap add fast convolution with FFTW

Acoustical Imaging and Surface Reconstru-ction Methods for Ship-hull Inspection, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2011, 4th International Conference and Exhibition on "Underwater Acoustic Measurements: Technologies & Results" , Aleksi, Ivan ; Dieter, Kraus ; Hocenski, Željko, DOI:
Keywords: SONAR, acoustic imaging, 3D surface reconstruction, 3D visualization, threshold filtering

Comparison of Acoustic Imaging Methods and their Variations with Sequential Implementations, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2011, MIPRO 2011 Zbornik radova , Aleksi, Ivan ; Hocenski, Željko ; Dieter, Kraus, DOI:
Keywords: SONAR sustav, akistički vid, formiranje latica, kvadratudno amplitudna demodulacija, rekonstrukcija 3D površine

Acceleration of Ceramic Tiles Machine Vision Quality Control Algorithm Using CUDA, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2010, Proceedings of SICE Annual Conference 2010 , Hocenski, Željko ; Matić, Tomislav, DOI:
Keywords: quality control, CUDA, algorithm, ceramic tiles, image processing, parallel processing

Upravljanje i nadzor parkirališta video kamerom, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2010, AUTOMATION IN TRANSPORTATION 2010 , Čaklović, Tomislav ; Aleksi, Ivan ; Hocenski, Željko, DOI:
Keywords: model parkirališta, sobel detekcija rubova, nadzor kamerom

Tool for Reliability Analysis of Embedded Systems Software, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2010, SIP 2010 Conference Proceedings , Hocenski, Željko ; Panić, Dragan ; Matić, Tomislav, DOI:
Keywords: software reliability, failure rate, mean time to failure, assembly code, JAVA application

Parallel Processing with CUDA in Ceramic Tiles Classification, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2010, Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems 14th International Conference, KES 2010, Cardiff, UK, September 8-10, 2010, Proceedings, Part I LNAI 6276 , Matić, Tomislav ; Hocenski, Željko, DOI:
Keywords: image processing, parallel programming, CUDA, ceramic tiles, processing speed up, error detection, quality control

Acoustic Localization based on FPGA, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2010, MIPRO 2010 - 33. međunarodni skup, CTS - Računala u tehničkim sustavima , Aleksi, Ivan ; Hocenski, Željko ; Horvat, Petar, DOI:
Keywords: FPGA, microphone, multi-channel sound signal detection, sound localization

Simulators for Solving Traveling Salesman Problem Variations with Various Graph Search Methods, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2009, Proceedings of the 32nd International Convention on Information and Communication Technology, MIPRO09 , Aleksi, Ivan ; Martinović, Goran ; Hocenski, Željko, DOI:
Keywords: traveling salesman, vehicle routing, graph search, TSP/VRP simulator

Simple Process Control Using GSM, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2009, Proceedings of the 32nd International Convention on Information and Communication Technology, MIPRO09 , Cobović, Mirko ; Hocenski, Željko ; Matić, Tomislav, DOI:
Keywords: Upravljanje, GSM, SMS

Ceramic Tiles Failure Detection Based on FPGA Image Processing, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2009, Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Electronics- ISIE09 , Hocenski, Željko ; Aleksi, Ivan ; Mijaković, Robert, DOI:
Keywords: Ceramic Tiles, defect detection, Image processing, FPGA

CPLD- and FPGA-Based Technology Applications in Embedded Systems Used in Transport and Industrial Controll, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2008, Science in Practice , Aleksi, Ivan ; Hocenski, Željko ; Lukić, Ivica, DOI:
Keywords: embedded systems, digital design, optimisation

Semantic RIA (Rich Internet Application) Configuration Model, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2008, 26th International Conference Science to Practice , Balkić, Zoran ; Lukić, Ivica ; Aleksi, Ivan, DOI:
Keywords: Semantic Rich Internet Application (RIA), semantic configuration model

Differential Digital Holography for Real-Time Processes, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2008, MIPRO 2008 Proceedings, Vol. III, CTS & CIS , Nenadić, Krešimir ; Keser, Tomislav ; Jović, Franjo, DOI:
Keywords: process automation, ceramic tiles, digital hologram, simulation

Toward Software Process and Software Product Quality Integration, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2007, International Conference on Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing, CADAM 2007 , Slavek, Ninoslav ; Jović, Franjo ; Blažević, Damir, DOI:
Keywords: software standardization, software process, quality system, software models, maturity profile.

Assessment of the Software Process, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2007, Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Technologies (InfoTech-2007), Volume 2, Systems for Automation of Engineering and Research (SAER) , Slavek, Ninoslav ; Grgić, Tomislav ; Blažević, Damir, DOI:
Keywords: software quality, software process, assessment method, measuring model.

Distributed intelligent control of car lighting system with fault detection, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2007, Proceedings of the 33th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON '07) : Control Systems and Applications , Hocenski, Željko ; Keser, Tomislav ; Nenadić, Krešimir, DOI:
Keywords: lighting system, intelligent control, distributed system, fault detection

Intelligent Vehicle Lighting Control System, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2007, Zbornik radova skupa Automatizacija u prometu 2007 = Proceedings of the Conference Automation in Transportation 2007 , Hocenski, Željko ; Keser, Tomislav ; Nenadić, Krešimir, DOI:
Keywords: Distribuirano upravljanje, otkrivanje greški, mikroupravljači, rasvjetni sustav vozila, upravljanje intenzitetom

Failure Detection and Isolation in Ceramic Tile Edges Based on Contour Descriptor Analysis, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2007, Proceedings of the 15th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation , Hocenski, Željko ; Keser, Tomislav, DOI:
Keywords: Failure detection, isolation, edge inspection, contour description

A Simple and Efficient Method for Ceramic Tile Surface Defects Detection, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2007, Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics , Hocenski, Željko ; Keser, Tomislav ; Baumgartner, Alfonzo, DOI:
Keywords: Failure detection, ceramic tile, image analysis

Distributed and intelligent control of vehicle lighting system and failure detection, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2007, Computers in Technical Systems. Intelligent systems : conference proceedings = Računala u tehničkim sustavima MIPRO 2007. Inteligentni sustavi : zbornik radova savjetovanja ; sv. 3. : CTS & CIS , Keser, Tomislav ; Hocenski, Željko ; Nenadić, Krešimir, DOI:
Keywords: distribuirani sustavi, inteligentni sustavi, detekcija kvara, dijagnoza kvara, komunikacijski sustavi, rasvjetni sustav vozila

Small Surface Defects Detection on Ceramic Tiles Using Digital Holography, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2007, MIPRO 2007 Proceedings Vol. III. CTS & CIS , Nenadić, Krešimir ; Keser, Tomislav ; Jović, Franjo, DOI:
Keywords: defects, amplification, holography, classification

A Possibility of Applaying Digital Foto-Video Technology in Traffic, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2006, Zbornik radova Automatizacija u prometu 2006 , Nenadić, Krešimir ; Keser, Tomislav ; Glavaš, Hrvoje, DOI:
Keywords: digitalna foto-video tehnologija, nezgode u prometu, EDR, unapređivanje EDR-a

Analisys of Economic and Ecologic Aspect of Daytime Running Headlights Law, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2006, Automatizacija u prometu 2006 = Automation in transportation 2006 , Keser, Tomislav ; Nenadić, Krešimir ; Petrović, Ivica, DOI:
Keywords: vožnja sa uključenim prednjim svjetlima, cestovni promet, potrošnja goriva

Quality Factors for the Real-time Embedded and Safety-critical Software Systems, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2004, The 5th EUROSIM Congress on Modeling and Simulation , Slavek, Ninoslav ; Jović, Franjo ; Blažević, Damir, DOI:
Keywords: real-time embedded software, safety critical software, process assessment, software reliability, software security, processes/base practices, quality factors, quality criteria, quality metrics

Condition Based Maintenance of Power Distribution System, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2004, Proceedings of the 5th EUROSIM Congress on Modeling and Simulation , Jagnjić, Željko ; Slavek, Ninoslav ; Blažević, Damir, DOI:
Keywords: condition based maintenance, distribution power stations, multiple attribute decision analysis, evidential reasoning, aggregation process

Estimation of the laser beam scattering in food grain preprocessing, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2004, Proceedings of the 17th Meeting on Mathematical Modelling of Materials Processing with Lasers : M4PL17 , Jović, Franjo ; Pliestić, Stjepan ; Kolak, Ivan ; Jagnjić, Željko ; Blažević, Damir, DOI:
Keywords: artificial holograph, tissue, germination, semiconductor laser, drying

Automatic Inspection of Defects in Plain and Texture Surfaces, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2001, Proceedings of the 2001 IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems (INES 2001) , Hocenski, Željko ; Rimac-Drlje, Snježana ; Keser, Tomislav, DOI:
Keywords: inspection, defects, image processing, tiles, discrete transform, wavelet

Visual Diagnostics Based on Image Wavelet Transform, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2001, Proceedings of the 9th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE2001) , Hocenski, Željko ; Rimac-Drlje, Snježana ; Keser, Tomislav, DOI:
Keywords: diagnostics, industrial applications, new devices, software, system engineering

Books and book chapters

Authored books

Software Engineering Application in Quality Management and Diagnostics in Ceramic Tiles Industry, Authored books

Year: 2009, , Hocenski, Željko ; Keser, Tomislav ; Hocenski, Verica, DOI:
Keywords: programsko inženjerstvo, upravljanje kvalitetom, dijagnosticiranje, keramičke pločice

Book chapters

Development of a Model and Simulation in Decision Making Process, Book chapters

Year: 2003, Recent Advances in Intelligent Systems and Signal Processing , Jović, Franjo ; Slavek, Ninoslav ; Blažević, Damir, DOI:
Keywords: reinforcement learning, Markov chain, learning automaton, adaptive critic, learning algorithm, stationary random policy, stationary pure policy

Predicting the Specific Gravity of Must During Fermentation Using Machine Learning Models,

Year: 2024, 32nd International Conference on Organization and Technology of Maintenance (OTO 2023) : Conference proceedings , Kovačević, Ivana; Orić, Mihaela; Hartmann Tolić, Ivana; Nyarko, Emmanuel Karlo, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-51494-4_29

Automated Titration of SO2 in the Winery Environment: Conceptual Design and Proof of Concept,

Year: 2024, 32nd International Conference on Organization and Technology of Maintenance (OTO 2023) : Conference proceedings , Keser, Tomislav; Miling, Robert; Miličević, Davorin; Blažević, Damir, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-51494-4_11

RS485 Network Design and Maintenance in Food Processing Industry: A Winery Application,

Year: 2024, 32nd International Conference on Organization and Technology of Maintenance (OTO 2023) : Conference proceedings , Kovačević, Ivana; Matić, Tomislav; Keser, Tomislav; Miling, Robert, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-51494-4_12

IoT in Smart Chromodynamic Plants Gardening,

Year: 2024, 32nd International Conference on Organization and Technology of Maintenance (OTO 2023) : Conference proceedings , Jurić, Željko; Keser, Tomislav; Plander, Ivor; Levanić, Mario, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-51494-4_13

Computer Network Design for Office Building Environment,

Year: 2024, 32nd International Conference on Organization and Technology of Maintenance (OTO 2023) : Conference proceedings , Blažević, Damir; Keser, Tomislav; Mance, Matko, DOI: /10.1007/978-3-031-51494-4_34

An Advanced Tactile-Haptic Controller for Smart Home,

Year: 2024, 32nd International Conference on Organization and Technology of Maintenance (OTO 2023) : Conference proceedings , Radić, Miloš; Keser, Tomislav; Blažević, Damir, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-51494-4_35

Opening Doors and Drawers by a UR5 Robot with Force Control,

Year: 2024, 32nd International Conference on Organization and Technology of Maintenance (OTO 2023) : Conference proceedings , Dukić, Jana; Vulić, Lukrecia; Šimundić, Valentin; Pejić, Petra; Cupec, Robert, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-51494-4_8

Effectiveness of Analytical Models Based on Artificial Neural Networks in Monitoring Codling Moth, Pear Leaf Blister Moth and its Damage,

Year: 2024, Agronomski fakultet , Čirjak, Dana, DOI:

Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling as a Method for Reducing Energy Consumption in Ultra-Low-Power Embedded Systems,

Year: 2024, Electronics (Basel) 13 5, Zidar, Josip; Matić, Tomislav; Aleksi, Ivan; Hocenski, Željko, DOI: 10.3390/electronics13050826

Visual Programming Concept for Infineon XMC Series Microcontrollers,

Year: 2024, MIPRO 2024 47th ICT and Electronics Convention Proccedings , Vulić, Lukrecia; Kaučić, Luka; Aleksi, Ivan; Matić, Tomislav, DOI: 10.1109/mipro60963.2024.10569178

Distributed wireless IoT based sensing and quality monitoring system in protection of wetlands groundwater areas,

Year: 2024, Measurement science & technology 35 12, Radić, Jelena; Brkić, Miodrag; Keser, Tomislav; Obrovski, Boris; Mihajlović, Ivana; Toskić, Marko Vasiljević, DOI: 10.1088/1361-6501/ad774c

Monitoring System for Leucoptera malifoliella (O. Costa, 1836) and Its Damage Based on Artificial Neural Networks,

Year: 2023, Agriculture 13 1, Čirjak, Dana ; Aleksi, Ivan ; Miklečić, Ivana ; Antolković, Ana Marija ; Vrtodušić, Rea ; Viduka, Antonio ; Lemic, Darija ; Kos, Tomislav ; Pajač Živković, Ivana, DOI: 10.3390/agriculture13010067

Lora Communication Maintenance and Signal Propagation Evaluation in Obstacle-Dense Industrial Environments: a Wood Processing Application,

Year: 2023, Advanced Engineering Letters 2 1, Keser, Tomislav ; Blažević, Damir ; Nožica, Damir, DOI: 10.46793/adeletters.2023.2.1.5

EfficientDet-4 Deep Neural Network-Based Remote Monitoring of Codling Moth Population for Early Damage Detection in Apple Orchard,

Year: 2023, Agriculture 13 5, Čirjak, Dana ; Aleksi, Ivan ; Lemić, Darija ; Pajač Živković, Ivana, DOI: 10.3390/agriculture13050961

Chaos Robustness and Computation Complexity of Piecewise Linear and Smooth Chaotic Chua’s System,

Year: 2023, International journal of bifurcation and chaos in applied sciences and engineering 33 04, Vinko, Davor ; Miličević, Kruno ; Vidović, Ivan ; Zorić, Bruno, DOI: 10.1142/s0218127423500487

Power Transformer Condition-Based Evaluation and Maintenance (CBM) Using Dempster–Shafer Theory (DST),

Year: 2023, Applied sciences (Basel) 13 11, Blažević, Damir ; Keser, Tomislav ; Glavaš, Hrvoje ; Noskov, Robert, DOI: 10.3390/app13116731

Communication Convergence for Improvement of the Unmanned Aerial Search and Rescue Missions,

Year: 2023, Applied engineering letters 8 2, Nozica, Damir; Blazevic, Damir; Keser, Tomislav, DOI: 10.18485/aeletters.2023.8.2.5

Towards Fully Synthetic Training of 3D Indoor Object Detectors: Ablation study,

Year: 2023, Expert systems with applications 232 , Džijan, Matej ; Grbić, Ratko ; Vidović, Ivan ; Cupec, Robert, DOI: 10.1016/j.eswa.2023.120723

Analysis of Energy Consumption for SPI and I2C Communications in Ultra-low Power Embedded Systems,

Year: 2023, 2023 46th MIPRO ICT and Electronics Convention (MIPRO) , Zidar, Josip; Aleksi, Ivan; Matić, Tomislav, DOI: 10.23919/mipro57284.2023.10159889

31st International Conference on Organization and Technology of Maintenance (OTO 2022),

Year: 2023, , , DOI:

Modelling the Fermentation Process in Winemaking using Temperature and Specific Gravity,

Year: 2023, 34th International Scientific Conference Central European Conference on Information and Intelligent Systems: Proceedings , Kovačević, Ivana; Orić, Mihaela; Hartmann Tolić, Ivana; Nyarko, Emmanuel Karlo, DOI:

Development of an automatic monitoring system for pear leaf blister moth and its damage using artificial neural networks,

Year: 2023, Book of Abstract 58th Croatian and 18th International Symposium on Agriculture , Čirjak, Dana ; Aleksi, Ivan ; Miklečić, Ivana ; Lemic, Darija ; Kos, Tomislav ; Antolković, Ana Marija, Vrtodušić, Rea ; Viduka, Antonio ; Pajač Živković, Ivana, DOI:

Teaching a Robot Where Doors and Drawers Are and How To Handle Them,

Year: 2023, Proceedings of the 32nd IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN) , Cupec, Robert; Vidović, Ivan; Pejić, Petra; Šimundić, Valentin; Foix, Sergi; Alenyà, Guillem, DOI: 10.1109/RO-MAN57019.2023.10309560

Propagation of Radio Waves in Wine Cellars,

Year: 2023, 30th International Conference on Systems, Signals and Image Processing (IWSSIP) , Rimac-Drlje, Snježana; Rupčić, Slavko; Keser, Tomislav; Aleksi, Ivan; Kovačević, Ivana; Miling, Robert; Mandrić, Vanja, DOI:

A Low-Cost Buoyant Force Measurement Device for Monitoring Sugar Concentration in Water Solution,

Year: 2023, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Electrical, Computer, Communications and Mechatronics Engineering (ICECCME 2023) , Kovačević, Ivana; Kaučić, Luka; Aleksi, Ivan; Keser, Tomislav; Zidar, Josip; Rimac-Drlje, Snježana, DOI: 10.1109/ICECCME57830.2023.10252254

Sugar/ethanol level measurement in liquids using analog refractometer and digital image processing,

Year: 2022, PROCEEDINGS OF ELMAR-2022 , Kubat, Toni ; Kovačević, Ivana ; Aleksi, Ivan ; Matić, Tomislav, DOI: 10.1109/elmar55880.2022.9899784

Comparison of different acceleration sensors for low power vibrations and shock detection in supply chain,

Year: 2022, 2022 45th Jubilee International Convention on Information, Communication and Electronic Technology (MIPRO) , Zidar, Josip ; Aleksi, Ivan ; Matic, Tomislav ; Zagar, Drago, DOI: 10.23919/mipro55190.2022.9803798

Smart Sticker Ultra-Low-Power Shock Detection in the Supply Chain,

Year: 2022, Sensors 22 11, Matić, Tomislav ; Zidar, Josip ; Aleksi, Ivan ; Žagar, Drago, DOI:

Application of Infrared Thermography in E-Bike Battery Pack Detail Analysis—Case Study,

Year: 2022, Applied Sciences-Basel 12 7, Glavaš, Hrvoje ; Barić, Tomislav ; Karakašić, Mirko ; Keser, Tomislav, DOI: 10.3390/app12073444

Low Power Embedded System Sensor Selection for Environmental Condition Monitoring in Supply Chain,

Year: 2022, International journal of electrical and computer engineering systems 13 2, Zidar, Josip ; Matic, Tomislav ; Aleksi, Ivan ; Sušac, Filip, DOI: 10.32985/ijeces.13.2.2

Generating Artificial Biscuit Tile Images,

Year: 2022, Proceedings of OTO 2021 , Dukić, Jana ; Aleksi, Ivan ; Matić, Tomislav ; Sušac, Filip, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-92851-3_28

Winery Monitoring System: A Semi-automated Solutions for Product Quality Maintenance and Production Assistance,

Year: 2022, Proceedings of 30th International Conference on Organization and Technology of Maintenance (OTO 2021) , Kovačević, Ivana ; Keser, Tomislav ; Miling, Robert, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-92851-3_31

Comparison Functionalities of HTTP and MQTT Protocols,

Year: 2022, 31st International Conference on Organization and Technology of Maintenance (OTO 2022) , Kušević, Tomislav ; Blažević, Damir ; Keser, Tomislav, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-21429-5_5

Mobile Application for Keeping Records of Class Attendance,

Year: 2022, 31st International Conference on Organization and Technology of Maintenance (OTO 2022) , Nenadić, Petar ; Blažević, Damir ; Keser, Tomislav, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-21429-5_4

Conceptual Design of Smart Furniture Objects Cluster,

Year: 2022, 31st International Conference on Organization and Technology of Maintenance (OTO 2022) , Bilandžija, Domagoj ; Blažević, Damir ; Keser, Tomislav ; Živković, Andrej, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-21429-5_2

Communication Technology and Special Certification Convergence in Digital Fishery Reporting: Diverse communication technologies embedded within specially certified devices for maritime harsh environme,

Year: 2022, 11th Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing (MECO’2022) , Nozica, Damir ; Keser, Tomislav ; Blazevic, Damir, DOI: 10.1109/meco55406.2022.9797102

Smart Sticker Roll and Pitch Angles Estimation for Shock Analysis in the Supply Chain,

Year: 2022, Osijek: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) , Zidar, Josip ; Aleksi, Ivan ; Matic, Tomislav ; Zagar, Drago, DOI: 10.1109/sst55530.2022.9954677

The use of artificial neural networks as a tool for detection of lepidopteran apple pests,

Year: 2022, Digital Technologies in Agriculture, Book of Abstracts. No. 1/2022. , Čirjak, Dana ; Aleksi, Ivan ; Miklečić, Ivana ; Lemić, Darija ; Kos, Tomislav ; Pajač Živković, Ivana, DOI:

Ultra-Low Power Microcontroller Selection for Smart Sticker Design,

Year: 2021, Proceedings of the International Convention MIPRO 2021 , Zidar, Josip ; Matic, Tomislav ; Susac, Filip ; Aleksi, Ivan, DOI: 10.23919/mipro52101.2021.9596662

Real-Time Circuit Breaker Availability Assessment in the Transmission Network,

Year: 2021, Applied Sciences 11 20, Petrović, Ivica ; Glavaš, Hrvoje ; Noskov, Robert ; Blažević, Damir, DOI: 10.3390/app11209635

Classification of biscuit tiles for defect detection using Fourier transform features,

Year: 2021, ISA transactions 125 , Zorić, Bruno ; Matić, Tomislav ; Hocenski, Željko, DOI: 10.1016/j.isatra.2021.06.025

Multi-line signal change detection for image segmentation with application in the ceramic tile industry,

Year: 2021, Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences-Technical Sciences 69 3, Sušac, Filip ; Matić, Tomislav ; Aleksi, Ivan ; Keser, Tomislav, DOI: 10.24425/bpasts.2021.137121

Temperature Control Concept for Parallel IGBT Operation,

Year: 2021, Electronics 10(4) , Brandis, Andrej ; Pelin, Denis ; Matić, Tomislav ; Topić, Danijel, DOI: 10.3390/ electronics10040429

Assessment of Wireless Signal Propagation in an Obstacle Rich Environment and Maintenance Communication Capability,

Year: 2021, 30th International Conference on Organization and Technology of Maintenance (OTO 2021) , Božić, Marko ; Keser, Tomislav ; Bašić, Andi, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-92851-3_27

Conceptual Design of Smart Furniture: A Case Study,

Year: 2021, 30th International Conference on Organization and Technology of Maintenance (OTO 2021) , Blažević, Damir ; Bukovčan, Mario ; Keser, Tomislav ; Nenadić, Krešimir, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-92851-3_26

Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Swarm Uses Wi-Fi to Search for Stranded People in Remote Areas Embedded devices as active scanners in search for Wi-Fi- enabled mobile phones,

Year: 2021, 10th Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing (MECO'2021) , Nozica, Damir ; Blazevic, Damir ; Keser, Tomislav, DOI: 10.1109/meco52532.2021.9460147

Dizajn računalnih sustava - Priručnik za laboratorijske vježbe,

Year: 2021, , Hocenski, Željko ; Vidović, Ivan ; Matić, Tomislav ; Aleksi, Ivan, DOI:

Dizajniranje nove linije proizvoda s osvrtom na mogućnost recikliranja,

Year: 2021, II. znanstveno-stručna konferencija Slavonski model zbrinjavanja komunalnog otpada , Blažević, Damir; Rozing, Goran; Bukovčan, Mario; Stević, Marin, DOI:

Smart Sticker: Concept for Better Storage and Transportation,

Year: 2020, 2020 International Conference on Smart Systems and Technologies (SST) , Sušac, Filip ; Matić, Tomislav ; Vidović, Ivan ; Aleksi, Ivan ; Hocenski, Željko, DOI: 10.1109/SST49455.2020.9264104

Semantic Component Association within Object Classes Based on Convex Polyhedrons,

Year: 2020, Applied Sciences-Basel 10 8, Đurović, Petra ; Vidović, Ivan ; Cupec, Robert, DOI: 10.3390/app10082641

Object recognition based on convex hull alignment,

Year: 2020, Pattern recognition 102 , Cupec, Robert ; Vidović, Ivan ; Filko, Damir ; Đurović, Petra, DOI: 10.1016/j.patcog.2020.107199

Fizička realizacija digitalnog Google kalendara,

Year: 2020, 29. Međunarodni znanstveni skup "Organizacija i tehnologija održavanja" – zbornik radova, knjiga 1 , Turkalj, David ; Šojo, Robert ; Aleksi, Ivan, DOI:

Robust A*-Search Image Segmentation Algorithm for Mine-like Objects Segmentation in SONAR Images,

Year: 2020, International journal of electrical and computer engineering systems 11 2, Aleksi, Ivan ; Matić, Tomislav ; Lehmann, Benjamin ; Kraus, Dieter, DOI: 10.32985/ijeces.11.2.1

Differential Evolution Based Mismatch Loss Optimisation in Photovoltaic Arrays,

Year: 2019, 7 th Symposium on Applied Electromagnetics SAEM`18 Conference Proceedings , Matić, Tomislav ; Blažević, Damir ; Bajer, Dražen ; Ivan, Vidović, DOI: 0.18690/978-961-286-241-1

Features Extraction and Texture Defect Detection of Sawn Wooden Board Images,

Year: 2019, 2019 27th Telecommunications Forum , Aleksi, Ivan ; Sušac, Filip ; Matić, Tomislav, DOI: 10.1109/TELFOR48224.2019.8971381

Wearing characteristics assessment of pervious concrete pavements,

Year: 2019, Road materials and pavement design 20 3, Netinger Grubeša, Ivanka ; Barišić, Ivana ; Keser, Tomislav ; Vračević, Martina, DOI: 10.1080/14680629.2017.1421568

Industrijska automatizacija, Priručnik za laboratorijske vježbe,

Year: 2019, , Filko, Damir ; Keser, Tomislav ; Slišković, Dražen, DOI:

Quality assessment of system for automated multi- node environmental water parameter monitoring,

Year: 2019, 42nd International Convention on Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics (MIPRO 2019) , Brkić, Miodrag ; Keser, Tomislav ; Toskić, Marko Vasiljević ; Radić, Jelena ; Arbanas, Miloš, DOI: 10.23919/mipro.2019.8756727

Program društveno korisnog učenja na Fakultetu elektrotehnike, računarstva i informacijskih tehnologija Osijek,

Year: 2019, Društveno korisno učenje u STEM području , Mioković, Željka; Barukčić, Marinko; Nenadić, Krešimir; Aleksi, Ivan, DOI:

Feature Extraction Based on Directional Contour Tracing Descriptor,

Year: 2018, Proceedings of International Conference on Smart Systems and Technologies 2018 (SST 2018) , Keser, Tomislav ; Kramar, Gabrijela ; Nenadić, Krešimir ; Radman, Hrvoje, DOI:

Balancing Methods for IGBTs Paralleling in Voltage Source Inverters in Automotiv Electric Drives,

Year: 2018, 38th Conference on Transportation Systems with International Participation AUTOMATION IN TRANSPORTATION 2018 , Brandis, Andrej ; Pelin, Denis ; Matić, Tomislav, DOI:

A Fast One-Pixel Wide Contour Detection Method for Shapes Contour Traversal in Binary Images,

Year: 2018, PROCEEDINGS OF International Conference on Smart Systems and Technologies 2018(SST 2018) , Leventić, Hrvoje ; Keser, Tomislav ; Vdovjak, Krešimir, DOI: 10.1109/SST.2018.8564595

Traffic Sign Shape Detection and Classification based on the Segment Surface Occupancy Analysis and Correlation Comparisons,

Year: 2018, Tehnički vjesnik : znanstveno-stručni časopis tehničkih fakulteta Sveučilišta u Osijeku , Keser, Tomislav ; Dejanović, Ivan, DOI: 10.17559/TV-20150901133605

Infrared thermography as control of handheld IPL device for home-use,

Year: 2018, Journal of Cosmetic and Laser Therapy , Glavaš, Hrvoje ; Vukobratović, Marko ; Keser, Tomislav, DOI: 10.1080/14764172.2017.1406607

Development of Optical Networks - the Foundation of Sustainable Development in Slavonia Region,

Year: 2018, Sustainable Development Today - Book of Abstracts (II. International conference: INTERACTION OF SCIENCE AND ECONOMY - IN JAPAN AND CROATIA) , Keser, Tomislav ; Stojnović, Vedran, DOI:


Year: 2018, , Matić, Tomislav ; Hocenski, Željko ; Vidović, Ivan, DOI:
Keywords: "digitalna elektronika, priruu010dnik, laboratorijske vjeu017ebe, VHDL"

Picoblaze disasembler,

Year: 2016, , Kunsabo, Ivan, DOI:
Keywords: "PicoBlaze disassembler; assembliranje; heksadecimalna datoteka; C++; C#"


Year: 2016, , Vidović, Ivan, DOI:
Keywords: "automatizacija u poljoprivredi, DIRECT, dinamiu02c7cko programiranje, inkre mentalna metoda, optimizacija, podudaranje s predlou02c7skom, prepoznavanje redova usjeva, rau02c7cunalni vid."

Web naplata članarina na Magento platformi,

Year: 2016, , Sudmak, Tomislav, DOI:
Keywords: "web naplata, Magento, softver"


Year: 2016, , Reponj, Ivan, DOI:
Keywords: ": korau010dni motor, drajver za motor, softboks, Arduino Nano, modulacija u0161irine impulsa, difuzor, LED"


Year: 2016, , Aleksi, Sara, DOI:
Keywords: "Internet aplikacija, zalijevanje cvijeu0107a, email podsjetnik, barkod oznau010davanje"

Prepoznavanje odigranih poteza tijekom šahovske partije,

Year: 2016, , Martinović, Ivan, DOI:
Keywords: "MATLAB, u0161ah, obrada slike, histogram, obrada podataka"

Web aplikacija za vođenje režija za kućanstvo,

Year: 2016, , Filipović, Željko, DOI:
Keywords: "PHP, HTML, CSS, MySQL, web aplikacija, upis, ispis, promjena, baze podataka"

Digitalna šahovska ploča,

Year: 2016, , Sušac, Filip, DOI:
Keywords: "u0161ah, Arduino, Hall-ov efekt, VB.Net, Visual Basic"

Udaljeni nadzor vremenskih uvjeta u prostoriji,

Year: 2016, , Božić, Luka, DOI:
Keywords: "vremenski uvjeti, Arduino, internet, DHT22, PHP, MySQL"


Year: 2016, , Kralj, Ivan, DOI:
Keywords: "uu017eivo, web aplikacija, utakmica, statistike"

Web aplikacija za praćenje stanja projekta,

Year: 2016, , Borovica, Igor, DOI:
Keywords: "programiranje, PHP, JavaScript, jednostraniu010dne aplikacije, aplikacijsko programsko suu010delje, Laravel, web aplikacija"

Computer Vision Station Prototype for Biscuit Tiles Quality Control,

Year: 2016, , Hocenski, Željko ; Matić, Tomislav ; Vidović, Ivan, DOI:
Keywords: "Biscuit tiles; Computer Vision Station; Prototype; Quality Control"

Nadzor i snimanje značajki vožnje automobila radi optimiranja,

Year: 2015, AUTOMATIZACIJA U PROMETU 2015 , Sušac, Filip ; Hocenski, Željko ; Aleksi, Ivan, DOI:


Year: 2014, , Kačar, Dino, DOI:
Keywords: "Odjek, Propagacija zvuka, Zvuu010dni signali"

Aplikacija za upravljanje zalihama za pametni telefon,

Year: 2014, , Pitinac, Ivan, DOI:
Keywords: "Xcode, MVC, objektni C, iPhone, upravljanje"


Year: 2013, , Trojić, Ivan, DOI:
Keywords: "aplikacija; administrator; korisnik; tablica; u010dlanovi; u010dlanarina"

Internet trgovina za prodaju tkanina temeljena na Opencart sustavu,

Year: 2013, , Vučko, Luka, DOI:
Keywords: "internet trgovina; Opencart; MVC-L; JMeter; prodaja tkanina"

Paralelizacija algoritma rekonstrukcije podvodnih objekata temeljem signala sonara,

Year: 2013, , Aleksi, Ivan, DOI:
Keywords: "Sonar; Prilagodljivo paralelno formiranje zraka; Planiranje trajektorije; GPU; Segmentacija slike."

Antenna Pattern Simulation for SONAR System Design,

Year: 2012, , Alojzije Mirković, DOI:
Keywords: "sonar; antenna array; spatial amplitude characteristics; GUI"


Year: 2012, , Dario Fletko, DOI:
Keywords: "Sonar systems; quadrature demodulation; Digital filters"

FPGA design for short text message (SMS) transceiver,

Year: 2012, , Luketić, Goran, DOI:
Keywords: "GSM network; SMS; SMSC; PDU mode; SIM card; FPGA; PicoBlaze; UART; RS-232; ASCII; KCPSM3; AT commands"

CAD tool for 3D object display and analysis,

Year: 2012, , Markić, Petar, DOI:
Keywords: "SONAR; triangulation; 3D visualization; GLUT"

Comparison of different platforms for ceramic tiles visual inspection and classification algorithm,

Year: 2012, Proceedings of the First Croatian Computer Vision Workshop , Aleksi, Ivan ; Matić, Tomislav ; Hocenski, Željko, DOI:
Keywords: "Classification; Visual inspection; MALD; Real-time"

Dizajn računalnih sustava-Priručnik za laboratorijske vježbe,

Year: 2012, , Hocenski, Željko ; Vidović, Ivan ; Matić, Tomislav ; Aleksi, Ivan, DOI:
Keywords: "rau010dunalni sustavi, dizajn, priruu010dnik, laboratorijske vjeu017ebe"

Lokalni deskriptori temeljeni na histogramu orijentacije gradijenta svjetline slike,

Year: 2011, , Vidović, Ivan, DOI:
Keywords: "robotski vid; detekcija znau010dajki; lokalni deskriptor; SIFT"


Year: 2011, , Goran Jorgić, DOI:
Keywords: "Data2MEM; FPGA; PicoBlaze; VHDL; BMM; Spartan-3; Xilinx"

Program učinkovitog korištenja energije u neposrednoj potrošnji na području Osječko- baranjske županije za razdoblje 2012. - 2014. - s osvrtom na 2016. godinu -,

Year: 2011, Sveučilište Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Osijeku, Elektrotehnički fakultet Osijek, Dekan: Radoslav Galić, Voditelj projekta: Hrvoje Glavaš, Recenzenti: Tomislav Barić, dr. sc. Marinko Stojkov ; Program učinkovitog korištenja energije u neposrednoj potrošnji na području Osječ , Ivanović, Milan ; Glavaš, Hrvoje ; Blažević, Damir, DOI:
Keywords: "energetska uu010dinkovitost; zgradarstvo; promet; javna rasvjeta"

Plan energetske učinkovitosti u neposrednoj potrošnji energije na području Osječko-baranjske županije u 2012. godini,

Year: 2011, Sveučilište Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Osijeku, Elektrotehnički fakultet Osijek, Dekan: Radoslav Galić, Voditelj projekta: Hrvoje Glavaš, Recenzenti: Tomislav Barić, Dr. sc. Marinko Stojkov ; Plan energetske učinkovitosti u neposrednoj potrošnji energije na području Osječk , Ivanović, Milan ; Glavaš, Hrvoje ; Blažević, Damir, DOI:
Keywords: "energetska uu010dinkovitost; zgradarstvo; promet; javna rasvjeta"

Višekanalni podsustav za akviziciju audio signala,

Year: 2010, , Latić, Stjepan, DOI:
Keywords: "mikrofon; zvuk; analogno-digitalna pretvorba; kodiranje"

Dizajn komunikacijskog upravljačkog sklopa primjenom FPGA,

Year: 2010, , Slišković, Dragan, DOI:
Keywords: "FPGA; Spartan-3 FPGA u010dip; VHDL; EPP (Enhanced Parallel Port)"

Arhitektura računala - Zbirka zadataka,

Year: 2010, , Hocenski, Željko ; Aleksi, Ivan ; Martinović, Goran, DOI:
Keywords: "arhitektura rau010dunala; mikroprocesor; asembler; programiranje;"

Arhitektura računala - Priručnik za laboratorijske vježbe,

Year: 2010, , Hocenski, Željko ; Aleksi, Ivan ; Mijaković, Robert, DOI:
Keywords: "arhitektura rau010dunala; mikroprocesor; asembler; razvojni sustav; strojno programiranje"

Programski jezik asembelr mikroprocesora Z80- Zbirka riješenih primjera,

Year: 2010, , Hocenski, Željko ; Aleksi, Ivan ; Martinović, Goran, DOI:
Keywords: "asembler, mikroprocesor, zbirka, rijeu0161eni primjeri, arhitektura rau010dunala"

Automatizirani inteligentni sustav za klasiranje keramičkih pločica,

Year: 2009, , Keser, Tomislav, DOI:
Keywords: "dijagnosticiranje; obrada slike; robotski vid; keramiu010dke plou010dice"

Vladanje regulacijskog kruga s obzirom na poremećaj i poboljšanje kakvoće regulacije u tom pogledu,

Year: 2009, , Vidović, Ivan, DOI:
Keywords: "regulacijska staza; regulator; smetnja; unaprijedno upravljanje; kombinirano upravljanje"


Year: 2009, , Goran Jorgić, DOI:
Keywords: "FPGA; PicoBlaze microprocessor; SigmaDelta modlator; VHDL"


Year: 2009, , Goran Luketić, DOI:
Keywords: "SMS; GSM; FPGA; PicoBlaze; Assembly"

FPGA-based Computer-Human Interface,

Year: 2009, , Hrvoje Leventić, DOI:
Keywords: "FPGA; VHDL; Pong Game"

Primjena ExpertChoice alata i AHP metode za odabir Virtex-5 FPGA čipa,

Year: 2009, Elektrotehnički fakultet Sveučilišta u Osijeku , Aleksi, Ivan ; Hocenski, Željko, DOI:
Keywords: "viu0161ekriterijsko odluu010divanje; AHP metoda; alternativni koncepati dizajna; Virtex-5 FPGA"

Planiranje koraka za dvonožne hodajuće robote,

Year: 2006, , Aleksi, Ivan, DOI:
Keywords: "planiranje koraka; dvonou017eni hodajuu0107i robot; pretrau017eivanje grafa"


Tomislav Keser
Full Professor

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