The scope of the Research Group for Computer Engineering includes:
- Architecture, design and functioning of computer systems
- Embedded computer systems
- Reliability, diagnostics and system testing
- Intelligent system and computer network design
- Image processing, visual inspection, robotic vision, working in real-time and parallel processing.
Digital circuits, systems and embedded systems are designed by using microcontrollers and FPGA circuits, SoC and NoC technologies, VHDL programing language and Xilinx system development. For known architectures, reliability models and fault diagnostics are developed. Furthermore, computer systems are designed pursuant to requirements for fault tolerance and achieving a certain level of reliability and availability. Embedded systems are designed in the fields of automotive computing, power electronics, medical electronics, agriculture, food industry, etc.
Research carried out by this research group include the development of real-time algorithms, image processing algorithms, product quality visual inspection systems, GPU algorithms, image processing parallel algorithms using CUDA technology, digital processors for signal processing (DSP) algorithms and FPGA integrated circuits. The research group has a significant experience in quality control based on visual detection of raw and baked ceramic tiles in real-time.
The research group fosters the cooperation with ICT subjects and has experience in leading several national and European projects as well as technology and knowledge transfer programmes. The group contributes to technical sciences in the city of Osijek and the region.