In order to better understand the concepts of physics as a fundamental engineering field and to improve the process of teaching and acquisition of applied engineering knowledge and skills, the topic includes:
• conceptual understanding, identification of problems (misconceptions and preconceptions), and approaches and strategies for solving problems in physics;
• assessment and application of new technologies and teaching methods related to student acquisition of fundamental concepts in physics;
• application and development of diagnostic instruments (tests and surveys) for the assessment of knowledge and understanding in basic physics and applied engineering fields;
• approaches and attitudes of participants in the teaching process towards teaching and learning and their impact on the choice and design of curricula, the teaching method applied, and learning habits;
• assessment of the impact of changes in the teaching and learning conditions (e.g. online teaching in the conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic) on the acquisition of physical concepts and mathematical skills; comparison of students' procedural and conceptual knowledge in changing (specific) teaching conditions;
• implementation of service learning as a new teaching method that provides students with the opportunity to apply their acquired academic knowledge and skills from STEM fields to solving real engineering problems in the immediate and the wider community;
• Implementation of LABUS as a science popularisation programme in the STEM fields of electrical engineering, computer science, and IT, aimed at connecting primary and secondary school education with higher education in the field of engineering.
The topic follows today's trends in education, which pay significant attention to the approaches, application, and impact of new technologies on the quality of higher education engineering education aimed at encouraging active learning among students, and developing critical thinking, and strive towards high levels of cognitive knowledge to achieve the necessary outcomes of modern higher engineering education (the possibility of applying basic scientific, mathematical and technical knowledge; designing and conducting experiments and analysis and interpretation of their results; designing technical and technological systems and processes according to the needs of the economy; working in multidisciplinary teams; engineering problem identification, formulation, and solving; successful communication accompanied by professional and ethical responsibility; understanding of the impact of engineering solutions in a global environment; recognition of the need for lifelong learning, etc.)