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IG01 - Research Group for Advanced Teaching Methods in Technical Sciences


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Journal articles
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    Professional conference proceedings papers

Books and book chapters
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Journal articles

Scientific and review papers

Formulas for Diophantine quintuples containing two pairs of conjugates in some quadratic fields, Scientific and review papers

Year: 2022, Periodica mathematica Hungarica 85 2, Dujella, Andrej ; Franušić, Zrinka ; Petričević, Vinko, DOI:
Keywords: Diophantine quintuples, regular Diophantine quadruples, quadratic fields

Electrically Tuneable Optical Diffraction Gratings Based on a Polymer Scaffold Filled with a Nematic Liquid Crystal, Scientific and review papers

Year: 2021, Polymers 13 14, Bošnjaković, Dejan ; Fleisch, Mathias ; Zhang, Xinzheng ; Drevenšek-Olenik, Irena, DOI:
Keywords: nematic liquid crystals, photoresist polymeric materials, laser-based micro structuring, diffractive optical elements

D(n)-quintuples with square elements, Scientific and review papers

Year: 2021, Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas Fisicas y Naturales Serie A-Matematicas 115 4, Dujella, Andrej ; Kazalicki, Matija ; Petričević, Vinko, DOI:
Keywords: rational Diophantine quadruples, Riemann-Hurwitz formula

Rational Diophantine sextuples containing two regular quadruples and one regular quintuple, Scientific and review papers

Year: 2021, Acta mathematica Spalatensia. Series didactica 1 , Dujella, Andrej ; Kazalicki, Matija ; Petričević, Vinko, DOI:
Keywords: Rational Diophantine sextuples, regular Diophantine quadruples, regular Diophantine quintuples, elliptic curves.

Magnetically Tunable Liquid Crystal-Based Optical Diffraction Gratings, Scientific and review papers

Year: 2020, Polymers 12 (10) , Bošnjaković, Dejan ; Sebastián, Nerea ; Drevenšek-Olenik, Irena, DOI:
Keywords: Ferromagnetic materials, Liquid crystals, Optical diffractive structures, Transmission gratings

Doubly regular Diophantine quadruples, Scientific and review papers

Year: 2020, Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas Fisicas y Naturales Serie A-Matematicas 114 , Dujella, Andrej ; Petričević, Vinko, DOI:
Keywords: Diophantine quadruples, regular quadruples, elliptic curves

Diophantine quadruples with the properties D(n1) and D(n2), Scientific and review papers

Year: 2020, Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas Fisicas y Naturales Serie A-Matematicas 114 1, Dujella, Andrej ; Petričević, Vinko, DOI:
Keywords: Diophantine quadruples, elliptic curves

Laser-written polymeric scaffolds for micro-patterned liquid crystal alignment, Scientific and review papers

Year: 2019, Liquid crystals 46 , Fleisch, Mathias ; Gao, Shaohua ; Bošnjaković, Dejan ; Zhang, Xinzheng ; A. Rupp, Romano i Drevenšek-Olenik, Irena, DOI:
Keywords: Liquid crystals, micropatterned alignment, electrically tunable optical diffractive structures, magnetically tunable optical diffractive structures

On the largest element in D(n)-quadruples, Scientific and review papers

Year: 2019, Indagationes mathematicae 30 6, Dujella, Andrej ; Petričević, Vinko, DOI:
Keywords: D(n)-quadruples, Diophantine equations, elliptic curves

Rational Diophantine sextuples with square denominators, Scientific and review papers

Year: 2019, Journal of number theory 205 , Dujella, Andrej ; Kazalicki, Matija ; Petričević, Vinko, DOI:
Keywords: Diophantine sextuples, elliptic curve

Mechanical Manipulation of Diffractive Properties of Optical Holographic Gratings from Liquid Crystalline Elastomers, Scientific and review papers

Year: 2018, Applied Sciences 8 8, Bošnjaković, Dejan ; Gregorc, Marko ; Li, Hui ; Čopič, Martin ; Domenici, Valentina ; Drevenšek-Olenik, Irena, DOI:
Keywords: liquid crystalline elastomers, holographic gratings, optical diffraction, elasto-optic effect

A redefined approach to student assessment based on essay writing in ESP, Scientific and review papers

Year: 2018, Zbornik radova Filozofskog fakulteta u Prištini 48 3, Božić Lenard, Dragana ; Liermann-Zeljak, Yvonne ; Ferčec, Ivanka, DOI:
Keywords: essays, assessment, correlation, revision exam grades, LIWC, SPSS, ESP

Analysis and Proposals for Improving Knowledge and Skills in Engineering Aimed at Reducing Unemployment, Scientific and review papers

Year: 2018, Tehnički vjesnik 25 1, Crnjac Milić, Dominika ; Martinović, Goran ; Ferčec, Ivanka, DOI:
Keywords: economic knowledge, foreign language, higher education, ICT, interdisciplinarity, labour market

Strong Eulerian triples, Scientific and review papers

Year: 2018, Glasnik matematički 53 1, Dujella, Andrej ; Gusić, Ivica ; Petričević, Vinko ; Tadić, Petra, DOI:
Keywords: Eulerian triples, elliptic curves

A fast approximate implementation of the work function algorithm for solving the k-server problem, Scientific and review papers

Year: 2015, Central European journal of operations research 23 3, Rudec, Tomislav ; Manger, Robert, DOI:
Keywords: combinatorial optimization, on-line computation, k-server problem, work function algorithm, implementation, network flows, cost reduction

Anglicisms in Electrical Engineering Terminology, Scientific and review papers

Year: 2013, International journal of electrical and computer engineering systems 4 2, Liermann-Zeljak, Yvonne, DOI:
Keywords: adaptation, Anglicisms, electrical engineering terminology

Householder's approximants and continued fraction expansion of quadratic irrationals, Scientific and review papers

Year: 2013, Glasnik matematički 48 2, Petričević, Vinko, DOI:
Keywords: Continued fractions, Householder's iterative methods

Assessment of the University of Osijek Engineering Students’ Conceptual Understanding of Electricity and Magnetism, Scientific and review papers

Year: 2012, Tehnički vjesnik 19 3, Mioković, Željka ; Ganzberger, Sanja ; Radolić, Vanja, DOI:
Keywords: CSEM test, electricity and magnetism, misconceptions, conceptual and procedural knowledge

Undergraduate Engineering Students` Conceptual and Procedural Knowledge of Wave Phenomena, Scientific and review papers

Year: 2012, International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering Systems 3 1, Mioković, Željka, Varvodić, Sanda, Radolić, Vanja, DOI:
Keywords: conceptual and procedural knowledge, wave phenomena, mod-WCI test, CSEM test, multiple-choice questions, misconceptions

Newton's approximants and continued fraction expansion of (1+√d)/2, Scientific and review papers

Year: 2012, Mathematical communications 17 2, Petričević, Vinko, DOI:
Keywords: Continued fractions, Newton's formula.

Paraphrasing as a method of determining syntactic-semantic relations in noun+noun compounds, Scientific and review papers

Year: 2009, Strani jezici : časopis za unapređenje nastave stranih jezika 38 4, Liermann-Zeljak, Yvonne, DOI:
Keywords: Determinativkomposita des Typs S + S, syntaktisch-sematische Beziehungen, Paraphrasenmethode

E-learning : Situation and perspectives, Scientific and review papers

Year: 2009, Tehnički vjesnik 16 2, Crnjac-Milić, Dominika ; Martinović, Goran ; Ferčec, Ivanka, DOI:
Keywords: e-learning, distance learning, web, ICT

A fast implementation of the optimal off-line algorithm for solving the k-server problem, Scientific and review papers

Year: 2009, Mathematical communications 14 1, Rudec, Tomislav ; Baumgartner, Alfonzo ; Manger, Robert, DOI:
Keywords: k-server problem, off-line algorithms, on-line algorithms, optimality, implementation, network flows, execution time, experiments

Strong Diophantine triples, Scientific and review papers

Year: 2008, Experimental mathematics 17 1, Dujella, Andrej ; Petričević, Vinko, DOI:
Keywords: Diophantine triples, elliptic curves

Analysis of desirable changes in engineering education in the context of university education reform, Scientific and review papers

Year: 2007, Tehnički vjesnik 14 3/4, Crnjac, Dominika ; Martinović, Goran ; Ferčec, Ivanka, DOI:
Keywords: Bologna process, engineering education, foreign language, knowledge

The Internet and the English language course at an engineering college, Scientific and review papers

Year: 2006, Život i škola : časopis za teoriju i praksu odgoja i obrazovanja LII 15-16, Ferčec, Ivanka ; Šoštarić, Blaženka, DOI:
Keywords: internet, engleski jezik (u struci)

Shift and broadening of sodium nS-3P transitions in high pressure NaCd and NaHg discharges, Scientific and review papers

Year: 2005, Fizika A 14 2, Mioković, Željka ; Balković, Darko ; Veža, Damir, DOI:
Keywords: Shift, broadening, sodium, high pressure discharges

Square roots with many good approximants, Scientific and review papers

Year: 2005, Integers 5 3, Dujella, Andrej ; Petričević, Vinko, DOI:
Keywords: continued fractions, Newton's method

The line shape off sodium n2S1/2 – 32P1/2, 3/2 transitions in Na-Cd high pressure discharge, Scientific and review papers

Year: 2001, Fizika A 10 3, Mioković, Željka ; Veža, Damir, DOI:
Keywords: high-pressure Na-Cd plasma, atomic lines, n2S1/2 - 32P1/2, 3/2 (n = 5, 6, 7) series, line shapes, Stark broadening by electrons, self-broadening, van der Waals broadening, red asymmetry

An application of various algorithms for solvimg the k-server problem, Scientific and review papers

Year: 2001, Mathematical communications 1 (2001) 1, Rudec, Tomislav, DOI:
Keywords: on-line computation, servers, algorithms

Branching ratios nad transition probabilities of mercury visible triplet spectral lines, Scientific and review papers

Year: 1995, FIZIKA A 4 3, Mioković, Željka ; Skenderović, Hrvoje ; Vujnović, Vladis, DOI:
Keywords: branching ratios, transition probabilities, mercury, visible spectral lines

Professional papers

Multifocal curves., Professional papers

Year: 2016, Math.e : hrvatski matematički elektronski časopis 23 1, Poljak, Stjepan ; Rudec, Tomislav, DOI:
Keywords: fukus krivulje geometrija krivulje

Implication logic, Professional papers

Year: 2016, Osječki matematički list 16 (2016) 1, Lisek, Leo ; Rudec, Tomislav, DOI:
Keywords: matematička logika, tablica istinitosti, implikacija, ekvivalencija

Thinking about "mean", Professional papers

Year: 2015, Matematika i škola 14 70, Poljak, Stjepan ; Rudec, Tomislav, DOI:
Keywords: Aritmetička, geometrijska i harmonijska sredina

Round the correct answer, Professional papers

Year: 2009, Matka 17 67, Rudec, Tomislav, DOI:
Keywords: Logika, kombinatorika, zagonetke

Truce on chessboard, Professional papers

Year: 2008, Matematičko fizički list 233 1, Rudec, Tomislav, DOI:
Keywords: Šah, kombinatorika, teorija grafova

Language for specific purposes and some translation problems, Professional papers

Year: 2006, Strani jezici 35 2, Ferčec, Ivanka, DOI:
Keywords: jezik struke, prevođenje

Conference proceedings papers

Scientific conference proceedings papers

Germans and Austrians founders and members of Osijek sports societies (I.part), Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2017, GODIŠNJAK NJEMAČKE ZAJEDNICE DG JAHRBUCH 2017. , Kerže, Petar ; Pribić, Ljubomir, DOI:
Keywords: Nijemci, Austrijanci, Osijek, 19. i 20. stoljeće, sportska društva i klubovi

Gender Issues in Engineering Education, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2015, Proceedings of the 33rd International Scientific Conference Science in Practice , Rimac-Drlje, Snježana ; Vlaović, Jelena ; Mioković, Željka, DOI:
Keywords: STEM, gender-related differences, engineering education

A Corpus-based Linguistic Analysis of Errors in Final Paper Abstracts, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2015, Synergies of Language Learning , Božić Lenard, Dragana ; Liermann-Zeljak, Yvonne ; Ferčec, Ivanka, DOI:
Keywords: Abstracts, Error analysis, Final papers, Markin software

On the Competitiveness of a Modified Work Function Algorithm for Solving the On-Line k-Server Problem, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2008, Proceedings of the 30th International Conference on Information Technology Interfaces (ITI 2008 - Cavtat, Croatia, June 23-26, 2008) , Rudec, Tomislav ; Manger, Robert, DOI:
Keywords: on-line problems, on-line algorithms, k-server problem, work function algorithm (WFA), moving windows, competitiveness

Experimental characterisation of the high-pressure metal-halide Na-Sc-Hg discharge, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2004, Proceedings of 8th EPS Conference on atomic and Molecular Physics , Mioković, Željka ; Veža, Damir, DOI:
Keywords: plazma, metal-.halogeni izboj

Time modulation of electron and atom density in high-pressure NaCd and NaHg AC-driven discharges, Scientific conference proceedings papers

Year: 2004, Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on the Science and Technology of Light Sources , Veža, Damir ; Bizjak, Tanja ; Mioković, Željka, DOI:
Keywords: discharge, electron density, electron temperature

Professional conference proceedings papers

Gender and high school education of students as indicators of understanding of basic physical concepts, Professional conference proceedings papers

Year: 2015, XII. Hrvatski simpozij o nastavi fizike, Povezivanje nastave fizike i istraživanja, Zbornik radova, Zadar (30.III.-1.IV. 2015.) , Mioković, Željka ; Jarabek, Mirjana, DOI:
Keywords: temeljni fizikalni koncepti, FCI test, CSEM test, spol, srednjoškolsko obrazovanje, eksperimentalni rad

Assessment of engineering and food technology students´conceptual understanding of electromagnetism by CSEM test, Professional conference proceedings papers

Year: 2011, Nastava fizike-postignuća i izazovi , Mioković, Željka ; Ganzberger, Sanja ; Radolić, Vanja, DOI:
Keywords: fizikalni koncepti ; elektromagnetizam ; CSEM test ; klasična test-teorija ; studentske miskoncepcije

Specific characteristics of pedagogical grammar with respect to Technical English, Professional conference proceedings papers

Year: 2009, Lingvistika javne komunikacije: Translatološki, terminološki, međukulturni i problemi jezika struke , Ferčec, Ivanka ; Francetić, Ivana, DOI:
Keywords: pedagoška gramatika, (engleski) jezik struke

Neologisms in computer science, Professional conference proceedings papers

Year: 2006, ezik i mediji : jedan jezik : više svjetova : zbornik , Ferčec, Ivanka, DOI:
Keywords: neologizam, računalne znanosti

Books and book chapters

Book chapters

Grammar or vocabulary - students' friends or foes?, Book chapters

Year: 2018, Establishing Predominance of English for Specific Purposes within Adult English Language Teaching , Božić Lenard, Dragana ; Ferčec, Ivanka ; Liermann-Zeljak, Yvonne, DOI:
Keywords: students’ preferences, grammar, vocabulary, exam results

Employing Experiments and Interactive Materials in Teaching Technical English Vocabulary, Book chapters

Year: 2017, Synergies of English for Specific Purposes and Language Learning Technologies , Liermann-Zeljak, Yvonne ; Ferčec, Ivanka ; Božić Lenard, Dragana, DOI:
Keywords: experiments, interactive materials, technical vocabulary, vocabulary acquisition

Nominal compounds in technical English, Book chapters

Year: 2015, The Practice of Foreign Language Teaching: Theories and Applications , Ferčec, Ivanka ; Liermann-Zeljak, Yvonne, DOI:
Keywords: technical English, different-component compounds, noun compounds, translation problems

The Importance of English in the Education of Electrical Engineers, Book chapters

Year: 2015, Vistas of English for Specific Purposes , Liermann-Zeljak, Yvonne ; Ferčec, Ivanka, DOI:
Keywords: education of electrical engineers, English language skills, English for Specific Purposes (ESP), motivation, student questionnaire

Grandpa Neumijko and the translation of proper names in fairy tales, Book chapters

Year: 2012, Aktualna istraživanja u primijenjenoj lingvistici , Cimer, Sanja ; Liermann-Zeljak, Yvonne, DOI:
Keywords: prevođenje imena, bajke, funkcija imena, strategije prevođenja

Teaching, Learning and Translating Croatian-English False Friends, Book chapters

Year: 2008, Istraživanja, izazovi i promjene u teoriji i praksi prevođenja , Šoštarić, Blaženka ; Ferčec, Ivanka, DOI:
Keywords: Croatian-English False Friends, translator/interpreter training, targeted teaching materials

Computer science neologisms and their translation, Book chapters

Year: 2007, Languages for Specific Purposes: Searching for Common Solutions , Ferčec, Ivanka, DOI:
Keywords: neologisms, computer science, translation

Authored books

LOGO for advanced, Authored books

Year: 2005, , Petričević, Vinko, DOI:
Keywords: riješeni zadaci sa natjecanja iz LOGOa

Application of Graph Theory and Variants of Greedy Graph Coloring Algorithms for Optimization of Distributed Peer-to-Peer Blockchain Networks,

Year: 2025, Technologies (Basel) 13 1, Švarcmajer, Miljenko; Ivanović, Denis; Rudec, Tomislav; Lukić, Ivica, DOI: 10.3390/technologies13010033

A Greedy Algorithm for Solving the Graph Coloring Problem,

Year: 2025, Curieux Academic Journal 46 2, Drenjančević, Matej; Ivanović, Denis; Rudec, Tomislav, DOI:

Proposal of OptDG Algorithm for Solving the Knapsack Problem,

Year: 2024, International journal of advanced computer science & applications 15 9, Arlovic, Matej; Rudec, Tomislav; Miletic, Josip; Balen, Josip, DOI: 10.14569/ijacsa.2024.0150998

The Importance of Mathematical Knowledge in a Workshop with Advanced Programmers,

Year: 2024, Effective Teaching and Learning of Mathematics through Bridging Theory and Practice , Rudec, Tomislav; Šteko, Anja, DOI:

Assessing the impact of COVID-19 on the delivery and reception of ESP education for engineering students in Croatia,

Year: 2024, Scripta manent (Ljubljana) 18 2, Ferčec, Ivanka; Liermann-Zeljak Yvonne, DOI: 10.4312/sm.18.2

Tuneable optical diffractive structures from liquid crystalline materials incorporated into periodic polymeric scaffolds,

Year: 2023, Liquid crystals 49 , Bošnjaković, D. ; Zhang, X. ; Drevenšek-Olenik, I., DOI: 10.1080/02678292.2022.2161020

Napredne metode edukacije i primjena matematičkog znanja u nastavi s naprednim programerima,

Year: 2023, The 9th International Scientific Colloquium Mathematics and Children, founded by Margita Pavleković , Šteko, Anja; Rudec, Tomislav, DOI:

Strani jezik za posebne namjene,

Year: 2023, Učenje i poučavanje stranih jezika , Kuna, Dubravka; Ferčec, Ivanka, DOI:

30+30 Diskretna matematika,

Year: 2023, , Rudec, Tomislav; Šteko, Anja, DOI:

Application of ISO – IEC 80000-6:2008 in the description of technical systems,

Year: 2022, Annals of the Faculty engineering Hunedoara 20 2, Pejakušić, Domagoj ; Liermann-Zeljak, Yvonne ; Glavaš, Hrvoje, DOI:

Experiences of undergraduate engineering students in laboratory exercises of core courses during COVID-19 pandemic,

Year: 2022, Book of Abstracts GIREP 2022, Ljubljana, Slovenia , Štibi, Ivana ; Mioković, Željka ; Kuveždić, Danijela, DOI:

Bealova jednadžba i veliki brojevi-potraga u programskom jeziku C++,

Year: 2021, Acta mathematica Spalatensia. Series didactica 4 , Čatić, Josip ; Koprivnjak, Josip ; Turkalj, Krešimir ; Vazler, Ivan ; Rudec, Tomislav ; Miler, Luka ; Marić, Neven ; Majdandžić, David ; Krušlin, Borna ; Kodžoman, Leon ; Haramustek, Zvonimir ; Gal, Leon ; Duričković, Filip ; Damjanović, Davor, DOI: 10.32817/amssd.4.4.8

Application of ISO 80000-2:2009 in the Description of Technical Systems,

Year: 2021, Proceedings of 30th International Conference on Organization and Technology of Maintenance (OTO 2021) , Cvenić, Damjan ; Ferčec, Ivanka ; Glavaš Hrvoje, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-92851-3_9

Application of ISO – IEC 80000-6:2008 in the description of technical systems,

Year: 2021, XI International Conference Industrial Engineering And Environmental Protection (IIZS 2021), Proceedings , Pejakušić, Domagoj ; Liermann-Zeljak, Yvonne ; Glavaš, Hrvoje, DOI:

Strategic planning and organization of older adult education,

Year: 2021, Strategic approach to aging population , Crnjac Milić, Dominika ; Ferčec, Ivanka ; Liermann- Zeljak, Yvonne, DOI:

Games and Engaging Activities in the ESP/EAP Classroom,

Year: 2020, Options, Practices and Possibilities of EAP and ESP Practitioners , Ferčec, Ivanka ; Liermann-Zeljak, Yvonne ; Božić Lenard, Dragana, DOI:

Stavovi učenika i studenata osječke regije prema rješavanju fizikalnih problema,

Year: 2020, Sveučilište Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Osijeku, Odjel za fiziku , Baotić, Josip, DOI:

Magnetically tunable optical diffraction gratings based on a ferromagnetic liquid crystal.,

Year: 2019, , Rupp, R. A. ; Fleisch, M. ; Gao, S. ; Bošnjaković, Dejan ; Cmok, L. ; Medle-Rupnik, P. ; Mertelj, A. ; Lisjak, D. ; Zhang, X. ; Drevenšek-Olenik, I., DOI:
Keywords: "Liquid crystals ; micropatterned alignment ; magnetically tunable optical diffractive structures"

Program društveno korisnog učenja na Fakultetu elektrotehnike, računarstva i informacijskih tehnologija Osijek,

Year: 2019, Društveno korisno učenje u STEM području , Mioković, Željka; Barukčić, Marinko; Nenadić, Krešimir; Aleksi, Ivan, DOI:

Peculiar Behaviour of Holographic Gratings in Light-Sensitive Liquid-Crystalline Elastomers,

Year: 2018, Annual Summer School "Non-equilibrium Phenomena in Soft Matter Science" , D Bošnjaković, M Čopič, V Domenici, A Sánchez-Ferrer, I Drevenšek-Olenik, DOI:
Keywords: "liquid crystalline elastomers ; refractive index ; diffraction gratings"

Peculiar behaviour of holographic gratings in light-sensitive liquid-crystalline elastomers,

Year: 2018, Book of abstracts and conference program / 45th German Liquid Crystal Conference, 21.-23. 03. 2018, University of Luxembourg , Bošnjaković, Dejan Čopič, Martin Domenici, Valentina Sánchez-Ferrer, Antoni Drevenšek Olenik, Irena, DOI:
Keywords: "holographic gratings / liquid crystals / liquid crystalline elastomers"

Eksperimentalna provjera Coulombovog zakona,

Year: 2017, Matematičko-fizički list LXVIII 3, Bošnjaković, Dejan ; Mioković, Željka ; Dugandžić, Marko, DOI:

Stavovi učenika i studenata osječke regije prema rješavanju fizikalnih problema,

Year: 2017, Suvremeni kurikul i nastava fizike , Baotić, Josip ; Mioković, Željka ; Švelec, Snježana ; Radolić, Vanja, DOI:

Uloga praktičnog rada u nastavi fizike,

Year: 2013, , Jarabek, Mirjana, DOI:
Keywords: "praktiu010dni rad ; nastava fizike ; eksperiment ; razlika meu0111u spolovima"

Procjena razine uvjerenosti studenata u neke fizikalne koncepte primjenom FCI testa,

Year: 2013, , Jarabek, Željka, DOI:
Keywords: "FCI test ; mehanika ; razina uvjerenosti ; pretkoncepcije"

Procjena razine uvjerenosti studenata u neke fizikalne koncepte primjenom CSEM testa,

Year: 2013, , Baković, Andrea, DOI:
Keywords: "CSEM test ; elektricitet i magnetizam ; pretkoncepcije ; razina uvjerenosti"

Procjena uvjerenosti studenata tehničkih fakulteta Sveučilišta u Osijeku u neke temeljne fizikalne koncepte,

Year: 2013, 8. znanstveni sastanak Hrvatskog fizikalnog društva , Radolić, Vanja ; Mioković, Željka ; Baković, Andrea ; Jarabek, Željka, DOI:
Keywords: "FCI test ; CSEM test ; Likertova skala ; tehniu010dki fakulteti ; Sveuu010diliu0161te u Osijeku"

Fizika 1, priručnik za laboratorijske vježbe,

Year: 2013, , Mioković, Željka, DOI:
Keywords: "eksperimenti ; laboratorijske vjeu017ebe ; mehanika ; toplina ; mehaniu010dki titrajni sustavi ; analiza podatka"

Identifikacija najčešćih pretkoncepcija iz titranja i valova pomoću modificiranog WCI testa kod studenata elektrotehnike i računarstva na osječkom sveučilištu,

Year: 2012, , Varvodić, Sanda, DOI:
Keywords: "Konceptualno i proceduralno znanje ; Pretkoncepcije ; Titranje ; Valovi ; WCI test"

Provjera konceptualnog razumijevanja elektromagnetizma CSEM testom kod studenata tehničkih fakulteta na Sveučilištu u Osijeku,

Year: 2012, , Ganzberger, Sanja, DOI:
Keywords: "CSEM test ; elektricitet i magnetizam ; pretkoncepcije"

Konceptualno razumijevanje elektriciteta i magnetizma kod studenata tehničkih fakulteta Sveučilišta u Osijeku,

Year: 2011, Knjiga sažetaka 7. znanstvenog sastanka Hrvatskog fizikalnog društva , Mioković, Željka ; Ganzberger, Sanja ; Radolić, Vanja, DOI:
Keywords: "CSEM test ; Pretkoncepcije ; Elektricitet i magnetizam"

Spektar zračenja metal-halogenog izboja,

Year: 2009, , Kraml, Tihana, DOI:
Keywords: "spektar ; metal-halogeni izboj ; plazma"

Eksperimentalno određivanje gustoće čestica u visoktlačnim alkalijskim i metal-halogenim izbojima,

Year: 2009, Knjiga sažetaka 6. znanstvenog sastanka Hrvatskog fizikalnog društva , Mioković, Željka ; Veža, Damir, DOI:
Keywords: "alkalijski i metal-halogeni izboj ; Dy-Tm-Hg ; Na-Sc-Hg ; koncentrcija u010destica"

Hrvatsko-engleski i englesko hrvatski web rječnik elektrotehnike i računalstva,

Year: 2008, , Horvat, Damir, DOI:
Keywords: "baza podataka; kolokacija; rjeu010dnik; struu010dni jezik; web aplikacija"

Istraživanje izboja u mješavinama para alkalija i rijetkih zemalja,

Year: 2007, , Željka Mioković, DOI:
Keywords: "spektroskopija plazme ; metal-halogeni izboj ; parametri plazme ; natrij ; u017eiva ; skandij ; disprozij ; tulij"

Izrada interaktivne animacije u Javi za simulaciju pojave ogiba svjetlosti na pukotinama,

Year: 2007, , Šarčević, Ivan, DOI:
Keywords: "ogib svjetlosti ; interaktivna animacija ; Java - programski jezik ; simulacija ; eksperiment"

Spektroskopska dijagnostika metal-halogenih izboja u mješavinama para alkalija i rijetkih zemalja,

Year: 2007, Knjiga sažetaka 5.znanstvenog sastanka Hrvatskog fizikalnog društva , Mioković, Željka ; Veža, Damir, DOI:
Keywords: "spektroskopija plazme, metal halogeni izboj, mjeu0161avina para alkalija i rijetkih zemalja ; pomak i u0161irenja atomskih spektralnih linija"

Pomak i širenje natrijevih spektralnih linija zračenih visokotlačnim izbojem,

Year: 2003, Knjiga sažetaka 4. znanstvenog sastanka Hrvatskog fizikalnog društva , Mioković, Željka, Veža, Damir, DOI:
Keywords: "pomak ; u0161irenje ; spektralne linije natrija ; vioktlau010dni izboj ; Starkov pomak ; Bartelsova metoda"

Emisijski profili natrijevih linija nS-3P i nD-3P prijelaza zračenih viskotlačnim izbojem,

Year: 2001, Knjiga sažetaka 3. znanstvenog sastanka Hrvatskog fizikalnog društva , Mioković, Željka ; Balković, Darko ; Veža, Damir, DOI:
Keywords: "emisijski spektar natrija ; visokotlau010dni izboj ; Bartelsova metoda ; Vidal ov postupak ; elektronska temperatura ; elektronska koncentracija"

A Course in Scientific English: Mathematics, Computer Science, Physics,

Year: 2001, , Ferčec, Ivanka, DOI:
Keywords: "mathematics; computer science; physics"

Osnove teorije relativnosti i uvod u kvantnu mehaniku (zbirka zadataka),

Year: 1997, , Mioković, Željka ; Smailagić, Anais, DOI:
Keywords: "rijeu0161eni zadaci ; Lorentzove transformacije ; relativistiu010dka kinematika ; valna mehanika ; Heisenbergove relacije neodreu0111enosti ; Compton raspru0161enje ; Bohrov model atoma ; Schroedingerova valna jednadu017eba ; harmoniu010dku oscilator, H-atom ; kvantna statistika"

Branching ratios measurements and absolute transition probabilities of HgI spectral lines,

Year: 1996, Proceedings of the 28th EGAS Conference:European Physical Society , Mioković, Željka ; Skenderović, Hrvoje ; Vujnović, Vladis, DOI:
Keywords: "branching ratios ; measurements ; absolute transition probalilities ; HgI"

Omjeri grananja i vjerojatnosti prijelaza spektralnih linija neutralnog atoma žive,

Year: 1995, , Mioković, Željka, DOI:
Keywords: "omjeri grananja ; vjerojatnosti prijelaza ; radijativna vremena u017eivota ; atom u017eive ; vidljivi spektri ; niskotlau010dni izboj"


Tomislav Rudec
Assistant Professor

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