Research activities are focused on the development of energy-efficient integrated circuits for measuring and processing biological signals and integrated circuits for wireless transmission in sensor nodes of wireless sensor networks on the human body (Body Area Notworks - BAN). When designing a wireless sensor node, the size of the sensor node and power consumption are of particular importance as a critical parameter. For this reason, it is of crucial importance to minimize the circuit area and power consumption, which imposes the need for the design of application-specific integrated circuits (ASIC) with the aim of meeting specific user requirements. Also, research related to the development of new energy-efficient modulation procedures and methods of multi-user access will be carried out. The possibilities of improving the properties of communication systems based on orthogonal frequency multiplex, communication systems with spread spectrum and systems based on spatial modulation is analyzed. Special emphasis is placed on their application in systems for measuring biological signals, where energy efficiency and reduced circuit complexity are the most important requirements.
Published papers:
Šneler, Leon; Matić, Tomislav; Herceg, Marijan
A Tunable CMOS IR-UWB Pulse Generator Based on Feedback Controlled Oscillator Switching. // IEEE transactions on circuits and systems. II, Express briefs, 68 (2021), 6; 1902-1906 doi:10.1109/TCSII.2020.3045212
Herceg, Marijan; Filipović, Luka; Matić, Tomislav; Kaddoum, Georges
Inductance Index Modulation for Human Body Communication Systems. // IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, 8 (2019), 3; 937-940 doi:10.1109/LWC.2019.2900611
Matic, Tomislav; Sneler, Leon; Herceg, Marijan
An Energy Efficient Multi-User Asynchronous Wireless Transmitter for Biomedical Signal Acquisition. // IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems, 13 (2019), 4; 619-630 doi:10.1109/tbcas.2019.2917690
Filipović, Luka; Herceg, Marijan; Matić, Tomislav
Influence of Human Body Motion on DCSK Performance over HBC channel. // Proceedings of International Conference on Smart Systems and Technologies 2018 (SST 2018) / Žagar, Drago ; Martinović, Goran ; Rimac Drlje, Snježana ; Galić, Irena (ur.).
Osijek, Hrvatska, 2018. str. 159-162 doi:10.1109/SST.2018.8564572
Sneler, Leon; Matic, Tomislav; Galic, Irena
The FPGA System for Evaluation of UWB Wireless Sensor Network Based on Transmitted Reference Integral Pulse Frequency Modulator. // 2018 Zooming Innovation in Consumer Technologies Conference (ZINC),Novi Sad: IEEE, 2018. str. 55-57 doi:10.1109/zinc.2018.8448620
Šneler, Leon; Herceg, Marijan; Matić, Tomislav
Ultra-Wideband pulse generator for time-encoding wireless transmission. // Proceedings of 2017 40th International Convention on Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics (MIPRO) / Biljanović, Petar (ur.), Opatija, Hrvatska: IEEE, 2017. str. 109-112 doi:10.23919/MIPRO.2017.7973400
Matić, Tomislav; Herceg, Marijan; Job, Josip; Šneler, Leon
Ultra-wideband transmitter based on integral pulse frequency modulator. // Proceedings of 2016 39th International Convention on Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics (MIPRO) / Biljanović, Petar (ur.), Opatija: IEEE, 2016. str. 80-83 doi:10.1109/mipro.2016.7522115
Matić, Tomislav; Herceg, Marijan; Job, Josip; Šneler, Leon
The receiver circuit for ultra-wideband integral pulse frequency modulated wireless sensor. // Modern Circuits and Systems Technologies (MOCAST), 2016 5th International Conference on / Nikolaidis, Spiros (ur.), Thessaloniki: IEEE, 2016. str. 1-4 doi:10.1109/MOCAST.2016.7495136